May 2024

Someone Looking Over Your Shoulder

We tend to do our best work when we have someone looking over our shoulder. Having someone oversee our efforts helps us stay focused and motivated to complete tasks. While some people are self-motivated, others require external encouragement and guidance to take action. This external support serves as a catalyst, motivating us to overcome procrastination and inertia, propelling us forward towards our objectives. Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) states, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” This verse highlights the importance of interpersonal relationships in fostering growth and improvement.

Your productivity is closely tied to the feedback and accountability you receive. Surrounding yourself with people who prioritize productivity fosters a culture of excellence. Just as iron sharpens iron, seek out companions who challenge and inspire you to enhance your efficiency and effectiveness. When you engage with like-minded individuals who are purpose-driven and trying to achieve something tangible with their lives, you too will get to elevate your own standards and push yourself to achieve more. Productivity must be a core value you share with anyone you consider to be a friend, teacher or mentor.

Don’t set up your life so that you have to keep your plans to yourself. That’s a waste of potential and opportunities. You should not be the only one working towards your goals. Discuss your purpose, plans, and pursuits with someone or a small group of people. So they can hold you accountable, provide feedback, and offer alternative perspectives. You want people you trust to understand your goals so well that they can receive inspired ideas on your behalf. Seeing the things you are blinded to. These things will help you improve the quality and quantity of your output.

Invest Your Resources Towards Advancing Your Values

What are the dominant ideas influencing your world, community, and home? Where did the ideas come from? And who are the most vocal supporters of these ideas today? Ideas do not spread just because they are better. The ideas that spread have the most resources behind them, including time, human energy, and financial resources. Whether its “school is scam”, LGBTQ+ or feminism, please understand that these ideas have gone round the world not necessarily because they’re better, but because much resources have been committed to them by those that believe in them.

The first Christians worked in an environment that was hostile to the gospel. The only reason Christianity is the religious establishment today is the disciples’ unwavering faith in the gospel. You have to admire the effort that went into spreading the gospel. The Apostles did not simply pray and sit in their homes, hoping that things would change. We find that they worked harder than anyone else, and the Lord blessed them by increasing their number on a daily basis. If you believe your values will make the world a better place, you should devote your time, energy, and resources to advancing them.

It is time to make the distinction between activity and productivity. You must consider how much effort is required to move the needle and change the situation around you. First, identify the change you want to see in your surroundings. Then consider which companies or organizations are already working on such a mission. That way, you can join them and make a bigger impact. If you commit, you can make a difference in your community in a variety of ways. If the enemy is working overtime to derail your world, you must go above and beyond to correct the situation.

The Goal Is To Be Highly Productive

The first step is to become purpose-driven. Something more important than food, clothing, and self-preservation should motivate your daily activities. With that in place, you should work towards becoming more productive. Become productive on a scale that is suitable for your world. There is no point in becoming very good at what you do if you deny your world the goodness that God has bestowed upon you. We should never lose sight of the fact that our innate gifting is meant to serve the greater good. Many good people in our world today are relatively productive, but their productivity is insufficient to make a significant impact.

You’ve heard that “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” One could argue that good people aren’t producing enough results to positively influence the world. This stems from a lack of understanding of what it means to be fruitful (productive). Fruitfulness is not measured in terms of money or material possessions. Jesus warned that our lives do not consist of an abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15). The goal is not to accumulate material wealth. The goal is to be highly productive.

This question, “am I producing enough fruits in line with my talents and gifting?” should keep you awake at night. It is interesting that musical artists who lack values tend to outwork, outproduce, and outperform musical artists who produce value-driven works. The future does not belong to those who dream and discuss it. It belongs to the person who works hardest to make it happen. The Japanese believe that working hard without a vision leads to a nightmare. We could argue that your world is a nightmare because the hardest workers lack a divine mandate. You can repent today and resolve to become more productive.

Work For The Business Results You Dream About

2 Corinthians 9:6 states, “he who sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” What we get out is determined by how much effort we put in. Just like planting seeds, if you plant a few, you’ll get a small crop; if you plant a lot, you’ll get a large crop. Some Christians do not believe in hard work. They justify their laziness with scriptures such as Ecclesiastes 9:11. Of course, “time and chance” have their place; however, the observed pattern suggests that the harder you work, the better your chances of success.

