June 2023

Embracing Humility And Returning The Glory to God

In a world obsessed with individual accomplishments and the pursuit of personal glory, the concept of humility is frequently overlooked. We are inundated with stories of extraordinary human achievements, ranging from groundbreaking inventions to remarkable artistic masterpieces. Yet, in the midst of the celebration of these accomplishments, there is an important aspect that often goes unnoticed: the humble recognition that these achievements are not solely the result of human prowess, but are intertwined with divine guidance and grace. Embracing humility means admitting that our talents and abilities are gifts from God, and that we can only achieve greatness with His help.

Returning the glory to God for outstanding human accomplishments requires a shift in perspective. Instead of attributing all the credit to ourselves, we humbly acknowledge God’s role as the ultimate source of wisdom, inspiration, and enablement. You should draw inspiration from the life of Mother Teresa, whose selfless devotion to serving the poor and marginalized earned her worldwide acclaim. Despite her noble efforts, she humbly stated, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” Her humble obedience allowed God to work through her, impacting countless lives.

If you are serious about your divine assignment to keep an eye on your world and steer it in the direction God desires, you must remain humble. Accepting humility in our accomplishments allows us to keep a grounded perspective, foster gratitude, and avoid the pitfalls of pride and self-centeredness. Humility allows for continuous growth and learning as we remain open to God’s leading and seek His wisdom in all we do. It is a transformative mindset that allows you to have a closer relationship with God and use your achievements to bring glory to His name. Our efforts are for the betterment of mankind and the greater glory of God.

Can A Nation Be Formed In A Single Day?

In our journey of leveraging spiritual gifts in the realms of business, economy, and governance, it is essential to address disagreements that may arise. Some may argue that spiritual gifts should produce immediate results and manifest in tangible outcomes when used in any context. They may believe that God’s power should bring about immediate change and that waiting for long periods of time contradicts the concept of faith. There is also the place of relying solely on divine guidance, which calls into question the need for strategic planning. An in-depth study of the Bible, on the other hand, reveals that the greatest impact required time and strategic planning.

We can see from the Bible that things of God still required time to manifest. Our Lord Jesus was not born overnight, and that does not diminish his divinity. Jesus was not born instantly after the angelic declaration. The apostle Paul had great success in Ephesus, but this was after more than two years of ministry there (Acts 19:1-20). Daily miracles occurred, but the overall outcome took years. David was not crowned king of Israel immediately after Prophet-Priest-Judge Samuel anointed him. He spent years trusting the process and growing into the powerful king we remember.

So, even though God’s power can perform massive miracles instantly, certain things still take time. As a result, while we long for immediate change, we must remember that God’s timing often differs from ours. In Luke 14: 26-32, Jesus taught us to “count the cost” and plan. Can a nation be born in a day? Yes, the answer is yes. However, some underground work would have been required. After a 400-year gestation period in Egypt, Israel was born in a single day. After years of development, your instant breakthrough appears. May we remain open to God’s guidance, sensitive to the leading of His Spirit, and committed to strategic planning that aligns with His purpose.

Leveraging Spiritual Gifts In Business, Economy And Governance

In the realm of spiritual gifts, there exists a beautiful diversity. Each individual is endowed with unique gifts by the same Spirit, and these gifts manifest in various ways (1 Corinthians 12: 1-7). We must recognize that not all workings of the Spirit yield immediate results like salvation, healing, or deliverance. Some aspects of spiritual gifts, especially when applied in the realm of business, economy and governance, require patience and wisdom. Building a successful organization by leveraging your spiritual gifts is a process that demands time and endurance. It is not an overnight achievement.

Just as different gifts serve different purposes, the timing and manifestation of these gifts also vary. While some miraculous interventions occur swiftly, the application of spiritual gifts in the business world necessitates strategic planning, perseverance, and a long-term perspective. In the book of Genesis, Joseph’s journey exemplifies the various ways spiritual gifts can be applied in the economy and governance. During a time of famine, he brought prosperity to Egypt through wise stewardship. Joseph’s story teaches us that expressing our spiritual gifts fully could require time, resilience, and strategic planning.

Therefore, do not be discouraged if the results of your spiritual gifting in the economic sphere do not materialize instantly. These are not dimensions of faith and prophecy that resolve in seconds or hours. Was Father Abraham not acting on faith when he received the understanding that the great things God promised him would not be realized for 400 years? (Genesis 15). You cannot issue an overnight prophetic statement to solve your country’s economic and leadership problems. It will take time for you to mature and grow into an Entrepreneur capable of building multimillion-dollar businesses. It is through consistent effort and the cultivation of wisdom that organizations are built.

A Call To Uphold Righteousness, Mercy And Justice

On June 24, 2023, Sierra Leoneans cast their votes, but the aftermath revealed reports of violence and tension, particularly at the opposition headquarters. This unsettling election scenario sheds light on a pressing issue within the African political landscape—peaceful power transitions are often the exception rather than the norm. It is crucial to recognize that societal values and cultures shape every nation, and it is our responsibility to earnestly influence and reshape them. It is part of operating as the salt and light of your world. Electoral violence and tension reveals a decay in righteous values.

