Daily Devotionals

Thou Shall Not Overpromise But Underdeliver

You must learn that if you are to succeed in your mission, you must put in the effort. It is common to underestimate the amount of work required to keep your promises. At the end of the day, you realise you overpromised but underdelivered. Jeff Bezos wrote in a 1997 letter to Amazon shareholders, “When I interview people, I tell them, ‘You can work long, hard, or smart, but you can’t choose two out of three at Amazon.com’.” Here’s something to think about: how much effort will it take to keep our promises?

Because of the greed, lust, and immaturity in the world around you, it is acceptable to overpromise but underdeliver. However, you must rise above that. You are called to a higher standard than the norm in your world. In Romans 12:2, the Bible warns us not to conform to the behaviours and customs of a mediocre world. As a result, you should not imitate those who exaggerate their accomplishments. They’ve never put in enough time or resources to produce excellent results. They simply lie about their actual outcomes. Your work should reflect the righteous nature of God. Do not seek results you are unwilling to work for.

Apostle Paul told Timothy to “practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress” (1 Timothy 4:15 ESV). You must be willing to let your result do the talking. This is only possible if you shut up and immerse yourself in your work. This is a spiritual principle: those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! (Psalm 126:5). If you want the shouts of joy during your harvest season, you have to work hard. Working for as long as you can, as hard as you can while being smart about it. There is no other way to deliver.

Influence The Beliefs And Thinking Of Your World

A true watchman should keep an eye on the prevalent religious beliefs in their community. The state of your world reflects the beliefs of its inhabitants. And the core values they uphold. From thoughts come actions. Thoughts are shaped by our beliefs and religious identities. Therefore, it is impossible for you to say that your goal is to lead us to a better future while disregarding what people are thinking. And the religious beliefs that are responsible for thinking that way. There is no long lasting change without a change in beliefs and thought.

A look at religious trends is interesting. A 2019 report by the Pew Research Center reported that Nigeria, which has the sixth-largest Christian population in the world (87 million), also has the world’s fifth-largest Muslim population (90 million). They project that by 2060, Nigeria will be home to 174 million Christians (37.2% of the projected population for 2060). While some 283 million Nigerians will identify as Muslims (60.5% of the projected population for 2060). This is really fascinating. The future’s not set in stone, so it is only a projection. However, it provides a clear picture of what is possible.

A person’s religious leaning or lack of religion is central to their self-identity. You must stop being indifferent to people’s religious beliefs. This does not imply forcing your religious beliefs on others. And, regardless of the circumstances, violence should never be used to advance religion. You simply state the truth that you know, live it every day, and let others form their own opinions. This is not even about Christianity versus Buddhism or Judaism. There are a lot of vile and evil Christian cults out there. It is about promoting a productive religion that glorifies God.

Your Religion and Your Economy

The state of your personal economy is a reflection of your beliefs. The economic state of your world is a reflection of the dominant religious beliefs of your world. The economy is a reflection of the productivity of a people. However, religious beliefs of the people play a significant role in determining the types of jobs they hold. And how hard they are prepared to work. Religion has an impact on how productive people can be. This in turn reflects in the economy. Remember that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”. (Proverbs 14:34 ESV)

It is critical that you understand the connection between religious beliefs and productivity. Certain religious beliefs promote high levels of creativity and productivity. Israel has been dubbed the “Startup Nation” due to its high concentration of startups and tech companies. The country’s religious nature has played a role in its success as a startup hub. Many Israelis are deeply religious. Having a strong sense of community and social responsibility. This has led to the development of a unique business culture. A culture that values collaboration and teamwork over individual achievement. Their culture of education, innovation and entrepreneurship are shaped by their religious beliefs.

In the Book of Genesis, God blessed mankind and declared that we would be fruitful. Any religion that does not empower people to operate at their creative, and productive best is not consistent with the nature of God. If an entity like Nigeria, which claims to be religious, is struggling economically, it is an indication that the religion practiced there is perverted. A society in which there is no sense of righteousness or justice. Everyone is doing whatever they think is right in their own eyes as long as money is made. This is the source of poverty across African nations.

What Numbers Do You Want To See?

What is the most important outcome of your mission? What do you want your future to be like? You must create an ambitious goal for the future you want and then pursue it. If you believe in your mission, you should care enough to do the work required for a great outcome. In the words of Henry Ford, “whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” The future is entirely up to you. It’s fine if you decide to start a $10,000-a-year business. It is also possible to build a $20 million per year business.

