Empowered To Solve Important Problems

Psalms 92:10 is rendered as follows in The Passion Translation: \”Your anointing has made me strong and mighty. You’ve empowered my life for triumph by pouring fresh oil over me.\” Your new life in Christ empowers you with the ability to make anything happen in the world around you. Jesus Christ taught us that with God, all things are possible. (Be careful not to misread this as \”with God, all things are easy\”, that is not implied in the Bible). If your God can enable you to achieve any goal. Why don\’t you try for something important but seemingly impossible to achieve?

Noah built an ark and was saved from the destruction of the world. Moses parted the Red Sea and led his nation across. Peter preached a single sermon and three thousand people experienced a change of heart on the spot. We see a pattern of God using humans to carry out his plans in the world. The Apostle James stated that these people were just like us (James 5:16-17). They were able to accomplish great things, however, by becoming in tune with God\’s power. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine what you could accomplish if you learn to tap into this great power.

If a God that can never fail offers to give you the backing you need. What would you ask him to back you for? You need to change your perspective from yourself and towards the larger plan of God. Stop thinking about asking for money, houses and cars because he knows you already need those things (Matthew 6:30-34). Start thinking about the biggest problems that plague your world, and how God could use you to fix them. You can identify the biggest problems with religion, culture, economy or governance. And God can empower you to solve those problems.

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