Daily Devotionals

Mmesoma Ejikeme And The Search For Order, Duty Or Integrity

The news cycle has been dominated by a rather curious story. Mmesoma Ejikeme is a Nigerian student who was at the center of a controversy in July 2023 after she claimed to have scored 362 out of 400 in the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). However, JAMB, the body that administers the UTME, accused her of forging her result and said that she actually scored 249. And banned her from taking the UTME for three years. Ejikeme denied forging her result and said that she will appeal the ban. The controversy has raised questions about the integrity of the UTME and the way that JAMB handles cheating allegations.

This controversy is just another in a long line of them. This sort of thing happens all the time. It’s all because Nigeria is known for its “anyhowness.” There is no sense of order, duty, or integrity. This is a place where anything can happen. Everything is allowed in this environment. The Nigerian situation brings to mind Judges 21:25; “in those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” There is nobody, no watchman, no leader that is conscious of their role as a paterfamilias. Someone that can emphasize order, duty, and integrity in both family and national life.

While we could chalk it all up to political witch hunting, the past three Nigerian presidents have faced allegations about their educational credentials. Young people are not being encouraged to live lives of order, duty, and integrity. And the insane cycle of anyhowness continues. There is little or no trust in Nigerian public institutions. The system is devoid of righteousness and justice. A place where everyone is out to take advantage of the system for their own personal, selfish gain. Our only hope is in you. You must be aware of the need to model virtue for everyone in your spheres of influence.

Commit To A Long-term Unraveling Of Your Glorious Purpose

There is a need to commit to a long-term unraveling of your glorious purpose, as well as to the training process required for such a journey. It is interesting to note that there is nothing out there that satisfies a human soul apart from finding a sense of purpose in one’s day-to-day life. Humans require a reason to get out of bed in the morning, a purpose that exists outside of themselves. They want to be doing something for someone else. A person who lacks purpose seeks pleasure to distract themselves, and things quickly devolve into hedonism.

There is no real alternative to a purpose-driven life. You will lose steam if you do not take steps to align your life with a higher purpose. Jesus makes it clear that your topmost priorities should not be to fulfill your fleshy needs like food, clothing and security (Matthew 6: 31-34). Our Lord desires that our top priorities align with whatever God would have us do. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the highest need of any human being is self-actualization. Self-actualization is simply another word for “purpose.” If you do not develop a stronger sense of purpose every day, you will eventually succumb to sin and moral decadence.

Finding your purpose is not as difficult as many make it to be. The key is to understand that purpose is not something you discover suddenly amidst some unexplainable incident or “encounter”. Your purpose is something you grow into over time. 1 Samuel 2:26 says, “now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the Lord and also with man.” The central concept is to commit to holistic growth. As you grow, you will begin to understand the world around you better. Then you will be prepared to bear the greatest burden you can bear for the sake of the Master.

Every Global Business Begins Local

Successful entrepreneurs and billionaires such as Aliko Dangote, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk recognise the value of focusing their efforts locally before expanding globally. Aliko Dangote began in Nigeria, while Bill Gates and Elon Musk began in the United States. Despite their global business ventures, their roots in their home regions are undeniable. They recognised the benefit of capitalizing on their local geography and establishing a strong presence before expanding into international markets. The success stories of these billionaires highlight the importance of understanding and utilizing the power of having a local base.

The benefit of location extends beyond just consumption or sales. It includes production capabilities as well. China and the Chinese people have harnessed the power of concentration to transform the country into a global manufacturing powerhouse. Their ability to concentrate their efforts and specialize in specific industries, becoming synonymous with production while improving quality and efficiency over time, is the key to their success. The lesson here is that by concentrating on a specific geographical area and excelling in your chosen field, you can lay a solid foundation for future growth.

If your goal is to build a company with a global footprint, you must first establish a strong local presence. While it may appear that starting a new small business is easier than scaling an existing one, the benefits of focusing your efforts and establishing a strong presence in your local market cannot be overstated. Locally nurturing and growing your business lays the groundwork for future expansion, establishing a brand, expertise, and a loyal customer base. This solid foundation allows you to confidently enter new markets and expand your business globally.

Building A Strong Foundation for Global Impact

To achieve global impact, your mission must begin by resonating within your local community. If you are not making any local impact, then you are not solving any problem. You haven’t done enough to modify your ideas and make them work in your environment. Successful global organizations have a strong local presence, recognizing the importance of taking local actions that hold global potential. Understand that your actions, rooted in the local context, can have far-reaching implications. Invest in making your ideas locally effective, and you’ll create a foundation for global relevance. If you can not get your ideas to work somewhere, you will not get them to work anywhere.

