3 Ways To Ensure You Remain True To Your Mission 

It’s easy to start with a sincere mission but end up building “castles in the air” without realizing it. To check if your work is bearing real fruit, begin by looking at the results you’re producing. Jesus said, “by their fruits you shall know them” (Matthew 7:15-20). What are the fruits of your labor? Are they in line with the purpose God has given you? Take an honest look at whether you’re producing these results faithfully or if you’re exaggerating them to appear more productive. True mission work doesn’t need hype; it’s known by steady, authentic growth that honors God and serves others.

Next, evaluate the role of money in your work. Earning an income is part of any career, but when money becomes the primary goal, it can distract from the deeper purpose of your mission. Ask yourself if you’re more driven by financial gain than by a desire to advance the mission God has placed on your heart. These motivations can be tough to sort through, but over time, a true mission focus naturally brings provision. Jesus taught us to seek first His kingdom, trusting that other needs will be met. If you center your work on the mission, you’ll find that the money takes care of itself.

Finally, take a close look at the people around you. Are you building your mission alongside faithful, trustworthy people? 2 Timothy 2:2 reminds us of the importance of surrounding ourselves with reliable individuals who can carry forward the mission’s heart and vision. Seek out mentors, team members, or staff whose motivations align with your own, who are driven by purpose rather than self-interest. Real mission work thrives in a community of like-minded, loyal people working together. As you evaluate these three areas, let them guide you toward a grounded, purpose-filled journey that bears lasting fruit.

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