Daily Devotionals

We Need You To Bring Your Best Self

It is not enough to be zealous and passionate about carrying out the works of the one who sent Jesus. “Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes,” says Proverbs 19:2 (NLT). It is a good strategy to avoid the kind of haste that gives you a sense of purpose and direction only to fail due to ignorance and inexperience. As a result, we recognise that the first step is to accept the knowledge, training, discipline, and work ethic required for greatness. Seek out people, places, and institutions that will push you to be the best version of yourself possible. Then you’re ready to get to work.

The Bible is definitive about the work ethic and excellence required for meaningful work. According to Proverbs 10:4, “a slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” You cannot continue to live a lazy person lifestyle, avoiding intellectual labour and avoiding work while expecting above-average results. The Bible says “cursed is he who does the work of the LORD with slackness.” We often overlook the fact that the majority of the Biblical heroes from whom we draw inspiration were well educated and hardworking for their time. Your desire for learning plays a significant role in determining the type of work you can do for God.

Apostle Paul was well educated, having been trained by Gamaliel, a doctor of the law. This education and training is evident in the way his epistles were structured, and the way he argued in favour of the gospel. George Washington Carver, born into slavery, transformed agriculture in the American South by developing hundreds of products from crops like peanuts and soybeans. His education, including degrees in agricultural science, empowered his creativity. There are thousands of God missions available to influence culture, business, the economy, and governance. You must prepare by pursuing a high-quality education. Prepare your soul for your generation’s important works.

Much Is Required From You

One major reason many people fail to live up to their full potential is that no one has made them aware of it. There was no one in their lives to hold them to higher standards. They have no regard for higher standards, and have conformed to the mediocrity in the world around them. You must mature and grow to the point where you demand the best from yourself. Ready to pay whatever the cost may be in order to enjoy the honour, privileges, and pleasures later on. After all, every worker is deserving of their pay.

Let’s consider Luke 12:48 (ESV), “But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” You need to have a greater awareness of the demands of heaven upon your soul. Jesus instructed us to do the works of him who sent him while it is day (John 9:4). When are you going to realize that you don’t own your life?

One day, you will account for what you did (or did not do) with your gifts, faculties, talents, and qualities. Much has been given to you, and you can be sure that much will be required. You might not be sure you have any gifting or privileges, but you do. Every person, regardless of status, background, or station in life, possesses something unique that can be used to effect positive change. You are not an exception. You will gain a greater appreciation for your God-given talents if you practise gratitude and thanksgiving. God has given you something valuable, and he expects great things from you.

Understanding How Economic Influence Works

There is a version of the golden rule you need to understand: “whoever has the gold, makes the rules”. You will need to wield economic power. In the grand canvas of shaping culture and society, economic power is like the brush and colors that paint the picture. To fulfill your divine calling of creating a world that reflects heavenly values, it’s crucial to understand how economic influence works. Money, in the right hands and guided by righteous principles, can be a potent force for good. Yet, it’s not just about the accumulation of wealth but the wise and compassionate use of it.

Consider the remarkable case of Andrew Carnegie, a titan of industry in the late 19th century. While amassing immense wealth through his steel empire, Carnegie recognized the weight of responsibility that came with his riches. He believed in the Gospel of Wealth, a concept that the rich had a moral obligation to use their wealth for the betterment of society. His philanthropic endeavors, such as funding libraries and educational institutions, continue to impact communities positively to this day. Carnegie’s life teaches us that economic power can be a catalyst for transformative change when driven by a sense of duty to uplift others.

So, as you navigate the modern world, keep in mind that economic power, when wielded with the fear of the Lord, can be a powerful tool for shaping a better world. Let it not be merely a quest for wealth, but rather a journey to enforce righteousness, mercy, and justice in your world. You need to understand that whoever controls the economy, controls the society. The people that have the gold, pretty much dictate how the world operates. Recognise that your world is influenced by various economic interests. You will not have much success unless your mission is supported by an economic force.

The Work Ethic To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

The potential for human productivity is enormous but frequently untapped in today’s fast-paced world. As we watch the world, we must be mindful of our level of productivity. Without the requisite discipline and work ethic, your grand visions will be nothing more than daydreams. If we put a little more effort and focus into our work, both as individuals and as a society, we can accomplish so much more. Too many visionaries and missionaries are slacking off and not putting in the work as they should. This reflects in the quality and level of their results. You cannot hide your real productive output.

Proverbs 10:5 wisely advises, “He who gathers in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest causes shame.” Our Lord Jesus emphasized the scarcity of laborers for the divine work. Today, His words remain profoundly relevant. He urged us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His fields (Matthew 9:37-38). The message is clear: action is required. The heavenly hosts stand ready, and grace is abundant, but action is the catalyst for change. Nothing happens unless you get to work. Once you begin, you’ll be able to inspire and mobilize others to support you.

