Daily Devotionals

The Fallacy of “Nothing is Impossible”

The catchphrase “nothing is impossible” is widely used, despite the existence of clearly impossible feats. Throughout history, there have been endeavors that individuals have undertaken and ultimately failed to achieve any concrete outcome. In contemporary times, when people proclaim “nothing is impossible,” they often refer to tasks that are challenging to accomplish. Difficulty should not be confused with impossibility, as there are many things that lie beyond the comprehension of the human mind and truly fall into the realm of impossibility. Saying that nothing is impossible is a debasement of a far more powerful spiritual concept.

The catchphrase “nothing is impossible” is an oversimplification of a spiritual reality. Albert Einstein cautioned against the perils of oversimplification. He thought that everything should be simplified to the maximum extent without sacrificing its essential functionality. In the case of the fraction 20/80, we can simplify it to 2/8 and further reduce it to 1/4, while preserving its meaning. However, it would be incorrect to mistakenly simplify it as 14, as that would distort its intended representation. Likewise, saying that nothing is impossible for a man limited to his thinking faculties is a mistake.

If you want to take advantage of all of your possibilities. If you want to do things that are truly impossible (rather than just difficult), you must understand that God works in your spirit to make the impossible possible. You have to understand that all things are possible to the person who believes in God. Jesus said, “with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”(Matthew 19:26). Anybody operating outside God will find things difficult, and encounter impossibilities. There is a divine intelligence available by the Spirit. We need that intelligence to do things that are truly impossible. There is no other way.

Deciding On Your Timeline For Life And Success

It is crucial to address an important question early in life: when do you want to die? By establishing a timeline for yourself, you gain the advantage of effective planning and a clear understanding of your limits. For instance, if you believe you can live up to 120 years, you will be motivated to invest ample time in education, discipline, and apprenticeship with an experienced master. Even if the process takes up ten years, you are assured that you still have many decades of work and impact ahead of you.

If you continue to operate as though you have to get it right within six months or less, it is difficult to commit to long-term growth programmes. Elisha patiently served under Elijah for many years before becoming a prophet in his own right. In Acts 22:3 Apostle Paul explained that he learned under Gamaliel, a well respected doctor of the law. You must devote as much time as necessary to obtaining all of the necessary education, discipline, and training to achieve the desired results. If history shows that something takes fifty years to complete, it would be naive to believe it can be completed in five years.

The sooner you quietly consider your own mortality, the better. The question “When do you want to die?” is crucial. It demonstrates that you have the time to complete important tasks. You must rid your mind of the religious notion that no one knows what will happen tomorrow. God knows what will happen tomorrow, and we have the mind of Christ. That settles it. Psalm 91:16 (ESV) says, “With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” So, if you won’t be content with a premature death at 70. Build your faith and confidence in God’s ability to satisfy you with a long life.

Unwavering Faith Requires Extraordinary Patience

Your deepest aspirations require more time than you might be thinking. God has the power to exceed even your highest hopes and thoughts. However, it is crucial to recognize that individuals with unwavering faith must also possess extraordinary patience. Hebrews 6:12 says, “so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” It is not enough to have faith in God, you must also have patience to follow through with the divine process. If you do not match your great faith with extraordinary patience, you will seek out destiny shortcuts that will destroy you.

In the real world, things actually take more time than we’re willing to admit. Despite the success of entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, who were both in their early twenties when they founded now-wildly successful companies, research shows that those stories are the exception rather than the norm. According to Harvard Business Review researchers, the average age of entrepreneurs at the time their successful company is founded is 42. The average age of Nobel Prize winners is 61 years old, partly because assessing the profound impact of a person’s achievements often requires a considerable amount of time.

When you entrust your life, times and circumstances to the Lord, there is no need to be afraid. You will be granted ample time to fulfill your purpose and embody your true self. It is common to overestimate what can be accomplished in a short span of one or two years, yet underestimate the remarkable achievements that can be attained through ten years of strategic and patient planning. 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” He that believeth shall not make haste.

David Or Josiah? Understanding The Pathway To Success

Patience is key when it comes to manifesting your destiny. Despite the equality of all human beings in creation, the speed at which things align is influenced by the circumstances and situations we are born into. So, don’t rush the process and remain patient. David, son of Jesse was anointed King over Israel by Prophet-Priest-Judge Samuel. This event happened before David turned twenty. However, David did not actually ascend to the throne until at least a decade later. On the other hand, we have characters like Joash and Josiah that were anointed kings before their tenth birthday, and they ascended to the throne right away.

