The Spiritual Strength To Crush Adversity

There are so many challenges and obstacles that individuals or organizations may face when pursuing their missions. If you’re doing important work, be sure you’ll face opposition from people and other organizations. Even if you fly under the radar, you can bet that “life” will throw some obstacles in your path. Do not live in a fantasy land where everything is always pleasant and friendly. In real life, that almost never happens. You must weigh the costs and develop the faith and resilience required to complete your mission. Without these qualities in your spirit, you are more likely to fail.

According to Proverbs 24:10 (ESV), “if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” There aren’t enough challenges and roadblocks to derail someone who has enough spiritual stamina in relation to their mission. You keep going as long as you have strength within. You must develop spiritual stamina whether you are on a missionary journey like Apostle Paul or working on groundbreaking research like Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics. There are thousands of people who fail to carry out their plans for every Apostle Paul and Gregor Mendel. Adversity shattered their spirit.

When you commit to watching your world and serving as the salt and light of your community, you are inviting soul-crushing pressure and challenges. This is a fact of life; one cannot wish or pray it away. The Bible never promises a trouble-free existence on earth for God’s elect. It rains on both the just and the unjust. As a result, you must prepare yourself for the inevitable challenges, obstacles, and adversity. Embrace the spiritual discipline that will help you cope with the demands of daily life. You only faint in the face of adversity if your inner strength is small.

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