The two kinds of power every visionary must acquire

Every day, you hear about some visionary championing a worthy cause only to fizzle out over time. There is such a long list of visions that we can consider to be dead. We have to remember that conceiving a vision and even planning it out counts for little if there is nothing to power the vision. The vision fails when there is not enough to power it up. Vision is powered by the collective consciousness and efforts of a people, and without that, nothing happens. The basic kinds of power required for a vision to find a firm footing are spiritual and intellectual powers.

It is hard to find any activity that is more important to a true visionary than prayer and meditation. Conceiving a vision can be exciting and empowering, however, execution is usually boring and one runs into obstacles all the time. Without constantly drawing from that secret place of strength, love and warmth, the vision fades away over time. So, a visionary that is pushing a vision much bigger than themselves must understand the need for spiritual power. Every success story out there includes some luck or unexplainable circumstances that helped. You will always need some “grace” or “good luck” to forge ahead with your work. If prayer could increase your chances, why not?

You have got to acquire spiritual and intellectual powers. Thinking everything will happen just because you have prayed about it is incredibly naïve. This is where the prayer warriors get it wrong. Prayer, fasting and other spiritual activities generally make grace available for the work. The next thing to do after praying is to figure out HOW TO proceed with whatever you have been praying about. The vision will fail if we do not develop the necessary intellectual capacity for the work. You have got to decide to pursue the best education you can and collaborate with others better than you. As a rule of thumb; you want to pray hard and work hard simultaneously.

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