You Can Influence And Steer Your World
The perception that the world is destined to be evil and dominated by evil forces is not consistent with scriptures. It is also not consistent with observation. Infact, if the world belonged to the devils and Satan is indeed the god of this world, then they are doing a bad job. The greatest influence that changed the course of the world were of Christian origin. The scientific revolution, the industrial age, and today’s technology driven world has Christian fingerprints all over. A major feature of today’s world is the university system. The university system was created by Christians. We must continue to watch the world and influence it for God. We are the ones that can steer the world towards a better future.
Jesus said he had overcome the world (John 16:33). He taught that God loves the world a great deal and wants the world saved, delivered and healed (John 3:16 – 17). There is overwhelming evidence that followers of Jesus have indeed overcome the world. Christians have wielded great influence over the world. John Knox prayed, and the results caused Queen Mary to say that she feared the prayers of John Knox more than she feared all the armies of Scotland. Reducing the power of God to the confines of evangelism and church planting is not a crime. However, it is a missed opportunity.
“Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4 ESV). The power we wield is stronger than whatever is out there. That is why we can exercise authority and dominate any sphere of the human experience that we choose. Your experience in the world is the outcome of the interplay of all the forces present within the system. Our mission here is to “watch the world” and steer it towards a better future. You have to start by loving the world like God does. Loving the world enables you to see the world with all its problems. With love in place, you will be able to channel superior wisdom and power to tackle the issues raging in your world.