Daily Devotionals

Patience And Preparation On The Mission Path

Striking a balance between what is easy and what is right is crucial, especially when time is a factor. However, never forget that your mission extends beyond time, space, and resource constraints. Unless you break free from these mental constraints, you may not be able to effectively carry out your mission. You could fail. Prioritize what is right over what is easy, recognizing that your mission is guided by a higher purpose that requires your unwavering commitment, regardless of time or resource constraints. Embrace the challenge, knowing that your dedication to the will of God and righteousness will eventually lead to success.

When your mission becomes clear in your mind, you may feel compelled to take instant action. When you act hastily, you are more likely to make mistakes. You have to stop telling yourself that you need to finish your mission in a few weeks. There is no reason to rush, and there are no shortcuts in real life. Just because you saw some grand visions of heaven doesn’t mean you can ignore the need to learn, grow, and develop the necessary skills. Even Jesus, though understanding His purpose from a young age, waited until the age of 30 to begin His mission, demonstrating the value of patience and preparation.

In conclusion, recognize that your mission requires proper preparation, which may include enrolling in a four-year course or apprenticing with someone for an additional ten years. Don’t rush the process; give yourself the time needed to develop the skills and knowledge required to fulfill your purpose. Just as Jesus patiently waited for the right time to begin His mission, trust in the journey of growth and preparation. So, embrace the journey, invest in your growth, and trust in God’s timing. Your mission will unfold smoothly when you allow yourself the time to do things properly.

Your Journey Of Authenticity And Growth

Setting high standards in life is commendable, but staying true to yourself is crucial. Avoid chasing someone else’s dreams. We all possess unique gifts from God, so don’t be intimidated by others’ accomplishments. Focus on your personal growth journey and stay in your lane. Don’t feel pressured to match others’ achievements. Embrace your individuality and continue to develop your talents and abilities at your own pace. Remember, authenticity is key to fulfillment, and comparing yourself to others only hinders your progress. Stay committed to your path and strive for growth in your own way.

Avoid the trap of comparing your spiritual journey to others’. Instead, immerse yourself in the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the path ahead. As Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) reminds us, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Recognize that God has uniquely crafted you for a specific purpose, and your journey is about discovering and fulfilling that purpose in His perfect timing. Trust in His plan for your life and embrace the journey He has set before you.

There are no set standards that you must strictly adhere to on this side of eternity. This does not imply that you should embrace sin and mediocrity. It means you should approach your journey with the goal of improving yourself in comparison to where you started. This kingdom places a strong emphasis on growth. You have the potential to become a spiritual giant as your creativity and spiritual gifts are fully realized. But take things one day at a time. You are fine as long as you understand that you should be improving in every way on a daily basis.

Turns Out There Is More To Life Than Coitus

According to the CSS Teens & Screens 2023 report from UCLA, young Americans are more interested in seeing stories of platonic relationships than those featuring coitus and romance. This call for less emphasis on coitus and romance on screen echoes a deeper longing for meaningful connections and genuine relationships. Young people today, particularly Generation Z, are expressing a desire for stories that prioritize platonic bonds and showcase diverse forms of companionship. This shift reflects a growing recognition of the value of building fully formed, proper relationships beyond romantic entanglements. As we observe this societal trend, it prompts us to reflect on the quality of our own relationships.

In the midst of a media landscape often dominated by sensationalized portrayals of romance and sexuality, the longing for narratives centered on platonic relationships signifies a yearning for authenticity and depth in human connections. It is a reality check, a return to sanity. The abundance of shallow depictions of romance in mainstream media has led many to question the true essence of love and companionship. It may have been entertaining and provided viewers with an escape from reality, but that era appears to be coming to an end. In real life, you must focus on ways in which you can cultivate connections that enrich your lives and those around you.

An actor in a two-hour film never has to deal with the consequences of their actions. However, in the real world, your decisions and actions tend to stick with you indefinitely. Therefore, you should stop approaching friendships and relationships with a “two-hour” mindset. It is essential to recognize the importance of nurturing meaningful friendships and fostering bonds built on mutual respect, understanding, and support. True fulfillment is found not in fleeting romances but in the enduring warmth of genuine companionship. Remember, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity” Proverbs‬ 17:17‬ (‭ESV‬‬). You need more deep, meaningful relationships in your real life.

Are You Part Of The Corruption Problem?

What do we say about a man who wants to build a house but steals the blocks every night and sells them cheaply? He will eventually run out of blocks, especially since he sells them faster than he makes new ones. This is the exact situation in several African countries facing economic hardship. The analogy of stealing blocks from one’s own house accurately captures the self-destructive nature of the corruption taking place in those places. Many bad leaders do this on purpose. However, many people do this unknowingly. Are you certain you aren’t part of the problem?

