Daily Devotionals

The Motivation To Complete Your Mission

The scope of your mission is limited by your level of motivation. You can only work as hard as your motivation allows. Your work ethic will show how motivated you are. It is not enough to clarify your mission. You must also clarify your motivation. Without an appropriate level of motivation, your mission will not succeed. Consider Joshua 13:1 (ESV), “Now Joshua was old and advanced in years, and the Lord said to him, “You are old and advanced in years, and there remains yet very much land to possess.” Despite a promising start to his career. Joshua had somehow gotten behind schedule with his mission. Your motivation matters.

Many people who are entrusted by God with steering their world toward a better future fail to do so. They never put in the amount of work required to make the impact. The work of the watchman is best described as a labour of love. In many cases, the work is “thankless”. The worth of the work is unclear. And there is no sense of urgency. They want to do whatever they can, whenever they can, and however they can. The Bible doesn’t mince words; “cursed is he who does the work of the Lord with slackness”. You will not get results, if you are not diligent.

There is a big issue with motivation. Your lack of motivation is keeping you small. The work will never pick up momentum. You must have the passion to go the extra mile. To get things done. You need to clarify your motive. You must be motivated by love to get the most out of your mission. You will fail if your motivation is selfish or greedy. To the selfish person, the amount of work required to keep an eye on your world is absurd. You will make more money if you follow your selfish impulses. Love your mission. Let the love for your mission give you the motivation to do it well.

The Reality Of Building Big Inventions

It will take you much longer than you are thinking to build those big inventions in your spirit. These refer to big ideas that necessitate new scientific discoveries. Or perhaps a new technological breakthrough. New discoveries and breakthroughs take time. More time than one is willing to even consider. Nevertheless, here are the facts. First, all you have right now is an idea about an idea. Your initial idea is far from being complete or feasible. Your ideas will be refined over time. Second, you do not know enough to build it right now. Third, you do have the resources to do anything about the idea.

Amazon.com billionaire Jeff Bezos fulfilled a lifelong dream on July 20, 2021, the 52nd anniversary of Apollo 11’s historic lunar landing. He became an astronaut, flying 66 miles above the Earth aboard his company’s Blue Origin New Shepard rocket. “Best day ever,” he exclaimed as his capsule touched down. “My expectations were high, and they were dramatically exceeded.” Jeff Bezos had fantasized about going to space since he was a child. But he had to wait until he was 57 years old before embarking on the journey. Over the decades, he had to clarify what was possible. And acquire the necessary resources to build a space engineering company.

You will need time, decades to grow into the person that can build out big ideas. You might need to work on other smaller ideas in the beginning. For example, Jeff Bezos built an ecommerce company first. This will allow you to build knowledge and capacity for your grand ideas. You will also require resources and connections to get things done. This is going to take a long time. Just like Jeff Bezos and other visionaries throughout history. You must figure out how to keep your dreams alive. Your dreams are valid. However, everything will take a long time to come together.

The Atlas Lions’ Reminder: The Power of Family in Achieving Greatness

Today’s modern world seems to keep the lights on individual achievement. Without any room for family ties. There are not enough considerations for the support systems we need, in order to succeed. In such a hyper capitalist society, everything is for sale. And we just might lose sight of the little things that matter. Family cannot be replaced by commercial services. Regardless of how friendly, the service providers pretend to be. A child will never prefer their nanny’s company to that of their parents. Toys and TV shows cannot replace the need for quality family time. Family is not an inconvenience on the road to success. Family is the support system we need to triumph.

The Atlas Lions of Morocco made quite the impression at the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. After becoming the first African team to reach the FIFA World Cup semi-finals. Photos of Moroccan players celebrating their historic victories with their mothers captured the world’s attention. Heart-warming scenes that reinforced the value of family bonds. And the role that parents play in their children’s’ success. The photos also reflect the sacrifices many families have to make due to economic constraints, particularly in the developing world. The team coach, said, “You know, as North Africans, we’re very close to our families, especially our mothers. That’s something only we can understand. Being away from our mothers is always difficult. The loving relationship we have with them is strong and I thought it’d be very important in a competition like the World Cup, that comes around every four years, that they too can experience it with their children”.

You will need the love and warmth from a family. As it is written, “God places the solitary in families and gives the desolate a home in which to dwell” (Psalms 68:6 AMPC). The cure for your loneliness is a family. If you feel out of place in your world, review your family ties. Who plays the role of a dad or mum in your life? Your parents are not a relic from the past. They are not to be discarded. Talk to your parents more often. Talk to your kids more often. God gave us the family structure for a reason.

