To truly succeed, you must be intelligent in your pursuits. Many people chase after big dreams without the necessary knowledge to bring them to life. Intelligence isn’t just about being smart—it’s about knowing how to achieve what you want. Often, we have a sense of the possibilities and opportunities before us, but that alone isn’t enough. To turn those spiritual insights into real, tangible results, you need practical knowledge and understanding. Dreams require more than just faith; they require the wisdom to take action and make those dreams a reality.
Imagine someone who feels called to be the President of their country, convinced that it’s their destiny. They dream of leading their nation, envisioning the positive change they could bring. But despite this strong sense of purpose, they remain uninformed about how their government functions. They don’t understand the political system, the laws, or even the challenges their country faces. Without any theoretical or practical knowledge, they lack what it takes. This kind of naivety can turn a promising dream into an impossible fantasy. It’s not enough to just have a vision; you need to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to make that vision a reality.
Faith is the foundation, but it isn’t the whole structure. As 2 Peter 1:5 reminds us, we are called to add knowledge to our faith. Faith alone, without the pursuit of knowledge, can leave us unequipped to turn our beliefs into tangible results. You can believe deeply in God’s power and the possibilities He has placed before you, but if you lack the knowledge necessary to act on that faith, you’ll find that your efforts fall short. True faith is active—it seeks wisdom, gains understanding, and applies this knowledge diligently to bring about the desired outcome.