The Power To Change Your World

It is not a far stretch to think that the Almighty God has the power to change the world. And that he can grant such powers to whosoever he wants. God can delegate authority to anyone that he wants to. He can cause someone who does not look important to become a very influential leader (See Daniel 4:17). The power to change your world is available to you. However, you need to believe and have faith. You cannot function at a higher level than what is permitted by your faith. Your level of faith and operations of faith will determine what is possible for you. We should build faith by looking unto the vast numbers of Christians that have wielded such powers.

We have an inexhaustible list of Christians that have wielded world changing power. We have examples from every century. We can list people such as Martin Luther (church reformation), Martin Luther King Jr (civil rights movement), Nelson Mandela (war against apartheid), Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton (scientific revolution). They all wielded world changing powers in their day. Even today, you still have people like Strive Masiyiwa that are actively channeling the power of God to change their world. Why stop at evangelism and church planting when you can also change the world?

God rules in the affairs of men. God can grant you the power to change your world. The first step in this direction is to understand that the Omnipotent (all-powerful) God loves your world, and that he has an opinion on how things should go.

This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “Take off your jeweled crown, for the old order changes. Now the lowly will be exalted, and the mighty will be brought down. Destruction! Destruction! I will surely destroy the kingdom. And it will not be restored until the one appears who has the right to judge it. Then I will hand it over to him. (Ezekiel 21:26‭-‬27 NLT)

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