The grass on the other side is not greener. The grass glows on any side where it has been well cared for. Consider the case of Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group, who champions the 996 work culture in China’s tech industry—working from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week. He claims that this intense work ethic drove rapid growth in Chinese internet companies. However, it also sparked debates about work-life balance and employee well-being. This clearly demonstrates the importance of dedication and hard work. However, balance and fair treatment of workers are equally important. Your dreams are nothing, until you do the work.

The Clarity To Inspire And Transform Your World

In the realm of divine mandates, clarity is paramount. A vision from above, however profound, must be diligently contemplated and translated into terms comprehensible to earth’s inhabitants. A divine directive that is not clear to us on earth cannot be carried out. The vision must be made plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. We find this wisdom in Matthew 28:18-20, where our Lord Jesus delivers an unequivocal directive to His followers. The message is crystal clear: “Go into the world and make disciples of every nation!” There’s no room for misunderstanding; the mission is apparent.

Take heed that the mission you embrace is lucid and actionable. Without such clarity, it is hard to make any meaningful headway. Consider Meta, the company behind Facebook, with its unmistakable mission to build platforms that make the world more open and connected. The team, investors and employees understand that they need to keep building and scaling up platforms. Fostering global connectivity in the process. Likewise, the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) holds a transparent mission: planting churches within ten minutes of each other. Such clarity paves the path for unwavering commitment and purposeful execution.

Now, let’s reflect on the clarity of your own mission. Is it as lucid as the ones we’ve examined? Does it transcend the divine realm and resonate with humanity’s understanding? As we watch the world, let us ensure that our missions are unambiguous, for therein lies the power. You must be crystal clear about how you want the world to change. Then you decide which platforms, products, or services will best advance the mission. Our Lord Jesus determined that “discipleship services” were the key in his own case. Let clarity be our guiding star as we embark on journeys of purpose, shaping a world that aligns with our missions.

Like Newton, Stand Upon The Shoulders Of Giants

Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” In your exploration of your creativity and spiritual gifts, you will need to stand upon the shoulder of giants. You will rely heavily on instruction, and mentoring for you to achieve your own potential. This seems like commonsense advice, but the nature of creativity and spiritual gifts might fool someone into thinking that they don’t need the help or assistance of others. This is not correct. When you leverage existing knowledge, you will be able to take the next step and accomplish more than those who came before you.

Consider the story of Sarah, a talented musician who aspired to compose symphonies that would move hearts. She possessed remarkable musical talent, yet she was reluctant to seek guidance. In her quest to create the perfect masterpiece, she neglected the teachings of experienced composers. It was only when she humbled herself, sought mentorship, and learned from those who had walked the path before her that her compositions reached new heights. The prophet Eli advised Samuel. Gamaliel, Ananias, and others all coached Apostle Paul. Isaac Newton took pre-existing ideas and ran with them.

No matter the nature of your gifting, you require tutelage like everyone else. Galatians 4:1-2 makes it clear that a wise father appoints human teachers to instruct his children for a season. Even if your argument is that your teachers are not gifted, or that they have not achieved the things you want to achieve, it does not mean that you cannot be coached by such people. Embrace the wisdom and guidance of those who have gone before you, for it is through their insights that you can unlock the full potential of your creativity and spiritual gifts.

Balancing Spiritual Experiences With Mentorship And Accountability

Here is a recipe for disaster: allow everyone to do whatever “God” has asked them to do, with no recourse or need to rationalize or justify intended action. If your only reason for doing something is because “God spoke to me,” “I had a dream,” or “I had this spiritual experience,” you’ll quickly get into trouble. A study of the Book of Judges teaches us that in the absence of leadership and authorities, chaos reigns (Judges 21:25). The end result of a world in which everyone does whatever they want, whatever they claim is laid in their spirits, without any form of accountability is chaos and confusion.

A truly wise and spiritual person recognises the importance of mentoring and fellowship with others. They understand that nothing gets done unless there is discipline, accountability, and a strong work ethic. And they understand that one usually needs an external force to help one cultivate the required discipline and work ethic. They understand that if they do not maintain integrity in all aspects of their lives, they will soon find themselves unworthy of proclaiming the Lord’s name. On the other hand, someone who claims to be full of the spirit but never submits to or cooperates with constituted authorities quickly becomes a law unto themselves. It never ends well.

