Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19 is clear: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” This wasn’t just a task for the twelve disciples; it’s a mission that extends to all believers. As followers of Christ, we are called to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-14). Our mission isn’t confined to the comfort of our homes or the familiarity of our communities. We are meant to go out, engage the world, and be vehicles through which God’s grace can permeate every corner of the earth. The nations are waiting for the light we carry, and it’s our responsibility to share it.
Throughout history, there have been remarkable individuals who answered the call to light up the nations with their spiritual fire. Apostle Paul, once a persecutor of Christians, became one of the greatest missionaries, spreading the gospel across continents and establishing churches that continue to thrive today. His work laid the foundation for the global spread of Christianity, showing how one person’s dedication to the mission of Christ can change the world. God needs a person that is willing and obedient to the call. You do not need a crowd to make a major impact on the condition of your world.
There are other figures, like George Washington Carver and J.P. Morgan, who also demonstrated how faith can guide one’s work to impact nations. Carver’s innovations in agriculture were driven by his deep connection with God, benefiting countless farmers. J.P. Morgan, in the financial world, exemplified ethical leadership rooted in Christian values. These examples remind us that whatever our field, we are called to be vessels through which God’s light shines, influencing not just our surroundings, but entire nations. The mission to share your light with the world is as relevant today as ever—so let your light shine.