It’s easy to feel like the prevailing conditions of the world are set in stone, immovable and unchangeable. For many, the belief is that no matter how hard you try, you can’t change the direction of the wind. And so, if you can’t alter the wind, you can try to become an expert sailor, navigating life’s challenges with skill and resilience. That is, many people settle for simply getting by, adapting to circumstances rather than working to transform them. They settle in and follow the rules of the world system in which they find themselves. But what if we embraced the possibility that change is within our reach?
Yes, if we dare to try, we can change the conditions in our households, communities, and workplaces. While these circumstances might seem as uncontrollable as the wind, they are often shaped by human actions and decisions, meaning they can be influenced by us as well. You are not powerless. It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight, but acknowledging that change is possible is the crucial first step. When you believe that you have the power to affect your environment, you begin to see opportunities where others see only obstacles.
Jesus charged us in Matthew 5:13-14 to be the salt and light of the world. As long as you are in this world, you are called to operate as the light, illuminating every corner of your environment. Whether you find yourself in the religious, cultural, economic, or governmental sphere, you are to represent the excellency of Christ there. Your mission is to redeem these areas from lust, greed, and corruption, restoring them to the standard of Christ—a standard of love. The prevailing situation can change. Just as Jesus commanded the winds, we too are not powerless.