You will receive grace, strength, and resources to the extent of your vision. If you are thinking small. You will receive corresponding grace. God gives power to the faint, and to them that have no might, he increases strength. But the nature of God, as revealed in holy scriptures indicate that God is against wastage in any form. He will not empower you for nothing. You will always have what you need to complete the task at hand. We therefore realize that if we want to do greater exploits for God, we need to love our work. As you grow in love, you become a better steward of the Lord.
If you love enough to only serve ten people. You will not grow beyond that. Even though your work has the potential to help thousands of people. Your lack of stewardship, and love for the ones you are called to serve is holding you back. You should recall that the master rebuked the servant that buried his talent as being wicked and slothful. The servant was not too simple or dull to realize their full potential. The servant simply did not care. This bred slothfulness. And the servant did not end well. On the other hand, when a servant cares enough to do something with their talents. They get rewarded. The master set them over cities.
You can never rise above the limits you set for yourself. When you draw a line, signaling how far you are willing to go. You have also made a decision about the extent to which God can empower you. God cannot use you for national impact if you are not willing. As it is written, \”If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.\” So, the impact of your work is not as much as you dream about due to two things. First, you do not love your mission as much as you need to. With a selflessness akin to \”he must increase, while I must decrease.\” Second, you are not willing to do more than you are doing right now.