The Path to Purpose: Discipleship and Spiritual Guidance

You do not need to have a supernatural encounter in order to know your purpose. You do not need to hear a voice from the spirit realm. A search for supernatural experiences is not only nonsensical. It is also unbiblical. There is no biblical evidence to support the idea that hearing a voice of God is the way to discover purpose. If you are not discipled, and matured in spiritual things. You do not have the might to take on a divine assignment. The path to a purposeful life begins with proper discipleship. You will grow and succeed in your calling as you follow the one God has sent to you.

A study of the bible reveals that special, supernatural encounters with God are not the place where purpose is found. Jesus did not go fasting in the wilderness, to find his purpose. Moses did not discover his purpose at the burning bush. He was already determined to free the children of Israel from slavery. This is because his mother (a Levite), groomed him. The burning bush was a place of commissioning, where he was commissioned to do what he already knew he wanted to do. Isaiah was already prophesying before the divine encounter recorded in Isaiah 6. You recall that after Paul’s supernatural conversion in Acts 9, he was still led by the Spirit to connect with a human being (Ananias) in Damascus.

Nobody in the bible “discovered” their purpose after intense fasting and prayer. If you want to grow into your purpose, it is not by embarking on a spiritual journey. It is by humbling yourself at the feet of a spiritual guide. The road to purpose is simple and clear. Follow the instruction of Jesus. John 6:28-29 (ESV) says, “Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” If you want to do the works of purpose; the works of him that sent Jesus. You must believe in the person, a human being, that God has sent to you.

The First Step Towards A Purpose Driven Life

You are not going to find purpose by fasting and praying about it. First, purpose is not something lost and obscure. It is not something you will discover by accident. Your purpose is something you learn over time. As you devote yourself to your daily activities, a pattern emerges. There is not enough biblical evidence to support the idea that people should go up to a mountain to pray for purpose and guidance. Sound biblical doctrine is that God will mould you through people that have walked the earth before you. We see then that submission is an important aspect of purpose discovery. You need to be discipled by someone. That is the first step.

Purpose discovery is not about camping up on a mountain, and calling down fire from heaven. It is not about supernatural encounters and experiences. It is about identifying what God is doing in your generation. And understanding your place in the grand scheme of things. Doing the works of him that sent Jesus requires discernment. It is hard to understand divine order without instructions from a human being. You must submit to someone. This kind of discipleship is not a virtual mentoring program. It must be a one-on-one situation. If you want the responsibility of living a purposeful life, also embrace the reality of someone discipling you for many years.

Jesus promised his disciples the Holy Spirit. He assured them that the Spirit will teach them all things. And remind them of things Jesus already taught them. But, we see that the Holy Spirit is not a replacement for human teachers. You still need someone to teach you the basics. You cannot operate in purpose without living a disciplined life. A life that is defined by principles and ideals. And you will be trained in this by a human being. It is self-deceit to insist that the Holy Spirit will teach you every matter of life and purpose. Someone has to disciple you first. Then the Holy Spirit can work in your submissive heart. If your spiritual connection to God is genuine. God will lead you to human beings that will train you, and help you grow into your purpose.

Who Is Training You For Impact?

You cannot bring out the best in yourself. It is difficult, if not impossible, for someone to bring out the best in themselves. Without the need for external guidance. You need someone higher than you to help you. There is always room for growth and improvement. You are not ready for the big leagues until you decide to humble yourself at the feet of a master. A human being that is operating at a much higher level than you are. Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad once said, “dreams without education, plans and mentors create delusional people also known as dreamers.”

You will require the input of other human beings to discover your purpose. Clarify your purpose. And even to get it started. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s co-founder and CEO, has had several mentors throughout his career. His father, Edward Zuckerberg, was one of his first mentors. Later, he was mentored by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who reportedly gave him advice on how to build a successful company. Furthermore, Zuckerberg has been mentored by other successful entrepreneurs and business leaders, including Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman. We see that Mark Zuckerberg did not mature in isolation. Who is teaching you business?

No matter which sphere of human activities you operate. There is no escape from the need for a human being to teach and train you. For example, the PhD was designed as, and is still widely regarded as, a kind of apprenticeship. Where a more experienced person guides a lesser experienced person. Helping them understand the process. It is great to read books on business. And attend business seminars. But at some point, you will need someone to guide you. Allow God to help you identify your Elijah. That person that is already leading a purposeful life in business, religion or governance. As you apprentice with the person. You will grow in knowledge, and build capacity for greatness.

This Is The Way, Walk In It

It should not be difficult for any true disciple of Jesus to find purpose. By definition, a disciple is an apprentice. A deliberate process which made the fully formed disciple a living copy of the master. As a result, if Jesus lived a purposeful life and passed on a purposeful existence to his disciples. Everyone who submits to the rigors of Christian discipleship will mature into their calling. You need someone to guide you into your purpose. A discipler that is already doing the works of him that sent Jesus. Someone that will say unto you, “this is the way, walk in it.”