Although achieving success overnight is not entirely impossible, it is crucial to conduct an honest evaluation of the circumstances. To illustrate this point, consider the contrasting experiences of David and Josiah. David had to wait for more than a decade before ascending the throne, while Josiah accomplished this feat at the young age of eight. By comprehending the disparities between David and Josiah, you may discover the key to unlocking your own destiny. This principle is not just some biblical mumbo-jumbo. If you research widely, you will see the same principles at work in people that achieved some massive success before they clocked thirty.

Behind every successful child is an adult. It is possible to become massively successful at a young age. However, such a person would require quite successful parents or sponsors. If you do not have anyone operating at that level to sponsor you, and you do not have some natural advantages working in your favor. You need to be patient with the process. King David built his kingdom from scratch, but Joash and Josiah were enthroned by the existing kingdom machinery. If you study entrepreneurs that made it early in life, you will always find the existing machinery that helped them. Are you a David or a Josiah?

How To Make Your Economic Impact Dreams A Reality

To make a significant economic impact in your world, your business endeavors must possess the scale and influence necessary to affect others. Many people have a deep desire to become economic titans. Every year, they hope to create anywhere from a dozen to a thousand jobs. They want to contribute to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects in their community. However, in the long run, they are unable to accomplish anything. Their wishes never came to fruition. You need more than noble intentions to achieve your goals. Robert Kiyosaki once wrote, “dreams without education, plans and mentors create delusional people also known as dreamers.”

Everyone produces results that are proportional to their knowledge and capacity. If you had the education and capacity to build a bigger organization, create jobs, and add value to an economy, you would already be doing so. You are already doing your best, but it is not producing the desired results. There is no getting around it; you need more education and mentoring to develop and implement better plans. A diligent watchman recognizes the significance of apprenticeship and mentorship, acknowledging that dedicating years to working under a skilled master can lend strength and substance to their own ideas.

The Bible says, “And if you have not been faithful in that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own?” (Luke 16:12 ESV). This is a clear call to serve and apprentice with those who have gone before you before venturing out on your own. You would benefit a lot by working closely with someone more experienced than you. When you are completely committed and working with someone else to achieve their goals, you are developing the skills necessary to make your vision a reality. Prayerfully determine who you need to learn from. They will prepare you for the great things you intend to do.

Your Impatience Will Make You A Quack

Desiring to be the salt and light of your world is a wonderful thing. Living an impactful life. Allowing God to use you as a vessel for love and grace to permeate the dark world around you. You must, however, commit to the process. You have to make peace with the idea that you are not yet the person that can deliver the results you are dreaming about. You will become a quack if you do not understand this. A quack is someone who attempts to produce results at a level for which they are not prepared.

A quack is someone who pretends to have skill, knowledge, or qualifications that they do not have. As a result, they cannot deliver any meaningful result. They might make some noise here and there, but they soon fizzle out. Do not put yourself under any unholy pressure to produce results. While it is important to have results, the means of obtaining such results also matters. If you want to ascend the hill of the Lord, you must have a pure heart, clean hands, and no falsehood or deceit, according to Psalms 24: 3–5.

“The future does not belong to the person who does it fast; it belongs to the person who does it right,” Olusola Areogun once said. It is more important to get things right than to become popular or famous. Humble yourself before God and allow him to raise you up. Getting educated, trained, and equipped for big things may take a long time. However, all is well because there is always enough time to make an impact after you have been properly trained. A decade of preparation and a long life of impact is preferable to five years of deception and a lifetime of regret.

The Understanding And Commitment To Long Term Growth

Over time, you will mature into the person capable of carrying out your mission. It is important to recognise that your current level of growth and development may not be sufficient for the big things you want to accomplish. So, while you may not be the person you once were, you are still not the person you need to be. This is understandably aggravating. However, you must trust and adhere to the process. Everything must be done step by step. No shortcuts. The quickest way to achieve your goals is to do things properly. You must make a long-term commitment to developing into the person you need to be.

You should learn to observe how people grew and evolved into the type of person capable of accomplishing the great and mighty things they did. All we have at birth is the potential to become something. Now is the time to commit to long-term growth. You need time to develop the spiritual capacity, strength, and stamina required for your mission. You will need time to obtain the necessary education for the things you want to do. And, because no one succeeds alone, you will need time to cultivate important relationships. None of this happens overnight. It could easily consume a decade or more of your life.

