Daily Devotionals

On End-of-year Prophecies and Goals

There is no difference between the days, according to scientists who study the workings of the physical universe. Mondays and Thursdays have no physical distinction. Everything is the same. There is no evidence that the laws of physics change over time. Everything is the same. That is why you must abandon the notion of waiting for a specific day before acting. You do not have to wait until another Wednesday to correct mistakes made on a Wednesday. Do not make the common mistake of setting aggressive goals for the new year. While you ignore the daily discipline required for success. Genuine end-of-year prophecies are fantastic. However, prophetic guidance without strategic thinking is useless.

Prophecies help you move in accordance with God’s will. If the prophecies coming your way do not contain any intelligence you need to make decisions. They are no good. Several media houses reported that the Republic of Ghana has enacted legislation to limit the dissemination of certain prophecies. Prohibiting the public communication of doomsday prophecies, particularly of deaths and harm and similar ones with the potential to lead to the breakdown of law and order. This is not an attack on religion. We should all be wary of doomsday prophecies that do not add any value. Any prophetic insight that does not provide any sort of guidance is useless.

Prophecies are an important part of God’s moves on the earth. The prophetic word that comes to you is meant to equip you with the ability to make better decisions. A good prophecy originates from heaven and offers guidance. The prophetic insight will help you form meaningful goals. There is nothing special about the end of the year. You do not have to wait till New Year’s day to act upon your goals and resolutions. Take action today. Prophecies are no substitute for hard work and diligence. You don’t always need a fresh word from God. You simply need to develop the discipline required to complete the work.

Let’s Stop Pursuing Unrealistic Projects in West Africa

Most West African countries’ socioeconomic conditions are nothing to rejoice about. Coups, terrorism, and economic hardship have shattered these countries. The year 2023 will be significant for the region. However, the path to economic recovery and prosperity will be slow. And many people refuse to accept this reality. This results in white elephant projects that do nothing but waste the limited resources available. A white elephant project is one that is costly to maintain, difficult to complete, or unnecessary, but is kept going because of political or social pressures. You must be thoughtful about your work. Be truthful about your timelines. And make certain that your big, loud projects will not be a waste of time in the long run.

Akon City is one of such projects that is looking like a white elephant. Akon announced plans to build Akon City, a “real-life Wakanda” in Senegal in 2018. Akoin, his almost-eponymous cryptocurrency, was to serve as the foundation of the project. According to the BBC, both projects have encountered difficulties and delays, and the proposed city site remains a waste ground in December 2022. While the project looks exciting on paper, a city of skyscrapers, malls and other modern conveniences. It ignores the real problems that plague West Africa. A prosperous country is not defined by the number of skyscrapers and shopping malls it has. Their collective productivity defines them. There have been numerous discussions about Akon City’s construction. There hasn’t been enough said about the productivity that will keep the city running.

It is not enough for you to will the good of your world. You must also be careful about seeking the relevant knowledge. Being enthusiastic but not carefully considering what you are about to do is not a good thing. Akon’s projects come from a place of love. He cares about the future of Africa, and he wants it to be better. But maybe building a crypto city is not the best place to get things started. Look for the smallest thing you can impact that will have some long-term value. We tend to underestimate how much we can achieve in 10 years. While overestimating what is possible in a year.

Real Wealth Requires Consistent Productivity

It is important to reject the idea that you will become wealthy overnight. It is not going to happen. As it is written, “wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.” (Proverbs 13:11 NLT). While this position might seem to discourage your spirit. It is long-term beneficial to your health. There is nothing wrong with you. You’re going in the right direction. Your wealth is a direct result of your productivity. The day your productivity is valued in millions, you become a millionaire. The focus should be on how you are solving problems. And generating value every day.

A study of people who are actually wealthy will reveal two things. First, their wealth did not materialize overnight. Second, you can point to the productivity behind their wealth. As of December 2022, Bernard Arnault & family are considered to be the wealthiest family on earth. Bernard Arnault became rich through his successful career in the luxury goods industry. Bernard Arnault is the CEO and Chair of LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton). He has led the company since 1989. Under his leadership, LVMH has grown significantly and now includes more than 70 brands. You can see that he did not become wealthy overnight. And that his wealth is connected to his productivity at LVMH.

Do yourself a favor and never envy those whose wealth appears to be unconnected to anything tangible. According to the Bible, such riches cannot last. Long-lasting wealth is a reflection of your productivity. And it will compound over time. So, ignore the get-rich-quick schemes. Settle down with your mission and get going. As long as you are solving problems with your work. You can never be broke. When you are creating value through your work, you will attract resources to keep going. You may believe you are already working hard but have nothing to show for it. Keep going. If the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves on the earth. Perhaps your cloud is not yet full.

Everyday Christmas

Let us consider the idea that Christmas is a time for acts of love and charity. A time for giving and sharing. We also tend to think of Christmas as a time of plenty. A time to spend and have fun. If you think about it, it becomes clear that limiting this to Christmastime is not a good idea. A Christian’s daily life should be defined by acts of love and charity. You should be showing love every single day of your life. And because you lead a fruitful life. You don’t have to wait until December to buy lovely things for yourself and those you love.

