Be clear about what you’re passionate about, and then actively seek out relationships with people who share those same interests. Life isn’t meant to be lived alone—remember, a lone ranger is a dead ranger. If you can sum up your pursuits in a few words, like “Christianity, creativity, and business,” think about how much of that is reflected in the relationships you have. Which of your interests are connecting with others? How are these shared passions helping you grow closer to those people? Building intentional connections can lead to stronger, more meaningful relationships.
Be clear on what defines you at the deepest level—the spiritual, intangible, and eternal truths that guide your soul. These core principles should remain unshakable, but be flexible with everything else. Your tastes in fashion, diet, lifestyle, and even career choices can and will change over time. However, it becomes problematic to build lasting relationships with people who aren’t grounded in their own core beliefs. When someone doesn’t know what they truly stand for, it’s difficult for them to connect with others on a meaningful level. Solid relationships are built on shared, unchanging values.
In our world today, especially among young people, there’s often a focus on surface-level attributes like looks, taste, or lifestyle when building relationships or even seeking a spouse. Yet, these things can and do change over time. What truly matters are the core values—the spiritual, intangible, and eternal truths that guide a person’s life. As Proverbs 4:23 reminds us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Philippians 2:2 urges us to be like-minded, sharing the same love, and being one in spirit and purpose. When core values align, relationships are built on a solid foundation that can withstand the test of time.