Demonstrating Genuine Dedication To Your God-given Mission

Many people pay lip service to their life’s mission while actively pursuing other things. They often speak passionately about their goals and dreams, but their daily lives and commitments tell a different story. Management guru Peter Drucker once said, “Tell me what you value and I might believe you, but show me your calendar and your bank statement, and I’ll show you what you really value.” This powerful quote reminds us that our true priorities are reflected not in our words, but in how we spend our time and resources. If your actions don’t align with your stated mission, it’s time to reevaluate and make real changes.

The life of Jesus is a perfect example of someone whose daily actions were in complete alignment with his mission. Acts 10:38 tells us how Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. The Gospels paint a vivid picture of how Jesus was constantly occupied by his mission, spending his days teaching, healing, and spreading the message of God’s love. His dedication was so evident that his apostles and disciples were inspired to follow suit, becoming hyper-focused on their mission in their time. Their commitment was clear because their lives mirrored their purpose every single day.

Life’s demands can sometimes make it challenging to devote all your time and resources to your mission. However, true commitment requires sacrifice. You must ensure that your mission is not just reduced to lip service but is reflected in your daily actions. This might mean setting aside time each day to work on your mission, even if it’s just a small step forward. It might involve making financial sacrifices or choosing to prioritize your mission over other activities. By aligning your calendar and your resources with your stated priorities, you demonstrate genuine dedication to the mission that God has placed in your heart.

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