Daily Devotionals

Writing A Mission Statement That Resonates With Heart And Minds

Your mission is your compass and a guiding light, you are lost without it. It provides direction and purpose to your steps. But here’s the challenge: your mission statement should resonate with diverse audiences. It should be clear not just to the spiritually attuned but also to those who approach life from an intellectual and practical angle. In essence, your mission must bridge the eternal and the temporal. This is important because doing the Father’s will on earth as it is in heaven requires understanding of how things work on earth. Similarly, having a spiritual understanding of what you do gives you the ability to do more.

Consider the case of an extraordinary visionary, Mahatma Gandhi. His mission was simple yet profound: to free India from British colonial rule. This mission resonated with people on spiritual, intellectual, and practical levels. Spiritually, it was a call for justice and freedom. Intellectually, it was a strategy that combined civil disobedience and non-violence. Practically, it was about mobilizing millions for a common cause. Gandhi’s ability to communicate his mission effectively to various audiences ignited a movement that changed the course of history. If your mission only makes sense “spiritually”, you will struggle with execution.

Now, let us apply this wisdom to our own lives. Whether it’s a personal mission or a collective one, clarity in your mission statement is the key. Jesus debated with the pharisees and sadducees in the temples by invoking the scriptures. However, we observe that when relating with the “unlearned”, he spoke to them in a way they could understand. He used the metaphor of water and well to preach to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4). So, write your mission statement with intention, ensuring it speaks not only to the spirit but also to the minds of people. This will make execution faster.

Your Gifted, Creative Mind Requires Mentorship

Possession of spiritual gifts and creativity does not grant you the right to do whatever you want. On the contrary, it is intended to prompt some sober reflection and assessment of your abilities in relation to the measure of faith that God has assigned (Romans 12:3). It is difficult to be objective about oneself, and as a result, we frequently require guidance. Someone must evaluate your work. This demonstrates the importance of mentorship and spiritual guidance for gifted, creative minds. As a result, while your first instinct may be to let creative minds do whatever they want, we see that the more gifted you are, the more mentorship is required.

The guiding light within your spirit must be shaped and trained. When we examine Samson’s failures, we can conclude that he would have benefited greatly from objective evaluation from a spiritual director. Prophet Eli assisted Samuel in understanding the voice of God, creating an environment in which his spiritual gift could be expressed. You will follow every whim and fancy that comes to you if no one is evaluating and scrutinizing your every move. There will be numerous spur-of-the-moment thoughts or wishes that will do you more harm than good.

Every step of the way, Samson was erratic and driven by impulses, and we all know how that turned out. Samuel, on the other hand, took a more structured approach to life. Access to mentorship must have played a role in this. When you embrace mentorship, your gifts and creative abilities will grow and be maximized. You will never embrace the discipline and work ethic required for greatness unless you do this. Discipleship and service are the first steps towards mastery. This type of mentoring cannot be done virtually. It must be done in person and on a daily basis.

Lessons In Humility From The Fall Of King Josiah

A revered figure in the biblical narrative, King Josiah, serves as a compelling example of how unchecked ego can lead to downfall and tragedy. King Josiah was praised for his religious reforms, devotion to the Lord, and determination to rid the land of idolatry. His ego, which was initially fueled by a sense of righteousness, grew as he witnessed the public’s admiration and praise. The seeds of his eventual demise were sown at this point. His belief that he was the chosen of the Lord clouded his judgment, causing him to entangle himself in a matter that was none of his business.

In 2 Chronicles 35, we witness Josiah’s ill-fated decision to confront Egypt in battle. The Egyptian King insisted that he was on a mission for God and had nothing to do with Josiah. King Josiah must have felt invincible; beloved by God and the people, who dares to invoke the name of the Lord elsewhere? Josiah was so certain of his understanding of God’s will that he never enquired of the Lord, to investigate the Egyptian King’s claim. Josiah was righteous, but his inflated ego killed him. Maybe you’ll realize you’re not the only righteous person on the planet doing the Lord’s will?

King Josiah represents the overly righteous Christian who believes they are higher than the world and refuses to lead with humility every day. King Josiah is the gifted pastor who is so full of himself that he wants to be God’s unchallenged, undisputed deputy on earth. As you watch the world, the story of King Josiah serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of ego. It should teach you the value of humility, the importance of listening to wise counsel, and the dangers of thinking of yourself more highly than you ought (Romans 12:3).

Leading And Thriving In A Complicated World

The world is a complicated place, and you must learn to deal with all of its complexities. Our Lord Jesus expects you to be the salt and light of your community. You cannot achieve this if you are not present in the world. Corruption is a major source of concern. You do not want to lose your salvation or spiritual standing as a result of your interactions with the world. This is where the power of your religion comes into play. According to the Apostle James, a good religion should equip you to keep yourself undefiled by the world (James 1: 27).