When we are held accountable and must justify every action, we tend to be more honest. Even if you claim to hear God’s voice directly, you still need to be mentored in order to do your best work that glorifies God. Moses was a man of God unlike any other, but he also accepted godly advice from his human father-in-law. If you have not been led and trained in the path of righteousness by human beings, the voice in your head may not be the voice of truth, righteousness, mercy, and justice. It might just be your own ego leading you unto destruction.

Staying True to Your Values in a Compromised World

It can be exhausting to try to get through the day as someone with values. Something is demanding that you compromise on your values around every corner. Navigating a world rife with moral compromises tests the resolve of those who hold steadfast to their values. It often feels like a relentless battle against a tide of indifference to righteousness, mercy, and justice. In a society where self-interest frequently trumps principles, standing firm can be a lonely journey. The question looms: How can one maintain a stain-free moral compass amidst the world’s moral decay? (James 1:27)

Consider the biblical reassurance that “no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man” (1 Corinthians 10:13). This reminds us that the struggles we face are shared by humanity. However, it also provides assurance of God’s faithfulness. He not only limits our trials to what we can withstand, but he also provides an escape route in every temptation. With His help, we can withstand and emerge unscathed from the world’s corrosive forces. There is something to be said about being “overly righteous”, a decision that might destroy you according to Ecclesiastes 7: 15-18. However, that is a topic for another day.

In a world where the allure of compromise is strong, remember that your values are your anchor. As we watch the world’s moral fabric strain, let us draw strength from our faith and the examples of those who walked the righteous path before us. You are not the last uncompromisingly righteous person walking this blue-green planet. David Green, the Christian and billionaire founder of retail behemoth Hobby Lobby, found himself embroiled in a pivotal US Supreme Court case involving the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate. Despite intense legal and public scrutiny, Green stood firm, believing that compliance would violate his deep religious convictions. He won.

Govern According To The Proportion Of Your Faith

Governments and constituted authorities are taught in Romans 13:1-7 to be God’s servants doing God’s work. Cyrus is described in Isaiah 46:11 as coming from a distant land to carry out God’s will. These passages imply that one aspect of God’s work on earth is governance. It is not all salvation, healing, deliverance, offerings and donations. Good governance is part of the will of God. Christians who insist on not participating in government are being foolish and irresponsible. People who are immoral and unjust will lord it over you if you refuse to govern.

Proverbs 29:2 (NLT) says, “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan.” In our quest to understand the divine purpose of governance, we can look to real-life examples that shine as beacons of light. One such luminary is Archbishop Desmond Tutu. His life was an embodiment of God’s work in the realm of governance. As a clergyman and human rights activist in apartheid-era South Africa, Tutu took on the formidable task of challenging a deeply unjust government system. He fearlessly spoke out against racial segregation and the oppressive policies of the apartheid regime.

Christians should not stay away from leadership and governance. It is a mistake that creates space for unjust and wicked people to rule. By being informed, voting wisely, and advocating for justice, we fulfill our divine purpose as responsible citizens. Let us not underestimate the impact of godly governance in bringing peace, prosperity, and God’s blessings to our nations. You should govern anywhere you find yourself. Having gifts (faculties, talents, qualities) that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them: if your gift is governance and administration, please govern without fear, according to the proportion of your faith.

Covet Earnestly The Office Of A Billionaire

Abraham is regarded as the father of faith. During his lifetime, Abraham was considered to be very wealthy in material terms. In today’s parlance, the Christian patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were unquestionably billionaires. We also have the example of Job, who was literally the richest man in the world during his lifetime (Job 1: 1-3). The first thing to understand is that God used wealthy, powerful, and influential people in the Bible. Certain missions of God require wealth and powerful people to carry out. Only a powerful disciple of Jesus, such as Joseph of Arimathea, could properly bury him.

According to Jeremiah 9:23-24, having wisdom, might, and riches must be balanced with an understanding that God is concerned with righteousness, mercy, and justice on earth. There is no doubt that wealth and power corrupt, but we would be foolish and irresponsible to overlook all the good that can be done when wealth and power are in the hands of the uncompromisingly righteous. Every societal issue that irritates your soul is sponsored by someone with the means to do so. You need your own power and wealth to push a Christian agenda. Decide today that you will become a billionaire in character and wealth.

In reality, billionaires recognise their societal leadership role. They recognise that God has blessed them with wealth and power, and they must account for it. “At $1 billion, that’s not your money – The money I have today is a responsibility. It’s the trust of people on me” said Alibaba founder Jack Ma. Desire for God to make you a billionaire so that you can use your wealth for righteousness, mercy, and justice. Be sincere; if you know you don’t want to serve anything other than your stomach, say so. God cannot be deceived. Because not everyone is capable of handling such power and responsibility, not every Christian can become a billionaire.

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