Daily Devotionals

Growing Faster Than The Approaching Poverty

In Nigeria, where double-digit inflation, single-digit interest rates, and various negative macroeconomic trends prevail, it is crucial to reflect upon one’s progress in comparison to the poverty-inducing conditions. You must commit to growth and increase your capacity over time. As an indigenous proverb states, “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a lion or gazelle. When the sun comes up, you’d better be running.”

Staying stagnant in today’s fast-paced world is not an option. You must grow in order to protect what you have gathered. It makes no difference how big your ambition is. If you do not increase your productivity and economic might over time, poverty will find you. The biblical passage from Proverbs 24:33-34 warns about the consequences of laziness and complacency. It emphasizes that if you do not do enough, poverty will creep in like a thief and scarcity will overwhelm you like an armed assailant. You may not have much control over your country’s economic winds, but you can take some responsibility for yourself.

Certain top investment managers and hedge funds adopt ambitious targets, striving for substantial portfolio growth with a minimum annual increase of 20%. This objective showcases their proactive mindset, aiming to maximize returns and generate substantial profits for their clients. Additionally, pursuing double-digit growth helps counter the impact of inflation, safeguarding one’s wealth from diminishing over time. To illustrate, if you consistently settle for 10,000 measures year after year, by the fifth year, the value of that 10,000 measure would depreciate to around 9,000 measures. Therefore, take inspiration from this concept and commit to achieving double-digit growth in your personal productivity, financial endeavors, and economic influence.

No Matter Who or What We Are, We Must Pray

You don’t have to be super smart to understand that achieving success in a big endeavor requires many things to go your way. However, a significant number of those factors will be completely outside of your control. While we humans tend to prefer having complete control over everything we do, the truth is quite different. We have to do our best and trust that other elements, beyond our control and influence, will work in our favor. And this is where prayer comes into the picture. Regardless of who or what we are, we must pray. If you’re serious about achieving success, prayer should be an integral part of your journey.

During a podcast interview with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Artificial Intelligence researcher Lex Fridman, SpaceX founder Elon Musk shared that he got on his knees to pray for SpaceX to have their first successful crewed flight. Elon Musk said “Now, I am not a religious person but I, nonetheless, got on my knees and prayed for this mission.” He added that he was unable to sleep the day prior. Upon mission success, he was relieved that all went well. The Demo-2 mission’s success paved the way for SpaceX to perform more crewed space flights in the years to follow.

Elon Musk’s statement is fascinating because, despite claiming to be non-religious and not inclined towards prayer, he turned to prayer in his hour of need. His public acknowledgement of prayer is an invitation for us to consider how praying can help us when things get tough. Disregarding prayer entirely may be motivated by a sense of pride, believing that we can achieve our goals solely through our own efforts. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Prayer should be one of your top three priorities. Any Christian who is serious about their goals and mission should spend at least 10 hours per week in prayer.

Understanding The Importance Of Prayer For Your Mission

When embarking on a mission, it is important to prioritize prayer as one of your top three tasks. Those who are truly committed to making a meaningful impact through their work are often found to be devout in their prayers. As exemplified by Martin Luther, the renowned church reformer who once said, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer,” prayer holds immense significance. It is in the place of prayer where circumstances undergo their initial transformation. Before taking physical action, it is in the realm of prayer where situations and circumstances are primarily transformed.

Prayers hold utmost importance, as emphasized in the Bible and demonstrated by the life of Jesus. Whether you aspire to transform your personal circumstances or bring about change on a larger scale, the initial step is to engage in prayer. In Luke 18, Jesus shared a parable with his disciples, emphasizing the significance of persistent prayer. The idea that when you pray, you will not lose heart or give up. By settling your desires and intentions within your spirit through prayer, you gain the ability to navigate the physical world with confidence, drawing strength from the spiritual realm.

There are skeptics who view prayer as a waste of time, questioning whether the world’s billionaires, top entrepreneurs, and presidents engage in prayer. However, this perspective fails to acknowledge that prayer is primarily a personal and private practice, rarely discussed in public. It is impossible for us to know whether these individuals are prayerful or the specific spiritual activities they undertake to maintain their success. What we can be certain of is the efficacy of prayer. In the realm of prayer, one can find healing, deliverance, and solace. Above all, prayer aligns one’s will with heaven, providing insights and strength for remarkable achievements and greater works.

Fortify Your Creativity For Greater Works

Creativity is the innate ability of humans to generate novel and valuable ideas. However, there is an important condition to consider. The scope of your creativity is limited by your existing knowledge. As Richard Feynman aptly stated, “What I cannot create, I do not understand.” If you are unable to articulate a comprehensive step-by-step explanation of how something functions, it becomes improbable for you to bring it into existence. Your creative gift is spiritual, and the range of issues and situations to which you can apply it is limited by the knowledge you commit to. Proverbs 24:5 says, “a wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increases strength.”

