You Have To Solve Problems From The Roots

The recent news about the Nigerian President traveling to France on a newly acquired private jet amidst a severe cost-of-living crisis has understandably sparked widespread outrage. As millions of Nigerians face extreme poverty and struggle with skyrocketing inflation, the decision to invest $100 million in a luxury aircraft seems out of touch with the harsh realities on the ground. There have been mass protests. And reassurances by the government that it is working to get things back on track. While short-term fixes may bring temporary relief, there is an urgent need for solutions that address the root causes of these challenges, ensuring a more sustainable and just future for all. 

While poverty and economic crises are visible symptoms, they are not the root causes of Nigeria’s ongoing struggles. These challenges point to deeper issues, suggesting a fundamental lack of productivity at the national level. For a country to thrive, it must produce something of worth that can be traded or utilized to improve living standards. Unfortunately, Nigeria has yet to establish a solid foundation of value creation on a national scale. Without this, no short-term bailouts or international aid will provide lasting change. True transformation requires a focus on productivity, innovation, and building industries that can sustain the nation’s economy and uplift its people over the long haul. 

In 2 Kings 2:19-22, the people of Jericho approached Elisha, saying that their city was well-situated, but the water was bad, causing unproductiveness and death. Elisha didn’t merely treat the symptoms; he went to the source—the spring—and healed the water. This biblical account underscores the importance of addressing problems at their root. Similarly, Nigeria’s economic struggles won’t be resolved by temporary fixes or superficial changes. Like Elisha, we must look deeper, identifying and correcting the root causes of unproductiveness. Only by doing this can we truly transform our nation, bringing about lasting change and genuine prosperity for all.

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