In Romans 12:1-2, we are urged to surrender ourselves to God, resisting conformity to the world and allowing our minds to be transformed. Before adopting the ways of the world, we must carefully weigh them against the teachings of Scripture. As watchmen over our families and communities, we must ensure that righteousness, mercy, and justice form the core values guiding our actions. Embracing the task of shaping your world’s value system is a vital step towards curbing election violence and corruption. You must commit to instill and reinforce righteous values within your spheres of influence.

The normalization of mediocrity, intellectual laziness, bribery, and corruption in Western Africa is disheartening. The vibrant Christian faith is not adequately reflected in society. Now, more than ever, we must grasp the profound significance of Christian faith and values. Christianity imparts principles of righteousness, mercy, and justice, essential for establishing a peaceful and prosperous society. Meaningful change will remain elusive unless we confront and challenge electoral violence, malpractice, and corruption head-on. Remember, you have been placed here by God to make a difference. Act accordingly. It might not look like much initially, but keep going.

Reconcile Your Mission With The Realities Around You

Your mission is rooted in the will of God for your times and seasons. It is a spiritual calling seeking tangible expression in the physical realm. However, it’s vital to not become so immersed in your mission that you neglect to reconcile it with the realities of the world. Success in your mission begins by acknowledging the current state of things and charting a course accordingly. Ignoring the laws of biology, physics, technology, politics, marketing and economics can humble even the most spiritually inclined person. You must align your spiritual convictions with the realities of your world. The world is not an empty vacuum.

The life of the Apostle Paul is one case study that demonstrates the importance of reconciling mission with reality. While he felt a strong spiritual call to spread the gospel, he also recognised the importance of tailoring his message and approach to different cultures and contexts. In Acts 17, Paul addressed the Athenians using their own cultural references and philosophical ideas, demonstrating his understanding of the people he was reaching out to. You must learn about existing culture and best practices as part of your mission. Consider how they differ from the heavenly ideal in your spirit. That is when you can start making good plans.

Draw inspiration from William Wilberforce, a man driven by his deep Christian faith. He was on a mission to abolish slavery. With a heart set on eradicating this profound injustice, Wilberforce understood the power of aligning his spiritual conviction with the realities of the world. He understood the political landscape and the need for strategic alliances and gradual change. He worked within the existing political system, building coalitions and garnering support over many years until slavery was finally abolished in the British Empire. Ground your mission in a realistic understanding of the world.

Have The Audacity To Pursue Your Original Ideas

In a world teeming with diverse perspectives, it becomes evident that consensus does not always equate to truth. The realization that 7,000 West Africans or even all 7 billion people on this planet can be wrong is both humbling and liberating. True creativity flourishes when we dare to express our unique thoughts and ideas, even if they challenge the prevailing notions. It requires a certain level of stubbornness, an unwavering belief in your own insights, and the courage to question the status quo. Embrace the courage to break free from the shackles of popular opinion. Cherish the creative sparks within and have the audacity to pursue your original ideas.

Throughout history, there have been remarkable individuals who stood against popular opinion and paved the way for groundbreaking discoveries. Take the story of physicist Murray Gell-Mann, who faced initial opposition and skepticism. Despite seven experiments seemingly disproving his theory, Gell-Mann persevered and eventually proved all the experiments wrong. His unwavering conviction in his ideas ultimately led to a scientific breakthrough. This example reminds us that greatness often lies in the audacity to trust our instincts and stay true to our convictions. The key idea is to identify the relevant principles with which you are working and to solicit real-world feedback on your ideas.

While seeking advice and counsel from others can be beneficial, true innovation seldom emerges from the consensus of thousands. You must be patient as you nurture and develop your original ideas. It will be difficult to obtain external validation early on; therefore, you must have faith that you are on the right track. Something that 7,000 people agree on will not produce cutting-edge work. No original idea can get 7,000 votes right away. Play it safe by seeking approval from the outside world that what you’re working on is legitimate, or change the game by sticking to the original ideas within your spirit.

Embracing the Gift of Family and Balancing Life’s Demands

There will always be “things you want to do” and “things that society says you have to do.” You must learn to strike a balance between the two. Getting married and raising children are things society says you must do. It is critical to educate young people about the importance of marriage and parenthood from an early age. We must help them understand that they will need the support and companionship of their loved ones in the future. It is very difficult to single handedly succeed in life. You will find yourself needing emotional support and companionship. Embrace the gift of family and recognize the value of investing in family.

It is good for a young man to understand the importance of having a home. As a result, directing his energy towards creating a loving home becomes critical. As you advance in your career, business, or ministry, you realize that you will be doomed if you do not balance life’s family demands. A young woman should recognize that settling in the home front provides a foundation to pursue her ambitions. Marriage and raising children should not be seen as some necessary evil; there is nothing evil about taking responsibility for shaping the future of your world. There is nothing more important than taking responsibility for nurturing another generation.