Imagine a person who has a deep understanding of computer programming. They have acquired knowledge about various programming languages, algorithms, and software development principles. Armed with this knowledge, they possess the strength to tackle complex programming projects and overcome challenges that arise along the way. They can invent and create anything in their spirit because their knowledge base provides them with the necessary tools and insights. On the other hand, someone with limited knowledge in programming would struggle to tackle similar projects and face difficulties in inventing the things in their spirit. Thus, the level of knowledge directly influences one’s ability to create and tackle greater challenges effectively.

Creativity is fueled by knowledge. You can only invent at your current level of knowledge. If you wish to do more, you must commit to further education. Obtaining an education through a structured university program is widely regarded as the optimal approach. Therefore, it is advisable to fuel your creativity by enrolling in a university, which equips you with the technical and advanced knowledge necessary for greater works of creativity. It’s not just enough to let your imagination run wild; you also need to understand the principles, theories, laws, or conditions that are necessary for your ideas to become a reality.

You Cannot Take Responsibility For Other Adults

The notion of taking responsibility for other adults is a common mistake we often make. It is important to recognize that this approach is flawed. Instead, our role should be to identify issues and establish platforms or businesses that address them. By doing so, we can cater to those who actively respond to our initiatives. It is crucial not to jeopardize your mission by attempting to impose your ideas on another individual. In practice, you are infringing on their free will by imposing yourself on them. We must acknowledge that we cannot be responsible for the actions or decisions of other individuals.

When taking on responsibility for an idea or just cause, be clear on what you are doing. Do not misinterpret your work as something you are doing for someone in particular. Consider the example of combating poverty by creating job opportunities. It is unproductive to focus on a particular individual who shows no interest in working but expects free money and food. Rather than persisting in trying to secure a job for such an individual, it is more effective to build a system and invite everyone to apply. By extending our offers to everyone, we serve the collective without fixating on any specific person.

This approach protects our hearts from the disappointments that arise when dealing with irresponsible adults who are not motivated to put in the necessary effort. We should aim to work with anyone that is responding, rather than attempting to force a particular person to respond. In Matthew 7:6, Jesus advised against giving what is sacred to those who would not appreciate it, or presenting valuable things to those who would disregard their worth. This emphasizes the importance of discernment and not wasting our efforts on those who would trample on our offerings and turn against us. Take responsibility for ideas and just causes, but never for specific individuals.

Now, We Ask; What Can You Do For Your Country?

John F. Kennedy once famously said, “ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” This statement challenges the traditional perspective we often hold, which regards our country and its institutions solely as tools to cater to our needs. Instead, Kennedy’s words serve as a powerful reminder that our primary focus should be on how we can contribute and serve. Jesus wants us to be the salt and light of our world. This concept calls upon you to actively seek ways in which you can promote and advance the greater good and the interests of God in your community.

It is a well-known fact that your country faces numerous problems requiring attention and solutions. Often, we find ourselves indulging in a cycle of complaining, blaming the government and the system. Apportioning the blame from the left to the right. And ultimately declaring the situation as unfixable. However, what if we break free from this blame game and instead take personal responsibility for initiating change? Let us shift our attention to making small contributions from our end. You must understand that the transformational process begins with each individual. Human beings with the will to do so steer nations towards a better future.

So, don’t dwell on an unhealthy obsession with everything that is going wrong. Take inspiration from John F. Kennedy’s advice and reflect on what you can do to enhance the well-being of your country. Look to the examples set by others who accepted responsibility and took action. For instance, Samuel demonstrated his sense of responsibility by dedicating himself to prayer for his nation and guiding his people with wisdom (1 Samuel 12:23). Similarly, David stepped up by volunteering to confront and defeat the giant who aimed to bring shame to his country and mock God. These people serve as reminders that taking responsibility can make a significant difference.

What Are You Taking Responsibility For?

The condition of our world is shaped by the actions for which individuals assume responsibility. Without anyone taking responsibility, our world will crumble. In John 9:5, Jesus declared himself as a guiding light for the world as long as he is around. Jesus wants you to be the salt and light of your world. To take responsibility for the functioning of your world. What will you choose to take responsibility for? You cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the socioeconomic state of your world and hope that things will improve, they won’t. Your faith without works is dead.