Without an external force, it is hard, if not impossible, for someone to bring out the best in themselves. If you are interested in making a difference in your world. It begins with training. Discipleship is not just learning the discipler’s teaching, but also the practical details of their life. A disciple is required to interact with and imitate a real living person, not just attend lectures or read books. A disciple literally follows someone in the hopes of one day becoming what they are. You will need a human being to guide you into your own purpose. Allow God to lead to someone that will shape you.

You should clarify your motives. Are you seeking your purpose or are you looking for the spectacular? You are not going to find your purpose by spending forty days on prayer and fasting. There is no knowledge or training in your spirit for such a rigorous spiritual exercise. The first step is to be discipled by a human being. You will receive knowledge, discipline and training. This is what prepares you for a purposeful life. How will you hear the voice of God without adequate preparation? There is no basis in the Bible for this. You need someone to train you. Someone that will say unto you, “this is the way, walk in it.”

On Finding Purpose

Many people claim to be looking for their purpose. They’re trying to figure out why they’re here. It may appear strange, but you must clarify that you truly want to find your purpose. This is because deep down, you might not be interested in defining your purpose. A well defined purpose comes with the burden of determining how to achieve it. You do not have to bear the burden of fulfillment if your purpose is not defined. So, are you certain you want to clarify your purpose? Are you prepared to organize your daily life around matters of purpose? You must make the decision to work hard in the service of your purpose.

If you are sure about clarifying your purpose. And you are ready to put in the work. It becomes easy to determine your purpose. We are to do the works of him that sent Jesus. Operating as a salt and light of the world. As for the specifics, you will do well to follow the instructions of Jesus. John 6:28-29 (ESV) says, “Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” If you want to find your purpose, this is all you have to do. Believe in the person God has sent to you.

You need to believe in the person God has sent to you. And as you follow them, you will grow into your own unique mission. This is a pattern you find in the Bible. Across the scriptures, you find this. People that grew into their own by clinging on to the person God sent to them. This is the story of Joshua, Elisha, the Apostles and so many others. Serve your Moses. Find your Elijah. Connect with your Paul. Find the person God has sent to you. This is the best way to find your purpose.

From Revelation To Reality

There is a long list of people who have had an idea for something. However, as time passes, they are unable to implement the idea they were given. They can produce something in some cases. But what they produce never lives up to the original concept in their heads. Ideas are spiritual. Ideas come from a place that is beyond logic and reason. Yet, without the application of logic and reason, an idea cannot be maximized. If you want to go from having an idea to fully developing it. You must understand the significance of knowledge and training. Then embrace the skill required to do things properly.

When the Holy Spirit places an idea in your heart. This is just the first step in the entire process. You need to take out time to think about the word you received. Your goal is to be able to explain the word/idea in a logical way that anyone can understand. Depending on your current capabilities, you might need to discuss the ideas with people more experienced than you. They will bring perspectives and opinions to the table. Some of such opinions and feedback might be negative. It will help you confront the tough questions about your idea. It is meant to help you see the issues with your project. You cannot develop an idea if you cannot explain it step-by-step.

Do not become like the people who possess great visions about things they want to do. But they never achieved it. To maximize your spiritual potential, patience is your ally. The patience to get enough education and training. The patience to commit to reviewing and seeking feedback as needed. We often underestimate how much we can improve if we are tenacious enough to stick with the original concept and patient enough to figure it out. Isaac Newton spent decades working on his initial breakthrough ideas before he got answers. A single idea from God can keep you busy for the next twenty years. Have faith in God. Be patient with yourself. Your revelation is real, and over time, it will mature.

Just Provide Discipline And Instruction Of The Lord

The love a parent has for their children can be a beautiful thing. However, it can also stop the wheels of progress. Proper parenting is meant to help a child assimilate morals and good values. Proper parenting does not include policing children. You want to be close enough to shape their walk. Yet, give them enough space to allow them to grow into their own distinct personality. Ephesians 6:4 (ESV) says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” A parent must learn to love and discipline children towards accomplishment of the dreams of the child.

Judges 14:1-4 shows how Samson’s parents did not understand the choices and demands of Samson. But, his choice was from the Lord. A lot of times, parents are clueless as to the Lord’s life choices for their children. They end up derailing the life of such children. Nikola Tesla, the great inventor was almost going to become a priest at the insistence of his father. His father was a priest, and wanted the same for his son. The man would only agree to permit Nikola explore a career in engineering, when the boy was sick unto death. If that man had insisted on priesthood for Nikola, the world would have been worse off.

A child must be treated as a unique human being, separate from their parents. Zechariah had to insist that his son will be named John. Against the objection that the name was strange to their priestly lineage (Luke 1:57-64). Your children are not a vehicle for you to explore alternative lifestyles and careers. Recognize the spiritual truth that you are nothing more than a caretaker of your children. Appointed by God to prepare them for their own unique mission. You must be ready to yield to the Lord if their path in life diverges from your own.

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