Psalm 115:16 reminds us that the Lord owns the heavens, but he has given us the earth. You must not allow some unscrupulous elements to intimidate you into giving up your rights. You must learn how to operate as a sheep in the midst of wolves, becoming wiser than the serpents in the way of the world, while maintaining your innocence and purity (Matthew 10:16). You do not have the master’s permission to withdraw from society. If you refuse to engage with the world and steer it towards God’s will, the world will devolve into chaos and confusion.

We need people like Gideon that will confront the false gods and ideologies of their generation and pull it down. People who will raise an army of righteousness, mercy and justice to push back against the corruption and moral decay in the world around them. We need strong people like Daniel who understand the world system well enough to advance while maintaining their godly values. People who have hidden God’s word within their hearts so that they do not commit sin against the Lord. You are not to withdraw from your world, allowing the lawless sons of Belial free reign. Today, take a stand for Jesus!

Man Looks On The Outward Appearance

It is usually a bad idea to judge a book by its cover. However, that doesn’t stop people from doing so anyway. The Bible says, “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart,” (1 Samuel 16:7 ESV). We understand that God is a spirit, and we must worship him in spirit and in truth. In some ways, our physical characteristics and appearances do not matter to God; however, ignoring physical appearances would be foolish. Settle heart issues with your God, but act appropriately in front of others.

You will be addressed based on how you appear, and there is nothing you can do about it. To ascend the Lord’s Holy Hill, you must have clean hands and a pure heart. To ascend the social ladder, you must have clean and ironed clothes. It is unrealistic to believe that all tattoo enthusiasts are irresponsible and stupid. Nonetheless, some people will judge and crucify you for having tattoos. A tattoo is just a means of expressing oneself. It is not your tattoo that determines whether you are holy or unholy. However, such facts are irrelevant.

People look at your outward appearance. You must be aware of your public image and perception as you watch over your world. Do not overdo it; your sense of humility and modesty should not fade with time. However, be aware that if you present yourself to humans in a certain way, you are more likely to be misunderstood. Discipline yourself to dress in a way that people associate with the image you want to project to the world. Train yourself to speak in a way that people associate with the image you want to project to the world.

Unleashing Your Christian Potential Via Business Building

If you want to solve problems in a consistent, sustainable, and scalable manner. And if you want to provide leadership in your community while upholding biblical principles in your society, you should start a business or collaborate with like-minded people to build one. A business is not about mindless profit or unjust gains through shady practices. Building a business is, at its best, a journey of self-discovery, problem-solving, and, ultimately, service to the world. It is time to confront the rent seeking mindset and replace it with a mindset that understands problem-solving and value creation. One major reason why “kingdom expansion” is not moving as quickly as it should is a lack of enterprising Christians.

Many Christians still believe that running a business is an unholy endeavour. They believe that starting a business is both unchristian and uncharitable. But in reality, every spiritual assignment requires significant physical resources for it to find expression. God ensured that the children of Israel did not leave Egypt empty-handed. They had great wealth, a kind of salary for the over 400 years slavery. If you scoff at building a business, and using it as a vehicle to serve your generation, how then do you intend to fund your vision?

Building a business is the best way to fund your vision and mature into a better leader. A genuine Christian that has served in business and industry will outperform a genuine Christian that has never functioned outside the church. Business leaders make better leaders in church and ministry because they understand what it takes to get results and grow something assigned to them. The master called his servants in the parable of talents and charged them to “do business” with the talents handed them. The world doesn’t need more religious stewards that lack the capacity to deliver. Your community needs more purpose-driven, problem-solving, value-creating entrepreneurs who can make a difference.

Do Not Sleep As Others Do

As we watch the world, we must recognise the importance of avoiding “sleep.” Accepting a call to watch over your world, and steer it in accordance with God’s will necessitates unwavering vigilance. Just as the Apostle Paul admonished the Thessalonians, we can not sleep, as others do (1 Thessalonians 5:1-8). We are tasked with keeping our eyes wide open, for the world’s narrative unfolds with unforeseeable twists. Our calling is different; we are children of light, of the day, and we must resist the darkness of indifference. You must give due diligence to matters of your watch. Allow it to take over your thoughts.

To understand the significance of our watch duties, consider the case of the neglected watchmen. In ancient times, cities relied on watchmen to safeguard their inhabitants. These vigilant individuals patrolled the walls, ever watchful for approaching threats. However, some grew complacent, dozing off when they should have been alert. Such negligence had dire consequences; invaders seized the opportunity, wreaking havoc on unguarded cities. We, as modern watchmen, must learn from this history. The world depends on our watchfulness to protect the values, righteousness, mercy and justice we hold dear. If you fail to set a watch, things will go bad.

