There are countless problems in the world, but you’re not called to fix everything. God has given you a specific mission, and your focus should be on doing it well. Execute your assignment with excellence, knowing that others have their own God-given tasks to complete. Trust that God is coordinating every person’s role for His greater plan. Don’t get distracted or overwhelmed by the enormity of the world’s issues. Instead, focus on the job entrusted to you, and trust others to do theirs. When everyone fulfills their mission faithfully, the broken pieces of the world begin to come together.
Imagine someone passionate about reducing illiteracy in their community. They started a small initiative to teach reading skills to children in need, but soon became overwhelmed by other pressing issues, like lack of clean water and healthcare. Instead of focusing on their original mission, they tried to tackle everything at once, stretching their limited time and resources thin. After years of effort, neither project had much impact because their attention was divided. This story shows that trying to fix everything at the same time can lead to burnout and minimal results, highlighting the importance of focus and persistence.
Focusing on your God-given mission allows you to make a real impact, far greater than spreading yourself thin trying to fix the entire world. Jesus told Martha in Luke 10:41-42, “You are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.” Like Mary, we must choose the “good portion” by concentrating on what truly matters. Paul echoed this focus in Philippians 3:13-14, saying, “This one thing I do… I press on toward the goal.” When you give your full attention to your mission, your efforts will bear fruit, and the ripple effect will create lasting change.