Relationships Alone Can Not Sustain Opportunities 

Relationships are one of the most valuable assets you can have because they open doors to opportunities you may not have reached on your own. A strong relationship can grant you access to exciting possibilities, but it’s important to remember that this access comes with responsibility. You must honor the trust that comes with a relationship by showing up and delivering when it matters the most. Consistency and reliability are key. When people know they can count on you, your relationships will continue to thrive, and new opportunities will keep coming your way. Simply put, don’t disappoint. 

A perfect example of the importance of honoring relationships is seen in the story of John Mark. He was given a valuable opportunity to travel with Apostle Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey, largely due to his family connection with Barnabas (Colossians 4:10). However, John Mark’s performance on that journey was disappointing, leading Paul to lose confidence in him. When the time came for a second missionary trip, Paul refused to take John Mark along, causing a sharp disagreement between Paul and Barnabas, as recorded in Acts 15:36-39. This teaches us that relationships alone won’t sustain opportunities—our performance matters.

Honoring relationships without delivering competence leads to mediocrity, and no one striving for excellence should settle for that. While connections can open doors and provide access to great opportunities, they won’t keep those doors open if you aren’t consistently delivering results. When you fail to honor the trust placed in you by not bringing your best, you risk damaging the very relationships that granted you access in the first place. Relationships and competence must go hand in hand if you want to build a legacy of success and maintain meaningful connections in the long run.

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