The prosperity of your country depends on the willingness of people to accept responsibility for it. If there is nobody interested in taking responsibility for something, it doesn’t get done. The Apostles took on the responsibility of preaching the gospel and spreading it across nations on their missionary journeys. Elon Musk’s career has been shaped by his decision to accept responsibility for transforming mankind into a multiplanetary civilisation. Without Elon, we will continue to daydream about space travel for all. Dangote took on the responsibility of constructing a functional crude oil refinery in Nigeria, something the government, oddly, never committed to doing.

No matter your current station in life, there is something you can take responsibility for. It just takes a shift in perspective. For example, could you consider how you can create a job, just one job for someone in your community? How about mobilizing resources to ensure a child or two, or three can get a decent education? You can choose to become a good engineer and create things that improve people’s lives. Our collective prayers and hopes are dependent on someone accepting responsibility. You can decide to become that “someone”.

We Must All Take Responsibility For Our World

The government should do this. The company should do that. The Boss should have taken a specific action. My parents should have done this twenty years ago. The government, your employers, your parents, and various individuals have been mentioned as responsible parties in different contexts. However, amidst all these discussions, a fundamental question arises: What about you? What actions are you expected to undertake? What are you supposed to do? What are you going to take responsibility for? It is always easier to pass judgment on what others should be doing. Rather than looking inward to determine what you should do.

Many people tend to shy away from taking on additional responsibilities. When faced with a new task or challenge, our instinct is often to avoid it rather than raise our hands and saying, “Here I am, send me!” When situations deteriorate or things go bad, you should be asking, “Who refused to step up?” or “Who refused to shoulder the responsibility?” It should sadden you when you encounter people who hold prestigious positions but fail to fulfill their obligations. Nonetheless, it is now your turn. Let us admit that they did a poor job. But what makes you different? How are you taking charge and getting things done?

Taking responsibility for others is the most important aspect of spirituality. You mature and grow by taking responsibility for yourself first, and then gradually developing the capacity to take responsibility for others. In a country where circumstances are unfavorable and appear to be worsening, it becomes crucial for someone to step forward. Let us encourage more people to step up and take responsibility, fostering an accountability culture while reducing blame and idle conversations. What are you going to do about the fact that your world desperately needs better leadership? Time for you to step up.

With God, All Things Are Possible

While the statement “Nothing is impossible” may sound appealing, it is not accurate. Jesus said, “with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible”(Matthew 19:26). In reality, there are many things that we might perceive to be very difficult or outright impossible. However, it is through our belief in a higher power; our belief in God, and the strength of our faith that we can overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges and achieve the impossible. It is crucial to maintain this distinction and recognize the role of faith in making the impossible become possible.

While it is good to have some sort of self belief, it is important to understand that it is the spirit of God at work within you that makes you unstoppable. John 15:5 (ESV) says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” A true Christian believes that without acknowledging God, nothing is possible. This assumption guides their actions and decisions. The statement “nothing is impossible” has the potential to draw attention to yourself and make you boastful.

Your mission to steer your world towards a better future is not an easy one. In moments when we reach the limits of our human capacity, God strengthens us. In times of confusion, deadlocks, and dilemma, we receive clarity of purpose. We must reinforce our dependence on God at every passing moment by insisting that “with God, all things are possible.” This perspective echoes Martin Luther’s approach when he famously stated, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” When you have complete faith in God, you will seek him through his word and prayer.

Doing This One Thing Will Maximize Your Potential

Consider this thought-provoking question: What purpose is served by investing in extravagant items such as an expensive car, perhaps a Ferrari, without a specific destination in mind? Similarly, why would one acquire a pricey designer suit without a significant occasion to wear it to? Furthermore, what value is there in purchasing a luxurious yacht if there are no plans to explore the vast open seas? Just as these examples highlight the importance of purpose, the same principle applies to your education, certificates, and training—they become futile without a clear and defined mission statement.

The bottleneck that often hinders talent is purpose. Countless individuals possess remarkable abilities, yet their potential goes to waste due to a lack of clarity regarding their mission. It is not a matter of insufficient effort but rather the absence of a clear sense of direction. Many people believe that acquiring more certificates and skills will compensate for the real problem: blindness and lameness, but the reality quickly dawns on them that this is not a matter of how educated you are. Your talents, your education and training requires an objective. You need to develop a mission statement you can work with.

Investing time in refining one’s mission and determining the right path, while also recognizing what paths to avoid, is always a worthwhile endeavor. Such dedicated effort is never in vain and yields invaluable returns in the journey of personal growth and achievement. Driving a fast car is no use when the destination is unclear. The easiest way to fix this problem is to prayerfully copy the mission statement of anyone or organization that resonates with your heart. While studying others’ clear mission statements and thinking about them and their work. You will gain a better understanding of your own interests and clarify your mission.

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