Mark 10:17-22 tells the story of Jesus and the rich, young ruler. This man ran up to Jesus and knelt before Him, showing at least an outward display of humility. He asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus reminded him of the commandments, which the man claimed to have kept since his youth. However, Jesus pointed out one thing the ruler lacked: he needed to sell all he had, give to the poor, and follow Him. The rich young ruler, unable to part with his great wealth, walked away in sorrow. Apparently, this man desired eternal life on his own terms.
It is difficult to help people who already feel that they are rich. They have a mindset of “everything is awesome, we just need one more thing.” But they are making a grave mistake because first and foremost; you don’t know what you don’t know. This man had great possessions, and he obeyed and followed the commandments, yet he wasn’t fulfilled. He wanted more. And when Jesus told him the exact solution to his problem, he walked away in sorrow. This demonstrates that you can know what you want but refuse to do what is necessary to achieve it.
Are you also making these same mistakes? Are you too rich, proud, or pig-headed to receive counsel? Are you approaching God on your own terms? True fulfillment comes from complete surrender to God’s will, even when it challenges our comfort and pride. Reflect on your own mission and consider if there are areas where you are holding back. Are you willing to follow through with God’s instructions, even when it requires sacrifice? Let us strive to be open to God’s guidance and willing to take the necessary steps to truly follow Him.