3 John 1:2 says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” This is not reserved for Christmastime. It should be a daily experience. If the Spirit of Jesus dominates your heart, everyday should be “Christmas” to you. Christmas should not be an annual holiday when you try to be nice. You should be thoughtful and kind, every single day. Not only on Christmas day. Every day, you should be on your best behavior. You should always give. Furthermore, you should always allow God’s love to shine through your heart into the dark world around you. Every day should be like Christmas to you.

Life is good if you are living it on the lane of the Spirit of God. Life is hard, if you continue to live like a fool. You don’t need a one-night stand (fornication), excessive drinking, or gluttony. Anyone that lives like a fool will perish. Not just after death. When you live like a fool, you attract failure and destruction to yourself in this world. Give your life to Christ, that’s the smartest decision any smart person has ever made. There is a higher quality of life available to you. Use the access Jesus’s sacrifice gave us many years ago! Merry Christmas friends!

The Greatest Love Of All

In a world that has been corrupted by greed and lust. It’s wonderful to be the recipient of an act of love. The story of Christmas is the story of love. God’s kind of love. The love that wills the highest good of the other, as the other. Not the corrupted love humans give. An evil variant of love that is best described as emotions running riot. We are moved by the Christmas story. It reaches into the depths of our soul. It’s a wonderful love story. A story about hope, redemption, and humanity’s salvation. As it is written, “for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son.”

This is the only reason we can be hopeful about the future. That God’s love is real and observable. Without the assurance that God loves us and desires our well-being. We would be lost. The love of God is the basis of our hope. God loved us first. With all our flaws, and all our sins, he loves us still. In a masterstroke perfected at Easter. We are no longer a horde of sinners deserving of death and judgment. We were transformed into God’s children. The discussion is no longer about our impending destruction. We can now serve as the salt and light of the world.

When you allow the spirit of Jesus to dominate your heart. You become a beacon of love, hope and salvation to your world. This is a beautiful office to occupy. The Office of the Salt and Light of the World. The love of God in your heart. Made possible because you have escaped the corruption that is in the world. Delivered from the power of darkness, and translated into the kingdom of God. Never underestimate the value of the love you have received. This is the most profound love. For this reason, you must reaffirm your faith. Is the Spirit of Jesus alive in your heart? Are you simply a recipient of acts of love by others? Or are you allowing God’s love – the greatest love of all – to express itself through your soul?

Remember The Christmas Day, And Keep It Holy

Christians must learn to stick to celebrating the birth of Jesus as a holy day. Christmas is not a holiday in the modern sense. Celebrating a generic holiday at the end of the year is a good idea for the entire world. To take a short break from work before starting over in January. But, in the midst of it all, you should keep a religious observation and remembrance of Jesus’ birth. For example, if your father’s birthday falls on the same day as your country’s Independence Day celebrations. You do not have to reject or despise the national holiday. However, when everyone is celebrating their independence. You are commemorating your father’s birthday. The world does not need to change its mind and abandon a generic end-of-the-year holiday. You must learn to stick to celebrating the birth of Christ. Teach your children the significance of Christmas. 

The Christian-owned retailer Hobby Lobby has a tradition of reminding people everywhere about the real meaning of Christmas and Easter. They do this with a special message in their triennial series of annual newspaper advertisements. It all started in 1995, when company founder David Green was reading through Christmas ads, including ones for his own business. David Green noticed the lack of any testimony in the newspaper ads that reflected the true meaning of the holiday. There was no religious content in the commemorations. Today, Hobby Lobby runs Christ-centred ads on Easter, Independence Day and Christmas, celebrating the “real meaning” of the holidays. 

David Green’s first newspaper ad for Christmas in 1996 included the following message: “As you celebrate this Christmas season in the warmth of family and home, may you be drawn to the Savior; He who left the beauty of Heaven on our behalf and became like us, that we might become like Him. If you know Jesus as your Savior, then this season already has a special meaning. If you do not, we encourage you to find a Bible-believing church in your community, and to discover a relationship this Christmas with the God who loves you more than you can begin to imagine.”

Reclaiming Christmas In His Name

It is important to define Christmas. We must define Christmas in a consistent manner that leaves no room for ambiguity. The Christmas season has become compromised. The dark world around us has repurposed Christmas. Changed into something else. Christmas has devolved into nothing more than a time for family gatherings. A time to look back on the year and celebrate personal accomplishments. Also, spread love and goodwill to others. That is not wrong, but we must reclaim Christmas for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We must reclaim Christmas as a religious day of observance to mark the birth of Jesus. There should be a difference between “Christmas!” and “Happy Holidays!”