There is no place for slumber in this turbulent world. Our mission is to stay awake, stay sober, and put on the armour of faith, love, and hope. We are the keepers of our time and society, responsible for recognising the signs and seasons. We are to shine as beacons of vigilance as others stumble through the night. Stay alert, keep vigil, and remember that the job of a watcher is never done. Our unwavering watchfulness will one day mean the difference between chaos and order, darkness and light. So, become the watchman your family and community require, and do your job diligently.

Do The Work Required For The Miracles We Want

It can take time and effort to develop an idea. A frustrating process as you deal with the vision’s birth pangs. Finally, you should have a clear picture of the desired outcomes. You finally comprehend the issue well enough to solve it. You’ve finally expressed your vision. The vision has been written down, and it is now time to take the next step. The vision must be transformed into a mission. A good vision statement paints a picture of the destination and possibilities. While your mission is all about taking the necessary steps towards that destination.

Visions die all the time when they are not translated into a mission worthy of people’s time, energy, and resources. Every mission-driven individual understands that work is required to make progress. Because God was with him, Jesus worked on his mission around the clock, doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. This trait can also be found in top entrepreneurs and change agents. They work around the clock to further that mission. There is a drive and intensity you have to bring to the table. Go out there and put in the work hours.

You won’t have a full-time mission to deliver on unless you work on it full-time. Every week, dozens of people should work a full 40-hour workweek or more to complete your mission. However, this is not obvious because the vision has not been made clear. It may be difficult in the early years to work fully on your mission because things have yet to gain significant traction. In any case, you should not work less than 10 hours per week on your mission. We need tough missionaries who are willing to put in the effort required for the miracles we are praying for.

Prepare Your Soul For Your Generation’s Important Works

In Ezra chapter 7, we witness a pivotal moment in the biblical narrative. Ezra, a scribe and priest, embarks on a journey from Babylon to Jerusalem. He is on this mission to play an important role in the restoration of Jerusalem. The King granted him permission to return to Jerusalem to teach the people the laws of Moses, procure items for the temple, and appoint judges and other officers. This chapter highlights the importance of preparation. Ezra had been preparing himself for a long time to master the law, live by the law and teach it in Israel.

Ezra recognised the need for someone to teach the people these laws and prepared himself to fill that role. He equipped himself with knowledge through faith, and then the Royal support came for the restoration of Jerusalem and the rekindling of God’s covenant with His people. It serves as a reminder that opportunities will present themselves. But it had better be ready to meet you. George Washington Carver’s creativity was unparalleled. He developed over 300 products from peanuts, soybeans, and other crops, revolutionizing agriculture in the American South. But none of this would have happened if he did not prepare himself for a lifetime of positive impact.

Education played a huge role in his creative manifestations. Carver was born into slavery in 1864, but his circumstances changed and he was advised to get an education, and so he did. He went on to earn his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Carver’s education gave him the knowledge and skills he needed to experiment and develop new products. Without his education, Carver would likely have remained a gardener. But his education allowed him to reach his full potential and become one of the most creative and innovative scientists of his time. What are the most important problems your generation needs to solve? Are you equipping yourself to solve them?

Think Of Yourself With Sober Judgment

Striking the right balance in one’s ego is critical in the journey of personal growth and leadership. The wisdom of Apostle Paul’s advice in Romans 12:3 rings true—do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to think. However, it is equally important not to underestimate one’s own worth. A healthy ego serves as the foundation for progress by allowing for confidence without arrogance. A believer recognises that God has the ability to use anyone, at any time, to accomplish anything. A person of faith understands that you must come to believe that God can do great things through you.

Consider the case of Nelson Mandela, a true exemplar of balanced ego in leadership. Despite enduring 27 years of imprisonment, his self-worth remained unwavering. Mandela’s balanced ego enabled him to negotiate for a peaceful end to apartheid and the subsequent leadership of a united South Africa. His story illustrates how a healthy sense of self is pivotal in catalyzing positive change. You must be humble enough to understand your limitations and shortcomings. Yet, you must have faith that God can use you at a high level, using you to repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.

Let us heed this lesson in humility and self-assuredness. As we watch the world, we are called to lead with humility, embracing our worth without diminishing others. A balanced ego empowers us to inspire, innovate, and, ultimately, shape a better world. Reflect on your ego’s balance today. Are you underestimating yourself, missing opportunities for growth? Or are you veering into arrogance, hindering collaboration and progress? It is foolish to have an overinflated sense of self. But having an undervalued sense of self will land you in the sewers of life. Embrace a balanced ego as the cornerstone of your leadership journey.

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