Daily Devotionals

Lean On The Experiences And Insights Of Others

When you reflect on your actions and decisions, you realize that you haven’t always been correct. Perhaps you were correct 15% of the time. Perhaps you were correct 35% of the time. A track record of losses as a result of your actions and choices suggests that you are not as awesome, smart, or invincible as you believe. This is compelling evidence that you should take apprenticeship and mentorship seriously. You wouldn’t need teachers, mentors, or masters if you’re super awesome and every decision you made was always the right one. Don’t play with mentorship if you realize you’re more likely to fail and make poor decisions without it.

The Bible teaches that two heads are better than one, yielding better returns on their efforts (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). If you’re right only 35% of the time and your mentor is right 85% of the time, the synergy results in more favorable outcomes. Over time, learning from your mentor enhances your decision-making abilities, a powerful transformation. As the Bible states, “one will chase a thousand, but two will chase ten thousand.” Embracing this concept is a perpetual boost to productivity. It underscores the value of collaboration, mentorship, and the collective strength that emerges when wisdom is shared.

So, dispel the notion that working alone is superior. Making every major life decision independently isn’t a measure of intelligence. While your pastor, prophet, or spiritual guide may not always be infallible, submitting to their authority holistically increases your likelihood of success. Negative outcomes attributed to blind submission highlight the need for discernment rather than faulting the system itself. Embrace the wisdom and guidance others offer; it’s a humbling acknowledgement that, as humans, we thrive when we lean on the experiences and insights of those who have walked the path before us. Go and work for someone before starting your own. Seek mentors, collaborate, and be discerning in your journey.

Guard Your Soul Against Fake News And Online Garbage

In a world saturated with misinformation, the call to action is clear: prioritize reading sound books over social media hot takes. You should be aware that the majority of the news stories, articles, and social media posts you encounter on a daily basis are not written to educate or even inform you. They are primarily written to generate likes, shares, comments, and other forms of engagement. The more contentious and sensational it is, the better. It is your responsibility to guard your heart with zeal by feeding your soul timeless truths. Your productivity depends upon the measure of truth in your spirit.

According to the Bible, a good person produces good works from the good treasures of their heart (Luke 6:45). If you continue to feed your soul with the garbage of social media and clickbait articles on the internet, your heart will become full of garbage. A person whose heart is full of junk cannot produce anything useful. Engage with reliable sources that provide depth and insight, cultivating a discerning mind. By choosing wisdom over sensationalism, we guard ourselves against the pitfalls of fake news, ensuring our minds are anchored in truth.

You must consciously feed your gem of a soul truth in order to develop virtue and knowledge. You must train yourself to seek the good, the true and the beautiful. Fake news is a serious issue. Its insidious nature distorts reality, resulting in a distorted view of the world. This distortion affects our minds, influencing our decisions and actions negatively. When building a business or advancing a career, falsehood breeds failure. Discipline yourself to seek out and study well-written books on topics of interest to you. It is the key to girding your loins with truth, and structuring your mind for exploits.

The Headlines Are Raining Cats And Dogs

In a world where headlines scream for attention, it’s important to recognise that most of the news stories, blog posts and articles online are written to be sensational. Facts and truth take a back seat to emotions. The stories and concepts are presented in a way that is intended to provoke public interest or excitement, at the expense of accuracy. This is a form of deception, falsehood and it is a manifestation of wickedness. We can associate sensational news and articles with wicked imaginations and false witnessing based on Proverbs 6:16-19, which lists the things the Lord despises. Sensationalism misleads, just as a wicked heart does.

Sensational headlines, like an evil heart, distort and deceive reality. They instill resentment and other negative emotions. In some cases, they provide false hope where none exists. “The Headlines Are Raining Cats And Dogs” represents the absurdity of certain news stories, prompting us to question our assumptions. ‭‭John‬ ‭8:32‬ declares that “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” If you want to advance, you must arm yourself with the truth. To get things done, you need wisdom and the truth. And it’s a serious issue if you can’t rely on the news and online sources to tell you the truth.

