What Is More Important To You Than Making Money? 

Are you making this mistake? It’s important to know the game you are playing. If you don’t do what you do mainly for money, don’t complain about not having enough. If money isn’t your main goal, don’t pretend it is. Focus on your mission and getting better at your real goals. Concentrate on what matters most to you. When you stick to your mission, you will often find that the money follows. Stay focused on the right game. The big question is: What is more important to you than making money? If your answer is not “nothing”, then you’re not playing the “make money” game. Stop worrying about the money. 

It’s perfectly fine if your mission is more important to you than making money. In fact, it’s okay to “leave money on the table” if it means staying true to your purpose. While you may need to find a balance between making an impact and making money, your priorities should always come first. Proverbs 4:23 (ESV) tells us to “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” An obsessive focus on money can cause you to lose your way. Stay grounded in your mission, and let everything else follow naturally. 

Making money is simply the reward for solving problems. When you’re committed to creating real value, the money will come. But if you focus on making money too soon, you risk compromising on quality, clarity, and depth. You’ll stray from your mission, creating a hollow version of your original plans. Instead, focus on delivering your goals. Solve problems for your audience, deliver value to your customers, reach more souls, and teach more effectively. When you do this with excellence and heart, the money will follow. Stay true to your mission, and let the rewards come as they may.

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