You should pray more than you think. A mission-driven person must understand the importance of prayer as the mission’s engine room. Prayer is central to the mission in ways that non-spiritual people will never understand. When you are unable to make meaningful progress with your work, it is typically due to a lack of clarity. Momentum cannot exist in the absence of clarity. While many people believe they lack the resources to move forward, the truth is that without the clarity that comes from prayer, you cannot see the resources around you. Dynamic prayer discipline provides clarity and momentum.
Consider the mission of our Lord Jesus. Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil because God was with Him (Acts 10:38). This clarity and momentum were a result of Jesus’ dynamic prayer discipline. Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to pray, seeking communion with the Father and receiving guidance for His mission. This practice not only sustained Him but also empowered Him to fulfill His purpose with unwavering focus and effectiveness. By following Jesus’ example, we too can gain the clarity and strength needed to advance our missions with purpose and power.
Many people’s missions have become stagnant because they are not praying enough. In Acts 6, the Apostles reaffirmed the importance of prayer, emphasizing that nothing was more critical than dedicating time to it. They knew that prayer was the foundation of their work and the key to maintaining momentum. A mission-driven person should invest at least 10 hours every week in prayer. This commitment ensures that you remain connected to God’s guidance and power, enabling you to overcome obstacles and advance your mission. Remember, the success of your mission is directly tied to the depth of your prayer life.