You Have To Make Prayer A Top Priority

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of working on a mission and forget to pray. However, if you want to be the salt and light of your world, you must first recognize the importance of prayer. No matter what your mission is—whether you are building a school, starting a business, or leading a nonprofit to provide clean water to remote villages—prayer is essential. It is the foundation that supports and guides all your efforts. Without it, your mission can lose direction over time. Always remember to make prayer a priority in your work. 

In the modern world, it seems that as we get busier with our mission, prayer is usually the first thing that goes off the agenda. This is in stark contrast to the scriptures. In the Bible, we see that despite running quite a hectic (but productive) schedule, Jesus continued to make time to pray. He understood the importance of staying connected to God for guidance and strength. By prioritizing prayer, Jesus set an example for us to follow. No matter how busy we get, we must remember to keep prayer at the center of our lives and missions. 

If you’re not praying right now, it’s not because you’re too busy or your life is too hard. It’s because prayer is not a top priority for you. It’s because you’re proud and think you can get things done without prayer. You must start by fixing that. Martin Luther, the church reformer, once declared, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” This powerful statement reminds us that the busier we are, the more we need to pray. By making prayer a top priority, we align ourselves with God’s will and gain the strength and wisdom needed to fulfill our missions effectively.

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