How To Avoid Manifestation Of Divine Promises 

There are countless possibilities and opportunities available to you, but you are avoiding the work. You might believe in God’s promises, but these promises require your active participation. The blessings of the Lord are real, but they are realized through effort and dedication. If you’re avoiding the work, you’re also avoiding the manifestation of those promises. As Jesus said in John 5:17, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” Just as God is at work, you too must be willing to put in the effort to see His promises come to life in your world. 

In 1 Samuel 30, David faced a devastating loss when the Amalekites raided his camp, taking everything, including the families of his men. After praying for guidance, God gave him the green light to pursue and recover all that was taken. But on their way, they found a slave boy abandoned in the wilderness. Instead of ignoring him in their haste, they stopped to tend to his needs. This act of compassion, which seemed insignificant, was crucial. The boy led them straight to the Amalekites’ camp, enabling them to recover everything. The victory they sought was tied to the work they could have easily overlooked. 

Imagine a young Nigerian that dreams of owning vast, flourishing farms. One day, he encounters an old, overgrown plot of land. It’s not what he envisioned, and it would be easy to dismiss it as worthless. But he rolls up his sleeves, clears the land, and begins to cultivate it. Slowly, the neglected soil yields to his efforts, producing a bountiful harvest. The success he dreamed of wasn’t in grand gestures, but in the consistent, often overlooked work of daily labor. Like this young entrepreneur, the results you desire are hidden in the work you might be avoiding. Don’t shy away—do the work, and watch the promises manifest.

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