You have to teach yourself to cling to truth in the face of sensationalism. Avoid the pitfalls of misinformation by discerning the heart behind the headlines. Every organization or individual publishing online is driven by a motive. Motives that might not be necessarily financial. As an example, the Watching the World devotional is driven by a burden of purpose to help you understand the world around you enough to find your God-given role within it. In a world of sensational headlines, discernment is required. Learn to read the same stories from a variety of sources that provide different perspectives. Read to understand trends rather than following them blindly.

Commit To Running Crystal Clear Ventures

To succeed in any business, clarity and precision are required. This is why businesses that stand tall and weather the seasons are usually businesses with a strong sense of mission. This is due to the fact that your mission statement is an expression of the clarity you currently possess. Our Lord Jesus continued to proclaim with exceptional clarity, “Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” A confused mind is chaotic and cannot produce good results. If you are dissatisfied with your business results, look for areas of complexity and confusion in the operation. Reduce the ambiguity.

There are different levels of clarity. Knowing you want to start a business is a start, but the path to success requires a deeper level of clarity and precision. Understanding the specific industry or niche you aim to enter is crucial. Many entrepreneurs waste time and resources chasing seemingly incredible opportunities that, in reality, lead to nothing. The key lies in discernment, recognizing that your success is limited by the amount of clarity you possess. A simple idea, crystal clear to your soul, often leads to higher productivity and more significant progress compared to a complex idea that only adds confusion.

Are you too confused to make money? A confused mind may conceal their lack of clarity with big words and bravado, but people eventually see things for what they are: confusion. When someone listens to you but cannot understand what you’re saying, their response is always no. We should pray with the Psalmist: “In you, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion” (Psalms 71:1). Over everything else, you must prioritize gaining clarity in your life, marriage, business, and ministry. The key is to recognise areas where you require assistance and to seek that assistance.

You Do Not Have A Money Problem

You do not have a money problem. You have an obedience problem. Your financial challenges may not be about money but about obedience. Perfect obedience brings blessings, as Deuteronomy 28:1–6 outlines. If you heed God’s commands, blessings overflow in every aspect of life. Your city and field, family, livestock, and daily activities all flourish. It’s a promise of abundance. Reflect on your obedience. Is it consistent or selective? The key isn’t more money; it’s unwavering obedience. Good success follows obedience, making it a channel for blessings. Realign your actions with divine commands, fostering a life where obedience paves the way for abundance in unexpected ways.

Consider the numerous testimonies of people who found massive success after following a “gut” feeling. We can do so much these days without having to pause and listen within. In our fast-paced world, the art of pausing to listen within frequently falls by the wayside, potentially leading us outside the circle of obedience. The story of Peter and his net-breaking catch in Luke 5:1-11 is deeply moving. At the Master’s command, Peter tried again after a night of toiling with empty nets. The nets were broken as a result of the massive catch.

Success, wealth, and fulfilment are not elusive dreams but guaranteed outcomes when we follow divine guidance. You do not have a money problem. You have an obedience problem. If you were in perfect obedience, you would not be in lack. According to Isaiah 1:19, you tend to prosper to the extent that you are willing to and obedient to. This is a call to self-reflect and consider how your current situation is a result of how well (or poorly) you have obeyed thus far. Your life, like Peter’s nets, can break through barriers when anchored in obedience.

Divine Precision Will Help You Build Cutting-edge Ventures

Noah’s ark offers profound insights. His ability to receive exact instructions and dimensions for the ark sets a template for effective missions in business or ministry today. Genesis 6:13-22 exemplifies how God’s explicit instructions elevated the ark from a mere structure to a vessel of salvation. In our contemporary hustle, impatience often dilutes divine insight, causing a lack of cutting edge in ventures. By contrast, missions aligned with heaven’s precision leave a lasting impact on earth. The key lesson: patient listening to God’s guidance ensures missions mirror divine design and maintain a cutting edge.

