Much Is Required From You

One major reason many people fail to live up to their full potential is that no one has made them aware of it. There was no one in their lives to hold them to higher standards. They have no regard for higher standards, and have conformed to the mediocrity in the world around them. You must mature and grow to the point where you demand the best from yourself. Ready to pay whatever the cost may be in order to enjoy the honour, privileges, and pleasures later on. After all, every worker is deserving of their pay.

Let’s consider Luke 12:48 (ESV), “But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” You need to have a greater awareness of the demands of heaven upon your soul. Jesus instructed us to do the works of him who sent him while it is day (John 9:4). When are you going to realize that you don’t own your life?

One day, you will account for what you did (or did not do) with your gifts, faculties, talents, and qualities. Much has been given to you, and you can be sure that much will be required. You might not be sure you have any gifting or privileges, but you do. Every person, regardless of status, background, or station in life, possesses something unique that can be used to effect positive change. You are not an exception. You will gain a greater appreciation for your God-given talents if you practise gratitude and thanksgiving. God has given you something valuable, and he expects great things from you.

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