Identifying corrupt leadership isn’t as simple as pointing fingers. Often, those guilty of corruption don’t recognize their own faults. Nobody openly admits to being a bad, corrupt leader. While it’s common to lament the impact of corruption on a country like Nigeria, identifying and holding corrupt leaders accountable is challenging. Many may unknowingly exhibit corrupt and ineffective leadership traits. Many may unknowingly perpetuate corruption in their roles as parents, business owners, directors, public servants or pastors. Are you sure that you’re not a part of the problem? Are you benefiting from the loot of the national commonwealth in any way?

There will always be a way to justify unethical behaviour in the private or public sector. Without self-examination into our roles as parents, business owners, directors, public servants, employees, and pastors, we risk unintentionally continuing corruption. You must reflect on how you’re meeting the standards set by the Bible. Without personal reflection on God’s word, corruption goes unchecked, undermining progress and development. To combat corruption, you must scrutinize your actions and decisions, ensuring integrity and accountability in your leadership roles. Only then can we begin to address the systemic corruption plaguing our communities and work towards a brighter future.

Desiring More Than ‘More Cows’

A purpose-driven individual focuses on leading a meaningful career, business, or ministry. They recognize that building leadership capacity isn’t solely about financial gain but about expanding the mission’s reach. A company with ₦20 million in annual revenue can’t match the influence and impact of another company doing ₦500 million. Yet, the goal isn’t just financial success—it’s about influencing and shaping the world. Your mission drives you to aspire to career heights or grow your business because it’s not about personal wealth but about making a difference in the lives of others and achieving your purpose.

The likes of Strive Masiyiwa and Mark Zuckerberg exemplify a mission-driven approach to business. Their goal isn’t accumulating personal wealth but expanding their company’s reach to fulfill their vision for a better future. It is not about more houses or “more cows.” They view their businesses as vehicles to deliver impactful solutions to a wider audience. As a disciple of Jesus, your mission is to be a salt and light of your community. Your business becomes a means to achieve this mission, making its growth essential for reaching more people and making a greater positive impact.

The wisdom from 1 Timothy 6:6-8 reminds us that true wealth lies in godliness coupled with contentment. Seeking fulfillment through material possessions only leads to spiritual emptiness. The pursuit of worldly goods can never satisfy the deep longing of the soul. Instead, the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—brings true fulfillment. Material wealth should serve as a tool to advance your mission, rather than the measure of your worth. As you align your ambitions with your God-given purpose, you’ll find the contentment and fulfillment that material possessions can never provide. You don’t need “more cows.”

Driven By Service Or Desire For More Cows?

In the 2016 movie “Arrival,” the linguist reveals that in Sanskrit, the word for “war” translates to “a desire for more cows.” It’s a simple yet profound concept. Wanting more cows symbolizes our desires for wealth, power, and connections. While these desires aren’t inherently bad, problems arise when greed becomes the driving force. As 1 Timothy 6:10 warns, “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils.” Some will go to extreme lengths for more money, blinded by greed and lust. It’s a reminder to reflect and consider what really motivates your business and financial goals.

A genuine follower of Jesus prioritizes spiritual values over material possessions. Business pursuits shouldn’t prioritize making money above all else. Some people with a reprobate mind equate financial success with godliness, contrary to 1 Timothy 6:5. When making money becomes the sole focus, devoid of spiritual goals, one strays from true Christian principles. It’s a dangerous path to prioritize monetary gain over spiritual growth and integrity. True disciples understand that making money without spiritual fulfillment is ultimately empty and fleeting. Let us not lose sight of the immaterial in pursuit of temporary riches.

Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your pursuit of money does not corrupt your soul. Jesus questioned the value of gaining the world at the expense of losing one’s soul. You are watching the world, you’re a watchman, you should prioritize service over riches. Your primary mission is to utilize all resources, including your money, to drive your God-given mission forward. Always remember your role as a steward entrusted with God’s blessings. Focus on serving others rather than succumbing to the insatiable desire for more cows (material gain). Let your legacy be one of love, selflessness and responsibility, not the pursuit of fleeting wealth.

Rebuilding The Nation By Righteousness, Mercy And Justice

In a nation gripped by senseless corruption and escalating cases of kidnapping and banditry, the call to righteousness, mercy, and justice becomes paramount. Recent incidents, such as the abduction of passengers from Abuja-bound buses in Kogi State, Nigeria, reveal the profound weakness in the fabric of our society. Beyond prayers, it’s a clarion call for a return to values that uphold the sanctity of life and ensure the safety of all. The rising insecurity demands not just the attention of security forces but a collective commitment to rebuilding a society rooted in righteousness, mercy, and justice.

In recent weeks, the grim reality of our nation’s challenges came to the forefront as schoolchildren and teachers were abducted, and monarchs were brutally murdered in Ekiti State, Nigeria. These incidents lay bare the consequences of a society drifting from righteousness and justice. When wrongs go unpunished, when perpetrators escape accountability, it breeds a culture of lawlessness. Those who should be guardians of the law become emboldened to commit heinous acts, knowing they might evade consequences. The absence of righteousness and justice becomes not just a moral vacuum but a breeding ground for the rise of lawlessness and disregard for human life.

