Creativity And Spiritual Gifts Are Not For Hustling

Your God-given creativity and spiritual gifts are not tools for hustling but instruments for solving problems and creating value. When you adopt a hustle mentality, you risk losing sight of the purpose behind these gifts, reducing them to mere means for monetary gain. This approach can lead to misuse and disconnection from their divine intention. Matthew 5:13 teaches us that when salt loses its flavor, it becomes useless. In the same way, when your gifts lose their purpose, they no longer fulfill their divine role. Focus on serving others and fulfilling God’s mission with your gifts rather than chasing money.

Acts 8:14-24 tells the story of Simon the Sorcerer, who tried to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit with money. This cautionary tale emphasizes the danger of a hustle mentality when it comes to spiritual gifts. Simon saw the apostles performing great works through the Holy Spirit and sought to acquire the same power, not to glorify God or serve others, but to elevate himself, and make some cool money. Peter rebuked him, saying, “Your heart is not right before God.” This reminds us that our gifts are sacred and should never be commodified. They exist to glorify God and advance His kingdom, not personal gain.

Your focus as a steward of creativity and spiritual gifts must be on productivity—how effectively you fulfill heaven’s purpose in your generation. Productivity is about creating value, solving problems, and impacting lives. Money is merely a byproduct of these efforts. When you prioritize productivity, the financial rewards will naturally follow. Matthew 6:33 reminds us to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,” and everything else will be added. Chasing money without considering productivity or value creation is a misguided approach. It diminishes the purpose of your gifts and must be resisted by anyone serious about fulfilling their divine mission.

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