Wounds From A Friend Can Be Trusted

Friendship is not about always agreeing or simply saying what others want to hear. True friendships are built on honesty and trust, which includes providing feedback that helps each other grow. Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.” For the sake of their mission and future, a good friend must be willing to give solid, constructive feedback. Being kind doesn’t mean withholding the truth; it means speaking it with love, even when it’s hard to hear. True love sharpens and refines. 

The story of David and the Prophet Nathan is a powerful example of how true friendship and leadership require honest feedback. Despite their personal relationship, Nathan never hesitated to speak the truth to David. When David expressed his desire to build the temple, Nathan initially supported him, but after receiving a word from the Lord, he courageously went back to David with the corrected message (2 Samuel 7). Even more striking was Nathan’s boldness in confronting David after his sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12). True friends speak the truth, even when it’s difficult. 

Nathan didn’t shy away from delivering the hard truth because he cared more about David’s future and alignment with God’s will than their personal comfort. True friendship requires honesty, even when it’s uncomfortable. You must be willing to do the same in your relationships. A friend who only agrees and never challenges you is not helping you grow. Real love speaks truth for the good of the other person, even if it stings in the moment. Be that kind of friend—one who prioritizes their growth over momentary approval. Do you care enough to give your friends feedback?

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