Your current business results mirror your current efforts. If you desire significant growth, you must be willing to put in the necessary work. The grace of God is available, but grace requires that we put in the work (1 Corinthians 15:10). Building a million-dollar business demands more than a minimum-wage work ethic. Look at the successful entrepreneurs you admire—they’ve invested countless hours and relentless effort to achieve their goals. It’s time to reassess your approach and commit to working harder to attain the results you aspire to in your business endeavors.

So let us press on, keeping our eyes on the prize and trusting in God’s guidance every step of the way. You may need to seek feedback from trusted sources to determine whether you are working hard enough to achieve the desired results. For example, you might fantasize about attracting 1,000 customers within your company. A client-driven approach would necessitate strategies, tactics, and a strong desire to complete tasks. You cannot simply pray and wait for clients to arrive. To achieve the desired results, you must demonstrate a strong work ethic, discipline, and accountability.

Striving Towards the Goal of Your Mission

In Philippians 3:13-14, Paul emphasizes the importance of pressing forward towards the goal set before us. As mission-driven individuals, we must adopt this mindset in our daily lives. It’s not enough to merely have a mission; we must actively pursue it with determination and focus. Just as Paul did not dwell on past achievements or setbacks, you too should let go of distractions and keep your eyes fixed on the prize. Every day presents an opportunity to take steps towards fulfilling your mission. You need to be intentional about it. Daily small actions eventually add up into significant milestones.

Having a mission means you have a plan for your world. The Bible is clear in its description of the thief’s agenda. The thief is motivated by a desire to steal and destroy. It makes no difference how decent, pleasant, or noble it appears on the outside; the ultimate goal is evil. That is why, if you are willing to lead as the salt and light of your community, you must be mindful of your agenda. Do not shy away from it. God gave you an agenda for a reason. The divine agenda you establish and enforce will consume every demonic agenda out there.

Setting the agenda and driving it forward requires discipline and perseverance. It means prioritizing tasks that align with your mission every single day. That’s how you work towards its realization. Like Paul, who tirelessly spread the gospel despite facing numerous obstacles, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to our mission. This might involve sacrificing personal comfort or convenience, but the rewards far outweigh the challenges. When you stay dedicated to your mission and striving towards its fulfillment each day, you position yourself to experience the fullness of God’s calling in your life.

On Hazarding Your Life For The Name Of Our Lord

The Apostles described and commended Paul as a man who hazarded his life for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 15:26). Someone who has risked their life for the sake of the gospel. In 2 Corinthians 11:25–27, Paul describes how he lived a life filled with threats and danger. Natural disasters, robbers and bandits, false teachers, and poverty are all threats he faced while advancing his mission. Paul’s passion and commitment to his work unconsciously led him to write a large portion of the Bible’s books. Today, we reflect on Paul’s ministry and recognise the difficulties, but we also believe it was worthwhile.

Your mission may be real, but you’re playing it too safe. This is not an endorsement of recklessness; in all cases, wisdom is profitable to direct. However, deep down, you know you should be doing much more than you are now. Nothing is happening because you are unable to understand what it means to risk your life for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your assignment to watch over your world and steer it in the direction God desires, requires sacrifice on your part. You must be willing to forego food, sleep, comforts, relationships, and material possessions for the sake of your mission.

Whether your mission is to eradicate illiteracy in your community, promote healthy living, or mentor and disciple the next generation, you must be prepared to make sacrifices. If your mission is important to you, you will sacrifice in order to see it succeed. Let’s reflect on what it means to lay down one’s life for their friends. Giving up personal ambitions and self-interest in order to further your God-given mission. At the end of the day, your God-given mission will provide you with more fulfilment and rewards than anything else you could have spent your time on. But it requires going the extra mile.

Is Your Kind Of Christianity Productive?

It’s easy to believe that the sole purpose of the Christian life is to die and go to heaven. However, this is not correct. If Christians’ only goal is to go to heaven, we would optimize that by finding “creative” ways to accelerate the call to heaven. What you actually find in the Bible is the goal of fruitfulness. God blessed mankind in the book of Genesis to be fruitful. There is more to life than seeking bliss and glory that can only be found in the afterlife. Your sole purpose in life is not to die and go to heaven; there are many things you can accomplish here.

A Christian is well positioned to make a difference in the world around them. A good Christian is driven by a set of values that optimizes them for a productive life. The mindset, discipline and experiential knowledge required for a life of exploits is deeply ingrained in the Christian DNA. As a result, let us learn not to simply be born again in a vague, undefined sense. Rather, let there be the conviction that being born again and becoming a part of God’s kingdom on earth enables us to get things done.

