Getting clear on outcomes is essential for anyone on a mission. Think about what your world would look like if you pursued and executed your mission well. This is your “heaven on earth” vision, a place where your efforts bring about positive change and fulfillment. On the other hand, if you fail your mission, the result can be a descent into chaos and a kind of “hell” on earth. Understanding both potential outcomes is crucial. As Charlie Munger once said, “Capitalism without failure is like religion without hell.” Knowing what mission failure looks like motivates you to give your all to avoid that scenario.
The story of Joshua reminds us of the importance of mission clarity and perseverance. In Joshua 13:1-7, we see Joshua old and advanced in years, yet his mission was incomplete. God pointed out the land still needing to be taken, showing that Joshua’s task was far from over. This illustrates that no matter our age or progress, a clear vision of our goals is essential. Joshua had to continue in his efforts to ensure the Israelites could fully inherit the Promised Land. This demonstrates the profound impact of seeing a mission through to the end.
Everyone who is involved in a mission needs to sit still and consider both extremes of their mission. What would ultimate success look like? What would chronic failure look like? And what would it take to truly succeed in that work? Having such a clear, distinct statement of success makes it easier to evaluate the impact on society and other outcomes. By understanding these extremes, you can stay focused on your goals, make better decisions, and remain motivated. Clarity on these points helps ensure your efforts lead to the “heaven on earth” your mission aims to create.