Gideon, a Bible hero in Judges, crafted a remarkable mission by listening patiently to God. He asked for clear signs, like the fleece experiment, before taking action. This patience ensured God’s precision in his mission. This resulted in an outstanding victory with just 300 soldiers. In business or ministry, the Gideon principle is crucial. Impatience often blurs divine insight, leading to missions lacking a cutting edge. Gideon’s story reminds us: waiting on God’s detailed guidance creates missions that resonate with heaven’s design, standing at the forefront of impact on earth. Be a Gideon in your ventures, embracing patience for a mission that reflects divine craftsmanship.

In a world that rushes, waiting on God’s intricate guidance is the essence of impactful missions. The narrative of Noah and Gideon converges on this truth. As you embark on your ventures, the call is clear: be patient, listen for divine details, and watch your mission transcend the ordinary. Amidst the noise of copying others, your unique cutting edge lies dormant. While everyone copies from the streets, true innovation springs from waiting upon the Lord for insights specific to your soul. Align with God’s precision; let patience mold your mission into a distinct force, standing out in the crowd.

The Extraordinary Results Of Waiting For Intricate Details

In the serene patience of Noah, we discover a profound lesson in divine creativity. God didn’t just command an ark; He provided intricate details (Genesis 6:13-22). Noah, resisting the urge to rush, waited for God’s precise instructions. Amidst life’s hustle, waiting on the Lord for detailed guidance may seem challenging, yet it’s the key to profound manifestations of creativity. Picture Noah hastily constructing a vessel without specifications. Channeling God’s creative spirit involves not just action but also listening for divine guidance. In your projects, consider the power of patient waiting, allowing divine details to infuse your pursuits with wisdom and purpose.

Noah’s obedience went beyond constructing a vessel; it was a perfect obedience ensuring success. Too often, we run with half-baked divine ideas and fill in the gaps with our human reasoning. This often yields mediocre returns. Divine guidance might challenge norms; building an ark in Noah’s time was unconventional. Yet, Mary’s wisdom echoes through ages: “His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you'” (John 2:5 ESV). Perfect obedience, even when unconventional, is the gateway to success in creative ventures. Aligning with divine guidance, even if it contradicts norms, opens the door to extraordinary outcomes.

Recognize that Noah’s genius wasn’t just in building; it was in waiting for God’s detailed instructions. Godly attention to detail transformed the ark from a vessel to a life-saving masterpiece. In today’s rushed world, take a moment to ponder the art of waiting on divine insight. The motivation is not merely to build but to build with purpose. In your creative pursuits, dare to wait. Patiently seek the divine details that elevate your projects beyond the ordinary. True creativity is expressed in patiently waiting for God’s intricate guidance, ensuring your endeavors align with His purpose and wisdom.

My Wife Is An Idiot

No, she’s not. In moments of frustration, it’s easy to label others. “My Wife Is An Idiot” might cross your mind, but it’s a call to listen, not an indictment. Your father isn’t good-for-nothing and old-for-nothing, and Uncle Gbenga isn’t a fool at 40. The key is understanding, not immediate agreement. Take a moment to truly hear their perspective. You might still disagree with their expressions, but beneath the surface, you begin to grasp their motives. Listening doesn’t demand concurrence, but it might highlight places you agree with someone else. Before dismissing, lend an ear. When it comes to differing opinions, listening to understand helps us find common ground.

Calling someone unprintable names is counterproductive and against your values as a creative, business-minded Christian. As you watch your world, it is inevitable that you will encounter people who might, on the surface, annoy you. Before passing judgment, remember the wisdom of Matthew 5:22: “whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.” Ecclesiastes 7:9 reinforces this, stating, “Anger resides in the bosom of fools.” Cease getting angry at your spouse, children, mentors, protege, coworkers, or anyone else you’re connected with. Reflect on whether you’re acting wisely or foolishly in your relationships.