Location matters in our journey of purpose. Just as a tree needs strong roots to grow and flourish, we need a solid foundation for our mission. Before venturing into the world seeking global expansion, it is vital to become firmly established in the right place. This entails discerning where our mission aligns most harmoniously with the needs of the community, the resources available, and the support network that can nurture and propel us forward. Starting in the right place allows us to build a strong spiritual foundation, gather the necessary knowledge and skills, and foster meaningful connections.

Nothing in the world can survive in the absence of true roots. You might be able to withstand the harsh weather for a day or two, but without true roots, your mission and whatever you built around it will perish. A mission-driven person needs to understand the power of local impact. Your mission must first take root and grow locally. This is where you can intimately connect with individuals, understand their needs, and make a tangible difference in their lives. By focusing on the local community, you establish credibility, trust, and a track record of success that will propel your mission forward.

Before You Take Your Mission Global

Every mission has the potential for global impact, and the ability to express our spiritual calling knows no bounds. However, while it is true that our mission can transcend geographical boundaries, it is also critical to recognise the importance of being properly grounded. Resist the temptation to believe that you can run your business, ministry, or nonprofit from anywhere. While it can be done anywhere, it is critical to have a strong local presence somewhere. Build a base for your mission, before you expand globally. Grow strong, local roots before chasing global relevance and recognition. This is the secret of mission-driven organizations that successfully globalize.

Jesus, the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29), was also well-known for keeping his “worldwide” mission within the borders of the Jewish state. He sent out his Apostles with an explicit warning to “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 10:5‭-‬6). Jesus removed all geographical restrictions after his death and resurrection. By this time, he had disciples in their hundreds, a solid foundation from which they could take on the world.

This principle holds true in business as well. Millionaires diversify and look for opportunities wherever they can. They are present everywhere, but they do not dominate any of them. Billionaires, on the other hand, double down and focus on a specific geographical location before going global. You can always tell where they have a strong market presence and dominance. It is important to become firmly established in the right place before venturing into the world in search of global expansion. Your mission is global, but you should first establish a base before going global.

Analysing Ignoramus et Ignorabimus

In our quest for knowledge and understanding, we encounter the Latin phrase “Ignoramus et ignorabimus,” which translates to “We do not know, and we will not know.” Coined by Emil du Bois-Reymond, a German physiologist, in the 19th century, this phrase expresses a skeptical viewpoint that suggests certain things are inherently unknowable or beyond the limits of human comprehension. While it is essential to recognize the boundaries of our understanding, we must also embrace the potential for growth and discovery. It is vain to rely on human understanding, but blessed is that person that can wait upon the Lord for insights and wisdom.

In Proverbs 25:2, we learn that it is the glory of God to conceal things, while it is the glory of kings to search them out. This verse emphasizes the existence of hidden knowledge and the virtue of seeking understanding. Du Bois-Reymond used “Ignoramus et ignorabimus” in the context of scientific knowledge’s limitations, acknowledging that some fundamental questions about existence, consciousness, and the universe may forever remain elusive to scientific inquiry. He is not wrong. No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. It will take something higher than the physical and the mental to unlock greater knowledge and understanding.

You need to tap into something greater than the human mind. You need to align with the Holy Spirit and gain access to superior wisdom. Beyond our current capabilities, there is a realm of knowledge and understanding waiting to be explored. The spiritual logic is straightforward. God is all-knowing (Omniscience), and the Holy Spirit knows everything that God knows. As a result, you can see that you can gain access if you fellowship with God in spirit and truth. This is the gist of Apostle Paul’s writings in 1 Corinthians 2: 9-16. Ignoramus et ignorabimus is a foolish statement. We can know, and one day, we will.

On Choosing Your Spiritual Leadership Carefully

There is no polite way to say that many people put their faith in terrible spiritual authorities, which will result in a life of mediocrity. It is an unsettling truth. Surrounding oneself with a spiritual leader who aligns with God’s truth and offers genuine spiritual guidance can profoundly impact one’s spiritual growth and journey towards fulfilling their purpose. The person you choose to shepherd your soul may mean the difference between a lifetime of fulfillment and super achievement and a lifetime of regret, unfulfilled dreams, and mediocrity. A pastor and a church should not be chosen solely for reasons of convenience, such as proximity to one’s home.

In the journey of life, spiritual guidance plays a vital role. It is essential to discern when God is leading us towards those who can provide the necessary direction. Do not underestimate the significance of finding a spiritual leader who can effectively guide you. They have the ability to impart wisdom, counsel, and inspire you to greater heights. Seek out a community that cultivates a vibrant spiritual environment and a deep understanding of God’s Word. Many people have died because they trusted the wrong pastor. Many pastors have talked and bullied their flocks out of their divine destiny.

Jesus teaches us to discern spiritual leadership by the quality of their products (Matthew 7:15-20). You can always tell bad pastors by their fruits. Examine their members’ lives to see what kind of fruits they bear. What kinds of testimonies are they celebrating? What does their vision statement look like? That is an indication of the kind of life you will lead if you submit to such a community. Woe unto you, if you find yourself in submission to a leader who does not understand your destiny! Do not join a church because it is closest to your home; rather, find a church that will lead you to your destiny.

