Daily Devotionals

Rethinking Your Relationship With God

Prior to the arrival of Christianity, most religious beliefs were centred on appeasing the gods. Mortals are frequently portrayed as little more than the playthings of the gods. Gods can whisk them away from danger just as easily as they can throw them into it. There were no obvious reasons for the gods’ actions. People’s suffering was unimportant to these gods. Because the gods could, they bullied and frustrated us. With this backdrop, you can see why people were obsessed with finding “power.” Anything that might provide a sense of security and stability. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, changed all of that.

It’s easy to overlook the profound changes Jesus brought about in our relationship with the divine. The spiritual was feared before the time of Jesus. Then Jesus brought about a radical transformation. He revealed the Almighty God as a Father. The Father of all spirits. Nobody ever referred to God as Father in the Old Testament. Jesus taught us that love is greater than law. We no longer had to fear the divine; instead, each of us could now develop a personal relationship with God. You must stop viewing God as a vengeful, sadistic being who must be appeased.

You must renew your mind and reinforce the concept of God as your father. God loves you and desires the best for you. Rethink your relationship with God. John 1:12 (ESV) says, “but to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” Stop thinking that your offerings and burnt sacrifices will appease your gods. Stop thinking like a forgiven sinner who now has to work hard to avoid going back to prison. Accept the central concept of Jesus’ gospel: you are a child of God.

Why Don’t You Take On The World?

You have the power to change the world. Fear is the only reason you withdraw. You could be putting out fires in your world. But, out of fear, you hide your light under a bushel. Every single day, you are content to complain about the situation. While making excuses for your inability to take action. Others in your community have long accepted their fate. They no longer notice the problems. But you won’t be able to. If you cannot stop thinking and talking about it, why don’t you do something about it? Why not take on the world?

Across all of time and history, God has partnered with humans to effect great change. We remember them today for their significant contributions to society. They applied their knowledge and skills to some of history’s most difficult problems. They did not simply complain about the situation; instead, they took action and made a difference. This is the story of Bible characters such as Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and Deborah. It tells the story of those who worked to end slavery. The story of those who fought for women’s rights and established a just society.

You should take their example. Right now, you can be the salt and light of your world. It all comes down to selecting the appropriate level for your work. You could either hide your light under a bushel or place it on a hill, where it belongs. The first step is to recognise God’s will for your community. Your conviction will grow as you pray and interact with your community. Then you must be strong and courageous. Your decision to confront your world with the heavenly vision will be met with fierce resistance. However, you will be regretful if you do not use your gift for the betterment of your world.

Christian Values in the Global Drug Market

India is the world’s largest supplier of low-cost generics, vaccines, and affordable medicines. It is one of the largest drug producers in terms of both value and volume. Pharmaceuticals are exported from India to over 200 countries and territories. Today, India has earned the title of “Pharmacy of the World.” However, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is not without its challenges. Bloomberg reported in April 2023 that its generic cough syrups had killed dozens of children in the previous six months, its eye drops had caused blindness, and its chemotherapy drugs had been contaminated.

On the one hand, we should applaud India for successfully channelling its large population into productivity. India excels at putting its people to work. Every year, India exports more software than Nigeria exports crude oil. Human capital is the foundation of software. Crude oil is a naturally occurring deposit. This demonstrates which country has been the most productive. The drug scandals, on the other hand, highlight the importance of morals and a guiding ethical framework for people. We are called as Christians to love and care for our neighbours, which includes ensuring that the products we manufacture and distribute are safe and beneficial to others.

India is the country with the largest number of US Food and Drug Administration-compliant pharmaceutical plants. This is a great achievement. However, without people who are committed to doing things ethically, it is meaningless. The Bible teaches us the value of human life and how we should put the well-being of others ahead of our own selfish interests. As a result, products from countries with a reputation for having a society based on Christian ideals are more trusted. People are willing to pay a premium for greater trust. Do not compromise ethics as the productivity of your world rises. Cheaper Indian drugs are useless if we can’t trust them.

Translate Your Vision Into Specific Goals

The most significant impediment to economic growth is a lack of clarity about your objectives. When your goals are unclear, you waste a lot of time and energy. If you have a well-defined goal, you are already halfway there. Ponder on this passage from Proverbs 4: 25-27 (ESV): “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.” In the socioeconomic circumstances of your world, you are capable of doing miracles. All you need is a clear goal.

Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, had a clear goal of making automobiles affordable and accessible to the masses. His vision led to the development of the assembly line and mass production techniques. This revolutionized the automotive industry and contributed to economic growth by creating jobs, increasing production efficiency, and making cars more affordable for the general public. This case study highlights the importance of having clear goals in driving economic growth and success. You need a well-defined vision and goals to provide a sense of direction, motivation, and focus.

Many well-meaning individuals fail to generate the significant economic growth they want for their community. They fail because the big vision was never translated into specific, attainable goals. A simple, well-articulated goal is required. It will result in significant accomplishments and have a significant impact on the economy and society as a whole. Do whatever is necessary to achieve the desired results. Set your goals and get to work. How many disciples do you need? How many hectares of farmland would make a difference? How many products do you need to produce this year to meet your goals?

Empowered To Win At The National Level

The Good News Translation renders Hebrews 11:33 as follows: “Through faith they fought whole countries and won. They did what was right and received what God had promised.” There is a level of faith in God that allows you to solve massive and important problems. A level of faith that keeps you going in the face of adversity. The kind of faith that never fails to achieve a goal. This kind of faith is required for you to succeed in your mission to guide your world towards a better future.

Strive Masiyiwa faced protracted troubles in Zimbabwe before he could establish Econet Wireless, one of the largest telecommunications companies in Africa. Masiyiwa had to fight for years to obtain a license to operate a mobile telecommunications network in Zimbabwe. The government at the time had a monopoly on the telecommunications industry and was resistant to issuing new licenses. The government was known for interfering in the operations of businesses. Masiyiwa was constantly at odds with government officials who attempted to stifle his business operations. Not to mention the prevailing economic crisis. Strive Masiyiwa won by remaining focused on his faith.

A never-failing God is offering you the full might of heaven. What would you use this kind of assistance for? If you can let go of your fears, and embrace faith in God, you will see clearly. Your work has the potential to reach a much larger number of people. Your good works have the potential to transform your country. But the opposition you will face melts your heart. So, can you draw inspiration from our Biblical heroes such as Gideon, David, Samuel, and others? Why not draw inspiration from Strive Masiyiwa’s situation in Zimbabwe?

Empowered For An Important Mission

What about taking a hint from the inspired words of Prophet Jeremiah? “Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms” (Jeremiah 51:20 KJV) The big idea here is that God has empowered you for impact on a nationwide scale. This passage demonstrates how God can use people to have a national impact. He can use you to effect significant changes in your country. When we come to God with our cap in hand, ready to serve. We must remember the scale and scope of what is possible.

Jesus Christ commanded that you serve as the salt of the earth. That you illuminate your world. Jeremiah emphasises that you have the potential to be God’s battle axe, a weapon of war. These descriptions have a sense of scale to them. These words are intended to convey a sense of importance. God has already empowered you for something greater than yourself. However, you are not taking your work seriously. You are not doing enough work to make a nationwide impact. Your assignment’s scope has been reduced. Your spiritual mission has been reduced to a hobby.

You are clearly unaware of your own potential. You enjoy whining about how bad things are in your world. Yet, you refuse to embrace your positive mission and ensure that you expand your reach. You must shift your focus away from survival. Your gifts are not for your personal entertainment. Be concerned with becoming the person who steers their world in the direction that God desires. How many people do you need to reach in order to have an impact on the world? How much effort would it take to make a difference in your country?

Empowered To Solve Important Problems

Psalms 92:10 is rendered as follows in The Passion Translation: “Your anointing has made me strong and mighty. You’ve empowered my life for triumph by pouring fresh oil over me.” Your new life in Christ empowers you with the ability to make anything happen in the world around you. Jesus Christ taught us that with God, all things are possible. (Be careful not to misread this as “with God, all things are easy”, that is not implied in the Bible). If your God can enable you to achieve any goal. Why don’t you try for something important but seemingly impossible to achieve?

Noah built an ark and was saved from the destruction of the world. Moses parted the Red Sea and led his nation across. Peter preached a single sermon and three thousand people experienced a change of heart on the spot. We see a pattern of God using humans to carry out his plans in the world. The Apostle James stated that these people were just like us (James 5:16-17). They were able to accomplish great things, however, by becoming in tune with God’s power. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine what you could accomplish if you learn to tap into this great power.

