Your Impatience Will Make You A Quack

Desiring to be the salt and light of your world is a wonderful thing. Living an impactful life. Allowing God to use you as a vessel for love and grace to permeate the dark world around you. You must, however, commit to the process. You have to make peace with the idea that you are not yet the person that can deliver the results you are dreaming about. You will become a quack if you do not understand this. A quack is someone who attempts to produce results at a level for which they are not prepared.

A quack is someone who pretends to have skill, knowledge, or qualifications that they do not have. As a result, they cannot deliver any meaningful result. They might make some noise here and there, but they soon fizzle out. Do not put yourself under any unholy pressure to produce results. While it is important to have results, the means of obtaining such results also matters. If you want to ascend the hill of the Lord, you must have a pure heart, clean hands, and no falsehood or deceit, according to Psalms 24: 3–5.

“The future does not belong to the person who does it fast; it belongs to the person who does it right,” Olusola Areogun once said. It is more important to get things right than to become popular or famous. Humble yourself before God and allow him to raise you up. Getting educated, trained, and equipped for big things may take a long time. However, all is well because there is always enough time to make an impact after you have been properly trained. A decade of preparation and a long life of impact is preferable to five years of deception and a lifetime of regret.

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