You have been given a torch, and it is now your turn to pass it on to the next generation. You have benefited from the kindness and sacrifices of others, and now it is your turn to sacrifice and show kindness to someone else. By prioritizing family, we cultivate a sense of purpose and ensure a nurturing environment for the generations to come. Balancing personal aspirations and the blessings of family can lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life. We must rethink marriage and family life. It is not “something do-able, when able”. Without family, your long-term impact and legacy are not secure.

Take A Stand For Your Religion And Faith

Religion has a significant impact on our lives, influencing our thoughts and actions. That is why we must be aware of how our religious beliefs impact our destiny. While some argue that religion is invalid or unnecessary, the human experience does not support such an argument. People need hope in their lives, and it is well understood that certain boundaries and guidelines are required for healthy living. So religion cannot be a problem in and of itself. The issue is religious beliefs that suppress our fruitfulness, productivity, and creativity. It is important to have a religion that empowers and encourages us to unleash our creative potential.

The Western Civilization is the most creative, productive, and prosperous civilisation ever built by men. This civilisation owes a lot to Christianity’s core ideas and values of righteousness, mercy and justice. The principles embedded in Christianity have played a critical role in shaping the success of nations. No other creed or religion has created a better world than the western civilization. You should be wary of seemingly nice people who try to push insignificant and unproductive religious narratives. Anyone attempting to recruit you into their religion or denomination should respond to the following question: What has your religion or denomination created? What have you accomplished?

It is easy to highlight Christianity as a productive religion. All the major ideas driving the world today originated from predominantly Christian nations. That is either a coincidence or the religion had something to do with it. You must understand that fostering growth, innovation, and progress is dependent on people’s religious beliefs. That is why, as a watchman tasked with steering your world towards a better future, you cannot remain passive in the face of the religious beliefs that dominate your world. Take a stand for your faith through prayers and commensurate actions. Do not allow ungodly people or religious terrorists take over your world.

The Beautiful Truth About Expectations Of Breakthrough

Break free from the notion that a breakthrough is merely an enigmatic, unforeseen occurrence that grants you all your desires. Such thinking constrains you within the confines of mediocrity, preventing your growth and advancement. It perpetuates a cycle of wishful thinking and idle prayers, hindering you from stepping into the realm of faith in action. Faith without works is dead; a person of faith is an active person. When you begin to take specific actions as a result of your faith, it is a sign that you are expecting a breakthrough. A business-minded person seeking growth does more than just pray; they take risks and explore new horizons.

Shift your perspective and embrace a new paradigm. Understand that a breakthrough is not just a random stroke of luck, but a product of intentional effort and unwavering belief. A breakthrough is not an unexplainable divine intervention. Spiritual intelligence is the highest form of intelligence. In other words, things of God operate at such a high level of intelligence that they may appear foolish to the naturally minded person. Please keep in mind that intelligence is still involved. Working with faith is working with divine intelligence. It takes a combination of faith and hard work, in which you actively pursue your goals while aligning your actions with your goals.

If you’ve been stuck in your job, business, or ministry for a long time. While hoping and praying for a breakthrough is a good idea, nothing will happen unless there is a commitment to grow and develop new capabilities and competencies. You will be stuck until you develop the capability, competence, and confidence to unlock more growth. Sustainable growth will not come suddenly, due process must be followed. Break free from the constraints of passive thinking and embark on a journey of faith-filled action. Breakthroughs await those who dare to go beyond wishes and prayers, into a realm where dreams come true and destiny unfolds.

You Have to Develop Capabilities for the Results You Want

The human spirit holds remarkable potential. As affirmed in Genesis 11:6, God declared, “nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” This truth empowers us to achieve great things, but it comes with a crucial requirement: personal growth. While the possibilities for growth are boundless, they are not automatically realized. It is important to be deliberate in creating the necessary skills and competence to achieve our goals. Understand that you are already doing your very best right now. If you want better results, you must commit to develop better competence and capabilities.

In an interview with Lex Fridman, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, was asked about Twitter’s struggle to reach a billion subscribers. Zuckerberg acknowledged the immense undertaking of building such companies, emphasizing the need to develop the necessary capabilities and competencies. He reflected on Facebook’s early challenges in reaching 100 million users, uncertain if they would ever achieve that milestone. However, through perseverance and a focus on internationalization, they overcame obstacles and expanded their user base across different countries. This accomplishment instilled confidence and became a core competency. A commitment to increasing their capabilities and competencies, enabled further success in their journey.

You have to develop new capabilities and competencies for the breakthrough you want. To become the person capable of achieving your aspirations, you must consciously align your desires with a commitment to personal development. If your business has plateaued at a point, understand that the next breakthrough will require you to develop some new capability and competence you do not currently have. Facebook developed the capability and competence required to build a platform that attracted a billion users, and then leveraged that skill to repeat that achievement in other things. Your career, business or ministry will not grow until you develop the competence and capabilities of the next level.

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