Cease granting yourself permission to indulge in anger. Opt for listening over reacting, especially when emotions are high. Refrain from forming hasty opinions in moments of anger and frustration. Instead, actively choose to listen and understand. Patiently breakdown the words, actions, and motives of the other party. This depth of comprehension reveals areas of disagreement, enabling a more productive engagement. By choosing to understand, whether it’s your spouse, parents, siblings, mentors, or protege, you position yourself to be a positive influence. Embrace this role, becoming the salt and light of your home and community. Your impact stems from the choices you make in moments of conflict.

Clearing The Path To Greater Productivity

Ever wonder why some tasks seem insurmountable while others conquer them effortlessly? The struggle to finish what you start, to bring your inventions to life, is real. Proverbs 12:27 (ESV) holds a gem of wisdom: “Whoever is slothful will not roast his game, but the diligent man will get precious wealth.” This verse isn’t just about cooking; it’s a metaphor for completing tasks. The lazy won’t even cook what they catch, missing out on the rewards. But the diligent, committed to finishing what they start, unlock treasures. It’s a call to embrace diligence, turning potential into precious achievements.

Dr. D.K. Olukoya wisely stated, “every excuse is a well-packaged lie.” Excuses, often dressed in seemingly valid reasons, are the silent saboteurs of progress. Reflect on the times you’ve opted for excuses instead of action. If a task truly matters, you’ll find a way; if not, you’ll find an excuse. Unravel the lies hidden in your excuses. The path to achievement requires facing challenges, not hiding behind excuses. Excuses are like roadblocks on the highway of progress. Identify and dismantle them, paving the way for productivity. The first step to overcoming excuses is acknowledging their deceptive nature.

To break free from the shackles of inaction, consider seeking guidance. Enlist a master, mentor, or coach as your situation may demand. Let their experience and wisdom mold you into a person who gets things done. Having a guide doesn’t signify weakness but strength in acknowledging the need for growth. You need someone that can provide insights and strategies, helping you navigate obstacles. It’s a transformative journey, moving from potential to tangible accomplishments. Commit to diligence, discard excuses, and welcome the guidance that propels you towards realizing your goals. The world needs what you can offer, and it begins with a decision to turn potential into powerful action.

The Diligent Person Will Get Precious Wealth

Your life isn’t just a repository of knowledge; it’s a canvas of actions. Even if you hold the creative power to reshape the world, without a steadfast commitment to discipline, your potential remains untapped. Proverbs 12:27 reminds us that the diligent, unlike the lazy, make the most of what they have, leading to precious wealth. Discipline, particularly self-discipline, emerges as the linchpin for progress and heightened productivity. It’s the commitment to doing the right thing at the right time, regardless of feelings or circumstances. Developing the self-discipline required to maximize your creative potential often requires external support.

The genius of the Christian faith lies in the discipleship system as designed by our Lord Jesus. Discipleship helps you to grow and gain strength with external support. While your discipler (a kind of coach) may echo familiar principles, their presence elevates accountability, propelling individuals toward success. In the initial stages, self-discipline may require the guidance of masters in the field, revealing the unique disciplinary requirements of each craft. Learning a craft extends beyond knowledge to embrace the distinct disciplines not always covered in standard curricula. You will not always be able to read up on things you don’t know. The wisdom and experience of the master makes a difference.

In the journey of discipline, investing time and resources is strategic. Depending on your current situation, you might need to seek out a master, mentor, or hire a coach. You need someone higher than you to guide you, especially when venturing into uncharted territories. Don’t squander your life; instead, dial up the discipline. A disciplined life not only optimizes productivity but propels you toward your goals. The decision to embrace discipline is a commitment to transform knowledge into meaningful action, ensuring that what you know aligns with what you do. Discipline helps a diligent person to get precious wealth (Proverbs 12:27 (ESV)).

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