Building your vision from nothing (3)

One thing that separates the dreamers from true visionaries is how the former tends to complain about their lack of resources. This lack ultimately will make them abandon the vision and settle for something lesser. The one that triumphs understand that there is never going to be a time when one would have everything needed to get the job done. Dreamers fantasize about their ideas and the impact it could have, but are not ready to submit to the rigour required to make it happen for real. Real visionaries are spiritually and mentally ready to birth their visions from nothing. This is a core skill every visionary must master. 

We need to separate fact from fiction. It is not helpful to conclude that visionaries actively building out their vision every single day is due to the fact that they have the money. Thinking they succeed simply because they have money is insulting to the resilience, doggedness and ingenuity they display every day. It is not about having money upfront. You have to focus more on the unlimited potentials that exist spiritually over the limited resources you can see at the moment. You need faith – that unabashed confidence that overtime you’ll be able to convert more of that spiritual grace and power as you press forward with gratitude, in prayer and meditation. 

The secret to building out your heavenly vision is to learn to lean more on the spiritual and superimpose that abundance mindset upon this physical realm. You need to realize that visions originate from a source where there is no scarcity or poverty, and one must consistently be in tune with that source for optimal performance. Prioritize spiritual activities and understand that it is more important than anything you do physically. When you engage in spiritual activities like thanksgiving, prayer, reading, thinking and meditation, you will notice how much better you will get at planning and execution of your plans. 

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