Five years ago, you were supposed to enroll in a three-year training programme. You couldn’t justify the time commitment. You turned it down. You chose the less time-consuming option. It’s now been five years, and you know deep down that you made a mistake. You’re right back where you were five years ago. There is still insufficient stamina, skill, or knowledge to complete any significant projects. Do some research on the most influential people in your world’s culture, religion, economy, and governance. You will notice that becoming someone who can make a difference takes many years, if not decades.

Invent According To The Proportion Of Your Faith

In a world where imagination knows no bounds, the idea that creativity and invention are limited to certain countries or races collapses under the weight of its own fallacy. Creativity and invention find fertile ground and sprout with equal potential in every corner of the world. This is due to the spiritual nature of creativity. Creativity, like any other spiritual gift or fruit, is available to all. Creativity is a state that anyone, at any age, can attain. It has nothing to do with the size of your wallet or your geographic location.

“Truly, I understand that God shows no partiality,” Apostle Peter said, “but in every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him” (Acts 10:34-35). God is the source of all knowledge, wisdom and creativity. Anyone that does the right thing can manifest any creative or spiritual gift. Because we are all made in the image of God, we all have some level of creativity. Anyone, regardless of their background, age, gender, race, or skin colour, can come up with world-changing ideas, creativity, scientific breakthroughs, technological inventions, or radical new economic policies.

Your talents and abilities are unique to you; they reflect an equally extraordinary God. Romans 12:6 is paraphrased as follows, “having gifts (faculties, talents, qualities) that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them: to those whose gift is invention, let them invent according to the proportion of their faith.” So, with prayers, meditation, and thanksgiving, you can begin to exercise your God-given creativity. Before you can create that technological idea in your head, it might take decades of education and planning. However, knowing that you have the ability to do it goes a long way.

Deliver Your Own Contribution To The Collective

In Ephesians 4:16, we are reminded that when each part does its share, the body of Christ grows and builds itself up in love. This is important to note. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to work together. We should be there for one another. And use our individual, distinct strengths for collective progress. You must understand that you have a role to play and that you must contribute to the work. God is relying on you. People should be able to rely on you to carry out your responsibilities. Deliver your own contribution to the body of Christ.

If you study John 3:16-17, you will discover that the higher life we have as believers empowers us for more. The Son of God was made manifest in order for the world to be saved, delivered, and made whole through him. That mission is carried on by the body of Christ. It is your responsibility to be the salt and light in your world. It is our collective responsibility to heal our world and make it whole again. You must understand that unless every member of the body of Christ contributes their fair share, things will not improve for us as a whole.

We have a sacred duty to ensure that the body of Christ grows and builds itself up in love. You may have some personal issues that require attention. Or maybe you have some kind of handicap. However, if we all work together, no one will be left behind. We will create a more equitable world that empowers everyone to do their best work that glorifies God. In light of this call to action, we must recognize our responsibility to actively participate in the growth and development of the body of Christ. When we deliver our own quota, our communities and nation will reflect the grace of God.

Every Tale Of Victory Is A Tale Of Fearlessness

Fearlessness is often at the heart of every success story. Nobody becomes a super success without having enough faith to persevere in the face of overwhelming odds. Every success story involves taking a risk and acting on faith. Whatever results you desire in your life, business, or impact project will require a corresponding level of faith. Your results are a reflection of how much faith you currently have. Your fears are holding you back. The accomplishments of well-known individuals and businesses demonstrate fearlessness as a quality. Every accomplishment, every victory is a story about how we overcame our fears.

In Acts 4:1-31, the virtue of fearlessness shines through as the Apostles face opposition and persecution. Despite being arrested and brought before the religious leaders, they fearlessly proclaim the message of Jesus Christ. Recognizing the need for boldness, the Apostles fervently pray to God, asking for the strength to continue speaking His word with courage. Their prayer is answered, and they are filled with the Holy Spirit, enabling them to boldly testify to the resurrection of Jesus. This passage showcases the power of fearlessness and the Apostles’ reliance on God for boldness in their mission to spread the Gospel.

There are many similar stories in the business world. Apple launched the iPod in 2001. At that time, the market was dominated by CD players, and digital music was relatively new. Despite skepticism, Apple took a bold leap by introducing a portable device that revolutionized the music industry. This move demonstrated their fearlessness under the leadership of Steve Jobs. Apple became known for disrupting established norms and shaping the future of technology and entertainment. You will face opposition and persecution if you do anything noteworthy. If you think about it, you will realize that your fears have negatively impacted your mission.

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