There is a need to commit to a long-term unraveling of your glorious purpose, as well as to the training process required for such a journey. It is interesting to note that there is nothing out there that satisfies a human soul apart from finding a sense of purpose in one\’s day-to-day life. Humans require a reason to get out of bed in the morning, a purpose that exists outside of themselves. They want to be doing something for someone else. A person who lacks purpose seeks pleasure to distract themselves, and things quickly devolve into hedonism.
There is no real alternative to a purpose-driven life. You will lose steam if you do not take steps to align your life with a higher purpose. Jesus makes it clear that your topmost priorities should not be to fulfill your fleshy needs like food, clothing and security (Matthew 6: 31-34). Our Lord desires that our top priorities align with whatever God would have us do. According to Maslow\’s hierarchy of needs, the highest need of any human being is self-actualization. Self-actualization is simply another word for \”purpose.\” If you do not develop a stronger sense of purpose every day, you will eventually succumb to sin and moral decadence.
Finding your purpose is not as difficult as many make it to be. The key is to understand that purpose is not something you discover suddenly amidst some unexplainable incident or \”encounter\”. Your purpose is something you grow into over time. 1 Samuel 2:26 says, \”now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the Lord and also with man.\” The central concept is to commit to holistic growth. As you grow, you will begin to understand the world around you better. Then you will be prepared to bear the greatest burden you can bear for the sake of the Master.