If a God that can never fail offers to give you the backing you need. What would you ask him to back you for? You need to change your perspective from yourself and towards the larger plan of God. Stop thinking about asking for money, houses and cars because he knows you already need those things (Matthew 6:30-34). Start thinking about the biggest problems that plague your world, and how God could use you to fix them. You can identify the biggest problems with religion, culture, economy or governance. And God can empower you to solve those problems.

Collaborate For Success

We all have times in our lives when we are overconfident in our abilities and believe we can do everything on our own. However, regardless of how gifted or talented we are, we all require the assistance of others in order to reach our full potential. This is a lesson you will wish you had learned earlier in life. You truly believe that you are capable of accomplishing anything on your own. You have all of the solutions. You don’t require anyone else’s assistance or direction. But as time passes, you realize you were mistaken.

For one to succeed in life, one needs more than just talent and aptitude. You’ll need a variety of viewpoints. Moreover, you must make use of the wisdom that comes from other people’s experiences. A lot of things about success are counter-intuitive. You would be unaware of this if you refused to collaborate with others. If you examine the most successful people throughout time and history. Cooperation and collaboration will be evident at every turn. You rarely have enough knowledge and resources to accomplish great things on your own. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.”

You might not realize it now, but your insistence of doing everything alone is hurting you. Without the need for scrutiny, much of your work is selfish and self grandiose. It makes no attempt to impact or help anyone else. People cannot relate to your goals. Collaboration makes your work more social and accessible. You can accelerate your progress and achieve your goals much faster than you ever thought was possible. When you design your work in a way that encourages collaboration with others, you unlock a vast pool of productivity and rewards. That is the power of collaboration: when everyone works together, everyone achieves more.

How To Become Rich Without Losing Your Soul

Measuring your productivity by your income is a bad idea. Not all productive activities can be (or should be) measured in monetary terms. Thinking about your productivity in terms of how much money you make might pervert your creative energy. You will lose your sense of beauty, truth and craftsmanship. Maintaining a sense of what is good, beautiful and true is important. The money and riches mean nothing when the soul is corrupted. “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul?” (Mark 8:36‭-‬37 ESV)

Having said that, productivity should be quantifiable and measurable in some way. You must keep track of your productivity. To provide you with a sense of progress and growth. So you can look back and determine whether you are progressing in your life’s mission or not. In the beginning, God blessed mankind and declared that we would be fruitful. Jesus desires that we live fruitful lives. What constitutes fruitfulness (productivity) varies by tree. An orange tree that bears apples cannot be called fruitful. You must be clear on the exact kind of productivity that your Lord expects from you.

So, what level of productivity does the Lord demand from you this season? What is the unit of measurement for your productivity? What will you choose to count? An author publishes books. An architect designs buildings. A teacher teaches. We should count books for authors, classes for a teacher and buildings for an architect. A bountiful harvest awaits the hardworking farmer who is focused on productivity. If you do your best work that glorifies God, the income and money will take care of themselves. However, if you continue to put money ahead of true productivity, you will lose your way.

Freedom From the Depressing News Articles

The headlines from across Western Africa paint a bleak picture of the future. Several geopolitical issues are fueling uncertainty and complicating planning. The news from the rest of the world isn’t much better. In March 2023, Russia’s war on Ukraine marked its one-year anniversary. All of this is neither edifying nor uplifting. You can never be too careful with your news and media consumption. You must be mindful of what you read, listen to, and watch. Our actions are determined by our thoughts. And the media we consume shapes our thoughts. You should be more cautious with the media.

The main problem with mainstream news is that it focuses on bad news. It is not entirely the fault of the media. Bad news is more popular and sells more than good news. There is an incentive for news organisations to report the worst of what they can find rather than the good news that they do find. The Nigerian presidential elections in 2023 were marred by widespread disinformation campaigns. In which fake news was constantly spread on social media in order to smear the credibility of several leading candidates. Constant exposure to such media will cause you to despair and lose hope. They take away your future.

Jesus said to his disciples, “Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you–and more [besides] will be given to you who hear” (Mark 4:24 AMP). Give thought and study the truth. Stop consuming fake news that flies on social media. Invest in a good education and then seek to understand economic trends. Ignore news headlines and viral posts. You will perform better if you seek to understand trends and major issues in your industry.

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