True Change Demands Action

You’ve probably seen the meme: “Who wants change?” Everyone enthusiastically raises their hand. Then comes the follow-up: “Who wants to change?” Suddenly, hands drop, and faces shift from excitement to hesitation. This simple meme exposes a profound truth—we often pay lip service to change but resist the personal transformation it requires. In society, we frequently see new leaders or policies that promise change, yet they continue perpetuating old inequalities. On a personal level, many lament stagnant businesses or unfulfilled dreams for years, yet take no meaningful steps to address them. True change demands action, not just words.

The resistance to change often stems from fear and discomfort. Change challenges our habits, disrupts our routines, and forces us to confront the unknown. It’s easier to complain or dream about a better reality than to take the necessary steps toward transformation. For instance, a business owner may recognize their need for innovation but shy away from investing in new strategies or technologies. Similarly, a person may desire personal growth but refuse to let go of harmful patterns. Lasting change demands courage, sacrifice, and a willingness to embrace discomfort in pursuit of something better. Without this, progress remains elusive.

Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that life moves in seasons, and each season demands different actions. There is “a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them.” These activities are opposites, yet each is vital in its proper season. If we resist the changes a new season brings, we risk stagnation. For instance, a season of growth may require investing resources, while a season of pruning calls for letting go of what no longer serves us. Embracing the right actions at the right time unlocks progress and leads to true transformation.

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