Take Bold Steps Towards Fulfilling Your Specific Assignment

Reverend Olufemi Ogundare speaks about two phases in a Christian’s life. The first phase is guided by Ecclesiastes 9:10: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” This phase encourages us to work hard and diligently in all tasks. The second phase is more specific: “That which the Lord asks you to do, do it quickly.” The challenge often lies in transitioning from the general will of God to a specific task He has assigned to us. Deep down, we are wired to understand this, yet we often ignore the personalized, specific assignments within us. 

As we grow in our sense of responsibility and understanding of the Kingdom of God, we often struggle to follow through with our specific assignments. This can be uncomfortable and challenging. For instance, a business-minded Christian might find themselves at odds with other believers who think Christians should not be involved in the marketplaces. This conflict makes it difficult to transition into the specific task God has called them to. The discomfort of pursuing an unconventional path often leads to hesitation, even when you know deep down that it aligns with God’s will for your life. 

The pathway to unlocking the Kingdom of God within you is to stop caring about the demands and expectations of man. Apostle Paul talks about not conferring with flesh and blood (Galatians 1:16). Your goal is to ensure that you and your commanding officer, a God-given leader, are in agreement over your life choices (2 Timothy 2:4). Everything else is noise. Start that business. Build a formidable career. Go all in. Deep down, you’re wired for His purpose. Trust in that inner calling and take bold steps towards fulfilling the specific assignment God has placed within you.

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