Isaiah 59:14-15 paints a vivid picture of a society where justice is turned back, righteousness stands far away, and truth stumbles in the public squares. The absence of justice displeased the Lord. As someone entrusted by God to watch over your world, it’s crucial to move beyond prayers. Dive into the study of righteousness, mercy, and justice. Gain understanding to the point of being able to teach others. Only by actively seeking and enforcing these principles can we hope to bring about positive change in our world. All hope is not lost.

Let Your Mission Reflect The Beauty Of Heaven

As you pursue your mission, make sure your core values include truth, goodness, and beauty. These values ensure a profound and positive impact. When your endeavors align with the principles of beauty—wholeness, harmony, and radiance—they transcend mere productivity. Beauty adds depth and purpose to your mission, making it resonate with the universal sense of goodness. Just as a well-crafted piece of art, your mission becomes a testament to the divine beauty that radiates through all things. Focusing on beauty in your pursuits elevates them beyond the ordinary, inviting a transformative influence that not only achieves goals but leaves a lasting imprint on the world.

Your business, ministry, or nonprofit can exhibit beauty. Even man-made devices and technology can exhibit beauty. Consider a well-designed and aesthetically pleasing smartphone. The wholeness is apparent in its seamless integration of hardware and software components, creating a cohesive and functional device. Harmony is achieved through the balanced arrangement of features, ensuring that each part contributes to the overall usability and elegance. Radiance is seen in the vibrant display, sleek design, and the user-friendly interface that illuminates the technological landscape. Just as in nature, human creativity can manifest beauty through thoughtful design and integration in modern inventions.

Every day, as you embark on your mission, contemplate how your work mirrors the beauty of heaven. Your business endeavors should embody wholeness, harmony, and radiance, radiating the divine image of God. Each assignment, every task in your career, should beckon the hearts of people toward something extraordinary. Let your mission be a wellspring of beautiful works in your world. In order to succeed in your mission, you must commit to higher values. A commitment to seeking and creating beauty that goes beyond the ordinary. This path will assist you in fulfilling your mission, bringing glory to God and providing immense value to humanity.

A Divine Calling To Craft Beauty

Operating with creativity and your spiritual gifts transforms you into a source of light, radiating truth, goodness, and beauty—just like your heavenly Father. Emulating Him, we strive to bring beauty into the world. While some claim beauty is subjective, it’s not superficial; it’s not merely in the eye of the beholder. Your mission is to craft something of objective value, guided by the Spirit within. It’s about creating things that resonate with the universal sense of beauty and goodness, bringing a piece of Heaven to Earth through your creativity and spiritual gift.

Your task is to create something beautiful, but how do we define beauty? According to Thomas Aquinas, beauty comprises three elements: wholeness, harmony of individual parts, and radiance. Wholeness involves completeness, where all components come together seamlessly. Harmony speaks to the balance and unity among these parts, creating a pleasing composition. Radiance, the third element, speaks to the meaning of the work. It adds a divine quality—beauty that shines forth. As you exercise your creativity and spiritual gifts, strive for this triad of beauty. Craft creations that possess a sense of completeness, harmony, and radiance, reflecting the divine beauty within and around you.

Consider the beauty encapsulated in a newborn baby. In their tiny form, we witness the perfection of wholeness, every part contributing to the completeness of their being. The harmony of their features, from delicate fingers to button-like noses, creates an exquisite composition. Moreover, the radiant glow of innocence and potential emanates from them, a testament to the divine beauty inherent in every new life. Such beauty invites us to emulate it in our creative expressions. Just as a newborn embodies wholeness, harmony, and radiance, let your creations mirror this divine beauty, inspiring awe and reflecting the Creator’s artistry.

Reflecting God’s Love In Your Friendships And Relationships

The law of giving and receiving also applies to love. The measure of love we show others reflects the love we receive. It’s a simple but profound spiritual principle. With this in mind, our relationships should reflect the divine, selfless love of God. As we navigate life’s twists and turns, the essence of our connections should reflect this spiritual love. The depth of our bonds is determined not only by how much we receive, but also by how much we contribute. It is criminal to expect the best from others while giving them the worst of yourself.

Loving others as Christ does is more than just a suggestion; it is a core commandment for Christians. It is not an optional extra, but rather a fundamental aspect of our identity. Every connection in your life, every friendship, is intended to radiate this deep love. This directive goes beyond situations and circumstances, urging us to love unconditionally, even when faced with difficulties. Our confidence is based on the enduring power of love, which triumphs over all. Hope and faith fade with time, but love remains. Your journey is defined by an unwavering commitment to love in the spirit of Christ.

Love isn’t a mere display of subjective emotions; it’s not an unruly surge of affections. God’s love, the epitome of love, is neither wayward nor reckless. It’s a practice, a deliberate commitment with observable outcomes. You can’t claim love while doing whatever you please. The blueprint for this profound love is outlined in 1 Corinthians 13. It’s a guidebook, detailing the facets of love that endure. So, embark on this journey of intentional, godly love, where actions align with the principles of 1 Corinthians 13. Godspeed on this transformative path of love, reflecting the very essence of God’s divine affection.

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