Taking on a divine mission alone is never a good idea. When someone tries to execute a mission without a team, partners, or support, the impact is severely limited. God’s plans are often too big for one person to handle alone. A divine mission is meant to touch lives and transform society, but that requires more than just one person’s effort. To truly fulfill the potential of a mission from God, we must outgrow the one-man mentality. We need to embrace collaboration, build teams, and work together to achieve the greater purpose God has set before us.
In a society like Nigeria, where the mindset is often “everyman for himself, God for us all,” building something of lasting significance can be incredibly challenging. Low trust and suspicion of others’ intentions create barriers to collaboration and collective progress. Everyone who believes they have something valuable to offer tends to start their own venture, rather than joining forces with others. This has led to a proliferation of businesses, ministries, and outreaches, but with minimal collective impact on society. True progress requires unity and a willingness to work together for a greater cause, rather than each person going it alone.
Samson serves as a cautionary tale of what happens when someone tries to singlehandedly execute a divine assignment. Though gifted with immense strength, his refusal to build alliances or seek wise counsel ultimately led to his downfall. Samson’s story reminds us that even the most talented individuals can fall short if they rely solely on their own abilities. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 wisely teaches, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” To fulfill God’s mission effectively, we must embrace collaboration and the strength that comes from unity.