The apostle Paul declared, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Nowadays, it appears that the more “churchy” and religious a person is, the less creative and productive they are. They make that Bible text read as “I can do nothing, nothing at all, because I’m too busy putting on an appearance of holiness.” You are forgetting that your mental state influences your productivity. And the Christian faith helps us cultivate a wonderful state of mind. A love-driven state of mind that has a positive impact on the world.

How To Cultivate Trusted Circles

You are good. However, you will be better from learning to trust others. Trusting others is essential for personal growth and success. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 highlights the importance of companionship, emphasizing that two are better than one. Trusted relationships offer support in times of need, providing warmth and strength. However, building such relationships can be challenging, especially when faced with human imperfections. The Bible states in John 2:24-25 that Jesus did not entrust himself to the people because he knew what was in man. So, how can we trust the untrustworthy? How do you build strong relationships that transcend time and space?

It all begins with a step of faith, and becoming the change you want to see in the world around you. Building trust requires vulnerability, honesty, and empathy. By demonstrating these qualities, we set the foundation for meaningful connections. Start by extending trust in a small measure to others. And as they prove themselves, you scale up the trust. As you nurture these relationships, you’ll find that trust grows stronger over time. It’s a journey of mutual respect and understanding, where each party contributes to the bond of trust. Trusted circles can be built and cultivated by anyone willing to do so.

Despite what is written in John 2:24-25, we know Jesus built circles of trust with his disciples. He even referred to them as not just friends, but as “his mother, brothers and sisters” (Matthew 12:49 -50). This passage from Matthew also reveals the conditions for fostering trust; shared beliefs and values. Your trust in someone has to be built around eternal values, not fleeting emotions. The safety in the relationship is based on the principles that bind both parties together. You need to accept the fact that you might be good, but two is better than one.

An Opportunity To Complain About Falling Educational Standards?

This week, there was a lot of talk about the 2024 UTME exams in Nigeria. A staggering 76% of those who took the exam scored less than 200. The figure 200 is significant because it represents half of the total possible score. This has given people an opportunity to complain about falling educational standards. And it has given some reason to complain about how social media and technology are making young people less intelligent. But these simple explanations miss the bigger picture. There are deeper issues at play that need to be addressed.

A significant problem is the lack of action taken to address this issue. Many prophecies and visions remain unfulfilled because people aren’t responding as they should. Merely having dreams and plans isn’t enough if no practical steps are taken to achieve them. Despite many Nigerians being passionate about improving education, little progress is being made. Countless others receive prophecies and revelations but fail to act upon them. Real change requires deliberate, massive action. Merely complaining about falling academic standards won’t bring about the necessary change. It’s time for concrete steps to improve education for young people.

It’s time for action. Each of us has a role to play in improving educational standards in our communities. Whether it’s mentoring a single student to excel in their exams, organizing study groups, or volunteering with organizations focused on academic excellence, every effort counts. Move beyond online complaints and take tangible steps to make a difference. You can inspire and empower the people around you to succeed. It’s not enough to talk about the problem; you must commit yourself to be part of the solution. Let’s commit to action and work towards a brighter future for our youth.

Channel Your Energy Into Business

The spiritual life empowers us for exploits. As the Bible says, “those that know the Lord their God will be strong, and they will do exploits.” The spiritual life opens up so much power, grace, and possibilities for us. The big question is: “What will you do with this energy?” It is important to be business-minded and to direct your energy towards productive endeavours. After all, God-given energy should be focused on God-given missions. Do not emulate those who are spiritual solely for the purpose of being spiritual. They’re unproductive. They lack understanding and are not business-oriented.

The goal of the spiritual life is not to sit in isolation and count the angels. The goal is to be fruitful. And fruitfulness is bible-speak for productivity. Many today are not interested in producing results. They just want to sing and dance in the spirit, and maybe chant for many hours. They are enticed by a hazy cloud of glory that is not grounded in reality. Understanding people’s mindsets is extremely important. Without the right mindset and drive to produce results, spiritual energy is wasted or misappropriated. Do not frustrate the grace of God upon your life.

Becoming a business-minded Christian is not about making lots and lots of money. It is about understanding that the work of the father is important. It is a commitment to getting transformative results regardless of situation or circumstances. It is about a commitment to identify any relevant KPIs and improve those numbers over time. A business-minded Christian will take a look around their world and find some business they could build inorder to make a positive impact. If you are not channeling your energy into a business right now, how is the grace of God upon you benefiting others?

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