The world around us grows increasing anti-gospel. The world opposes anything that draws the heart of people towards the light of heaven. God has charged you with lighting up your world. This is not the time to sleep off your roles and responsibility. The modern word “holiday” has an interesting origin. It comes from the Old English “haligdæg,” which means “holy day.” The word originally referred to a religious festival or day of observance. But it has come to be used more broadly to refer to any day of rest. A day we take time off from work or school. Christmas is not a holiday in the secular sense, we need to reimagine it as a holy day. A day set apart to recount the birth of Jesus, and it’s implication for mankind.

This does not mean forcing the world to celebrate the birth of Jesus with the Christian community. The idea is for Christians to reject every secularization of the Christmas message. The Christmas season is a good time to educate children about Jesus. There is no biblical basis for Father Christmas (aka Santa Claus). Such nonsense should be kicked out of churches and Christian homes. Father Christmas is bad theology. God is not Father Christmas. Teach about a God that loved the world so much that he sent Jesus. Sing hymns and spiritual songs. Pray in the name of Jesus. Reflect on the birth of Jesus as taught in the Bible. Let your Christmas be about Jesus.

How Love Will Unlock Your Potential For Greater Impact

You will receive grace, strength, and resources to the extent of your vision. If you are thinking small. You will receive corresponding grace. God gives power to the faint, and to them that have no might, he increases strength. But the nature of God, as revealed in holy scriptures indicate that God is against wastage in any form. He will not empower you for nothing. You will always have what you need to complete the task at hand. We therefore realize that if we want to do greater exploits for God, we need to love our work. As you grow in love, you become a better steward of the Lord.

If you love enough to only serve ten people. You will not grow beyond that. Even though your work has the potential to help thousands of people. Your lack of stewardship, and love for the ones you are called to serve is holding you back. You should recall that the master rebuked the servant that buried his talent as being wicked and slothful. The servant was not too simple or dull to realize their full potential. The servant simply did not care. This bred slothfulness. And the servant did not end well. On the other hand, when a servant cares enough to do something with their talents. They get rewarded. The master set them over cities.

You can never rise above the limits you set for yourself. When you draw a line, signaling how far you are willing to go. You have also made a decision about the extent to which God can empower you. God cannot use you for national impact if you are not willing. As it is written, “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” So, the impact of your work is not as much as you dream about due to two things. First, you do not love your mission as much as you need to. With a selflessness akin to “he must increase, while I must decrease.” Second, you are not willing to do more than you are doing right now.

Invent On Behalf Of The Customer

Love is the greatest. According to 1 Corinthians 13. It outperforms prophecies and knowledge. Love, faith and hope are the three things that will last forever. But love remains the greatest of the three. This is why you must allow love to drive your business. An unselfish love growing out of a deep conviction. A conviction that you should replicate the love and mercy you have received. Greed does not even get a shout out. Greed is detestable. It should not be mentioned amongst us. Let love drive you to go all out, on behalf of your customers.

Amazon became a trillion-dollar corporation by loving its customers. Officially, they call it inventing on behalf of the customer. They have never hidden their desire to become the most customer-focused organization in the world. That is how large organizations are built. By loving your customers so much that you never stop going after new customers. You love your customers enough to continue to grow. When you love your customers, you will want to deliver better products and services. This leads you to invent. Coming up with new ideas to serve them better. The same principle works in every aspect of life. Big churches are driven by love to reach the unsaved. They want to reach more people. They want to serve more people.

Allowing selfishness or greed to be your primary motivation in business is a big mistake. You will not make much money from the venture. Love will fuel your spirit, allowing you to grow and impact more people. More than greed can assist you in making money. Love triumphs over all. You could have made money from your greedy tendencies. But know that love would have inspired you to do more. When you love, you reflect God’s nature. Answers and solutions come to you. You have the training to see beyond the problem. And see how you can improve things. You will invent on behalf of others. Creating things of economic value.

He Will Split Rocks For You

It is important to have faith that if you pursue your God-given mission. The vision will be realized. You have to settle this within your heart. An understanding that your mission to watch over your world is from the Almighty God. And that as you go out there, doing your good works. The Lord will work with you, and confirm your mission by accompanying signs. It was after the widow had filled all the vessels available to her, that the oil stopped flowing. Jesus converted all six pots of water into wine. Never for a second doubt the Lord’s commitment to your assignment. He will split rocks for you.

A lot of times, we worship God for what he has done for others in times past. While we fail to consider all the mighty things he can do in our future. Moses was ready to step down after forty years of leadership. Moses had led the children of Israel through the wilderness. With God confirming his mission through signs. Great signs, including the parting of the Red Sea. But now it was Joshua’s turn to lead his own portion of the mission. Joshua 3:7 (ESV), “The Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.” God parted the Red Sea for Moses. The same God destroyed the walls of Jericho for Joshua. He can split rocks for you.

You can draw faith from the words of Apostle Peter, “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.” An absolute confidence that if you do the right thing, you will get the results you want. You need to believe in your mission enough to work on it every single day. Let the love of God shine through your good works. The vision will be realized. But you have to put in the work. The same God of the Bible is now at work in our days through you. If there are mountains ahead, he can split them up for you. Now, get to work.

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