Succeeding in your mission to watch your world is not dependent on the originality of your ideas. The idea does not determine whether you succeed or fail. It is the degree to which you can execute. A mediocre idea that is perfectly executed will outperform a brilliant idea that is not executed. If you want to do the works of Him Who sent Jesus, you must be on the move. The state of your business reflects your ability to get things done. So stop obsessing about what you want to do. Begin to obsess over your ability to complete whatever task you have been assigned.
In Ecclesiastes 9:10, we’re reminded that whatever our hands find to do, we should do it with all our might. This verse underscores the importance of diligent action and unwavering commitment to your tasks. It’s not merely about having grand ideas or good intentions; it’s about rolling up our sleeves and putting in the effort to execute those ideas effectively. Just as Jesus emphasized the urgency of doing the works of God while it is day (John 9:4), we too must seize every opportunity to act with purpose and determination.
So, all you have to do is look for a simple idea in business, and take it seriously. Where do you hope to make an impact? Are you interested in business, arts/entertainment, media, politics, family, education, or religion? Just choose one. Look for a successful organization and try to emulate their work. Look for an organization whose mission speaks to your soul and go work for them. Clarity grows over time, and you’ll gain a better understanding of what God expects of you. Jesus was not idle, chanting and daydreaming about the glorious future. He worked hard, doing good everywhere he went.