The Productivity Game

Pay attention to the productivity of your world, and the economics of your world would take care of itself. The word “economy” seems to carry an air of complexity nobody understands. However, at root of it, the economy of a people-group is a discussion about their productivity. Productivity should be a word that resounds with you as a watchman. That’s because we know that the God of the bible wants us to be productive. God blessed mankind in the beginning, charging us to be fruitful, multiply and have dominion over the physical world (Genesis 1:28). The word “productivity” in our days is the word that best captures the spirit of the word “fruitfulness” in the bible.

A lot of African countries believe that because of their population and natural resources, they should be entitled to a rich economy. However, this is not true. The United Arab Emirates has a population of around ten (10) million people. Their Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a measure of the productivity of a nation, was $402.9 billion in 2021. This is in sharp contrast to a country like Nigeria whose estimated two hundred (200) million people could only produce $440 billion in 2021. This is a very low rate of productivity. Your large population gives you leverage only if you find a way to improve their productivity. A large population without productivity is an economic disaster.

Economic recovery and growth requires more than prayers, fasting, positive confession and sowing a seed of faith. Economic matters require you to do all of that, then settle down to look for ways of improving the productivity of the people. We should focus on the fundamentals. At the heart of any economy is the productivity of the people. Chasing money and societal status without any regards for genuine productivity is a real problem we have to confront in places like Nigeria. You should not be content to daydream about fancy cars, you also have to think about how you can boost your productivity enough to afford it. Our economy will not improve until we approach it as a productivity problem, and not a spending problem.

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