On Hazarding Your Life For The Name Of Our Lord

The Apostles described and commended Paul as a man who hazarded his life for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 15:26). Someone who has risked their life for the sake of the gospel. In 2 Corinthians 11:25–27, Paul describes how he lived a life filled with threats and danger. Natural disasters, robbers and bandits, false teachers, and poverty are all threats he faced while advancing his mission. Paul’s passion and commitment to his work unconsciously led him to write a large portion of the Bible’s books. Today, we reflect on Paul’s ministry and recognise the difficulties, but we also believe it was worthwhile.

Your mission may be real, but you’re playing it too safe. This is not an endorsement of recklessness; in all cases, wisdom is profitable to direct. However, deep down, you know you should be doing much more than you are now. Nothing is happening because you are unable to understand what it means to risk your life for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your assignment to watch over your world and steer it in the direction God desires, requires sacrifice on your part. You must be willing to forego food, sleep, comforts, relationships, and material possessions for the sake of your mission.

Whether your mission is to eradicate illiteracy in your community, promote healthy living, or mentor and disciple the next generation, you must be prepared to make sacrifices. If your mission is important to you, you will sacrifice in order to see it succeed. Let’s reflect on what it means to lay down one’s life for their friends. Giving up personal ambitions and self-interest in order to further your God-given mission. At the end of the day, your God-given mission will provide you with more fulfilment and rewards than anything else you could have spent your time on. But it requires going the extra mile.

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