In Luke 17:21, Jesus says, “nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” This verse reminds us that the Kingdom of God is within us. Deep down, you already know what to do. Your mission is spiritually discerned by listening to the still small voice within you. However, this world is loud, fast-moving, and full of distractions. It takes a great deal of discipline and willpower to sit still and listen. Amidst all the activities and noise, we often find too little true productivity.
Jesus warns us against distractions, or “distant attractions,” that pull us away from our true purpose. He cautions us not to look for deliverance, salvation, and upliftment from far away sources. These external distractions can make you feel that your answers are always somewhere else, just out of reach. However, if you can be quiet enough to commune within yourself, you will find the answers you seek. Everything you need to fulfill your mission is already within you, waiting to be discovered through prayer, meditation, and inner reflection. You just need to focus.
Your mission becomes clear when you sit down to commune with yourself, stripping away ego and pride. Remove any actions or activities fueled by greed or lusts of the flesh. By doing this, you purify your mission, allowing the Kingdom of God to manifest within you. In this state of clarity and humility, you can truly understand and fulfill your purpose. Bringing the will of God to life in your daily actions. This is how you align with the divine plan and make a lasting impact on the world around you.