Watching the World

Understanding the power requirements for your vision

It is very important for a visionary to understand that the implementation of a vision will depend upon how much power one is able to generate. There is a need to understand and accept that knowing what to do and being able to do what needs to be done are two separate things entirely. Your smartphone is always programmed to function, but without a battery to power it up, it cannot execute its programming. Therefore, as you develop your original ideas about what the future could look like, do not forget to consider the kind of powers you would need to implement the vision.

Understanding the power requirements for your vision Read More »

The one thing that guarantees a vision will fail

We tend to focus more on the “people perish where there is no vision” and not enough on the fact that “vision perish where there are not enough people” to believe in it. We need to be reminded that a true vision is by definition the redemptive plan of God for a people group, it will always take more than a person to deliver the result. That is why a visionary must understand the need to build a core team with humility and self-sacrifice. The vision dies without people actively working together to make it work.

The one thing that guarantees a vision will fail Read More »

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