Everyday Christmas

Let us consider the idea that Christmas is a time for acts of love and charity. A time for giving and sharing. We also tend to think of Christmas as a time of plenty. A time to spend and have fun. If you think about it, it becomes clear that limiting this to Christmastime is not a good idea. A Christian’s daily life should be defined by acts of love and charity. You should be showing love every single day of your life. And because you lead a fruitful life. You don’t have to wait until December to buy lovely things for yourself and those you love.

3 John 1:2 says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” This is not reserved for Christmastime. It should be a daily experience. If the Spirit of Jesus dominates your heart, everyday should be “Christmas” to you. Christmas should not be an annual holiday when you try to be nice. You should be thoughtful and kind, every single day. Not only on Christmas day. Every day, you should be on your best behavior. You should always give. Furthermore, you should always allow God’s love to shine through your heart into the dark world around you. Every day should be like Christmas to you.

Life is good if you are living it on the lane of the Spirit of God. Life is hard, if you continue to live like a fool. You don’t need a one-night stand (fornication), excessive drinking, or gluttony. Anyone that lives like a fool will perish. Not just after death. When you live like a fool, you attract failure and destruction to yourself in this world. Give your life to Christ, that’s the smartest decision any smart person has ever made. There is a higher quality of life available to you. Use the access Jesus’s sacrifice gave us many years ago! Merry Christmas friends!

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