Embracing Humility And Returning The Glory to God

In a world obsessed with individual accomplishments and the pursuit of personal glory, the concept of humility is frequently overlooked. We are inundated with stories of extraordinary human achievements, ranging from groundbreaking inventions to remarkable artistic masterpieces. Yet, in the midst of the celebration of these accomplishments, there is an important aspect that often goes unnoticed: the humble recognition that these achievements are not solely the result of human prowess, but are intertwined with divine guidance and grace. Embracing humility means admitting that our talents and abilities are gifts from God, and that we can only achieve greatness with His help.

Returning the glory to God for outstanding human accomplishments requires a shift in perspective. Instead of attributing all the credit to ourselves, we humbly acknowledge God’s role as the ultimate source of wisdom, inspiration, and enablement. You should draw inspiration from the life of Mother Teresa, whose selfless devotion to serving the poor and marginalized earned her worldwide acclaim. Despite her noble efforts, she humbly stated, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” Her humble obedience allowed God to work through her, impacting countless lives.

If you are serious about your divine assignment to keep an eye on your world and steer it in the direction God desires, you must remain humble. Accepting humility in our accomplishments allows us to keep a grounded perspective, foster gratitude, and avoid the pitfalls of pride and self-centeredness. Humility allows for continuous growth and learning as we remain open to God’s leading and seek His wisdom in all we do. It is a transformative mindset that allows you to have a closer relationship with God and use your achievements to bring glory to His name. Our efforts are for the betterment of mankind and the greater glory of God.

Can A Nation Be Formed In A Single Day?

In our journey of leveraging spiritual gifts in the realms of business, economy, and governance, it is essential to address disagreements that may arise. Some may argue that spiritual gifts should produce immediate results and manifest in tangible outcomes when used in any context. They may believe that God’s power should bring about immediate change and that waiting for long periods of time contradicts the concept of faith. There is also the place of relying solely on divine guidance, which calls into question the need for strategic planning. An in-depth study of the Bible, on the other hand, reveals that the greatest impact required time and strategic planning.

We can see from the Bible that things of God still required time to manifest. Our Lord Jesus was not born overnight, and that does not diminish his divinity. Jesus was not born instantly after the angelic declaration. The apostle Paul had great success in Ephesus, but this was after more than two years of ministry there (Acts 19:1-20). Daily miracles occurred, but the overall outcome took years. David was not crowned king of Israel immediately after Prophet-Priest-Judge Samuel anointed him. He spent years trusting the process and growing into the powerful king we remember.

So, even though God’s power can perform massive miracles instantly, certain things still take time. As a result, while we long for immediate change, we must remember that God’s timing often differs from ours. In Luke 14: 26-32, Jesus taught us to “count the cost” and plan. Can a nation be born in a day? Yes, the answer is yes. However, some underground work would have been required. After a 400-year gestation period in Egypt, Israel was born in a single day. After years of development, your instant breakthrough appears. May we remain open to God’s guidance, sensitive to the leading of His Spirit, and committed to strategic planning that aligns with His purpose.

Leveraging Spiritual Gifts In Business, Economy And Governance

In the realm of spiritual gifts, there exists a beautiful diversity. Each individual is endowed with unique gifts by the same Spirit, and these gifts manifest in various ways (1 Corinthians 12: 1-7). We must recognize that not all workings of the Spirit yield immediate results like salvation, healing, or deliverance. Some aspects of spiritual gifts, especially when applied in the realm of business, economy and governance, require patience and wisdom. Building a successful organization by leveraging your spiritual gifts is a process that demands time and endurance. It is not an overnight achievement.

Just as different gifts serve different purposes, the timing and manifestation of these gifts also vary. While some miraculous interventions occur swiftly, the application of spiritual gifts in the business world necessitates strategic planning, perseverance, and a long-term perspective. In the book of Genesis, Joseph’s journey exemplifies the various ways spiritual gifts can be applied in the economy and governance. During a time of famine, he brought prosperity to Egypt through wise stewardship. Joseph’s story teaches us that expressing our spiritual gifts fully could require time, resilience, and strategic planning.

Therefore, do not be discouraged if the results of your spiritual gifting in the economic sphere do not materialize instantly. These are not dimensions of faith and prophecy that resolve in seconds or hours. Was Father Abraham not acting on faith when he received the understanding that the great things God promised him would not be realized for 400 years? (Genesis 15). You cannot issue an overnight prophetic statement to solve your country’s economic and leadership problems. It will take time for you to mature and grow into an Entrepreneur capable of building multimillion-dollar businesses. It is through consistent effort and the cultivation of wisdom that organizations are built.

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