The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has created a “Vision 2032”. It is hoped that by 2032, the church will have at least 40 million members. For aggressive church growth, RCCG is renowned. A decision that receives both support and criticism in equal measure. Because they genuinely believe in their mission, the church continues to set ambitious growth goals. They believe that more churches make the world a better place. This is why the church continues to strive for expansion and to fulfill its mission. Why aren’t you championing your mission every day if it’s genuine and has the potential to make a difference in your community?

Clarity is the first step towards creating a better futuristic picture for yourself. A confused person is unable to concentrate on anything in particular. Matthew 6:22 (AMP) says, “The eye is the lamp of the body; so if your eye is clear [spiritually perceptive], your whole body will be full of light [benefiting from God’s precepts].” You’ll be able to determine what works within the context of your mission once you have clarity on it. You cannot manage your mission if nothing is measured. So, you must decide what you will measure. As a result, expansion becomes a matter of increasing your numbers.

Run Your Mission With Bold Outcomes In Mind

The past is real. The present is the culmination of your past. As for the future, you can make it up. The future has not been written and does not exist. The future of your family, career, or vocation is entirely up to you. Your world’s future is entirely up to you. You’re the only person who can determine what your future will look like. Your past is gone; past results do not guarantee future performances. You have to imagine the most optimistic scenario for your God-given mission. And act as if everything God told you is true.

One morning, a certain Bill Gates told himself he would embark on a mission to place a computer on every desk and in every home. Gates was making up the future outcome he wanted. A world where all offices and homes had computers. This was a time when most people saw little need for computers. If you look around today, you will see that Bill Gates won. If the future is whatever you make it, why not create an outcome that benefits and empowers you? Run with the most audacious outcomes your mind can conceive.

Your success yesterday does not guarantee your success today. Furthermore, yesterday’s failure will not prevent you from succeeding today. So, can we all agree that your past experiences aren’t as important as the possibilities ahead? Shimon Peres once said, “People prefer remembering to imagining. Memory deals with familiar things; imagination deals with the unknown. Imagination can be frightening – it requires risking a departure from the familiar.” You must learn to imagine rather than remember. Pray that the Holy Spirit will assist you in understanding the future that God has freely given to you (1 Corinthians 2:12). Every day, work with that mental image.

Create Value in the Marketplace

You must learn and master the art of creating value with your gifts. Your spiritual and creative abilities were not bestowed upon you for your own amusement. There are various kinds of gifts, but the Holy Spirit is the source of all of them. And according to 1 Corinthians 12:7 (ESV),”To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” As you can see, no one is anointed for themselves. Whatever exceptional abilities you may possess are not a privilege. It’s a gift you use for the greater good.

You owe it to your community to develop your gift. Seek out the necessary knowledge, discipline and training required to maximize your gift. Ezra prepared himself and he got his big chance to make a difference in his nation (Ezra 7:1-10). You have to exercise your God-given creativity to create value in the global marketplace. Every book, song, work of art, economic policy, science, and technology in the world originated somewhere. It’s now your turn to look within and create something tangible. Develop the mindset that the key to solving certain problems in your world lies within your spirit.

Your creative, spiritual gifts should have a tangible impact on the physical world with which we interact on a daily basis. A careful reading of the Bible reveals that spiritual gifts have always been used to achieve superior results on the physical side of things. Moses did not feed the Children of Israel with a spiritual or metaphorical manna. Manna was real food. Jesus immediately raised Lazarus from the dead; he did not simply promise a better afterlife. Your spiritual gift should produce something valuable. Something tangible, and quantifiable. Something that can be independently verified. Apply your spiritual intelligence to problems around you.

The Feedback You Need For The Results You Want

If you are not happy with the kind of results you have in your life right now. You should think about where you get your validations. Who is it that validates your efforts and results? Where are you looking for validation? Your current situation is a reflection of your current capacity and productivity. If you are not fundamentally satisfied with it, it means there is still work to be done. The problem is that you are not being properly evaluated for your work. This could be because you evaluate your own work. Or you’re seeking validation in the wrong places.

Apostle Paul warns in Romans 12:3 (ESV), “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.” There is the danger of forming an opinion of oneself that does not correspond to reality. Overstating your capabilities and attempting to operate at a level for which you are not trained or equipped. This is why we should ask trusted outsiders to examine and evaluate our work.

It is difficult to perform a task and evaluate the results on your own. Get used to receiving high-quality feedback on your mission. Remember: it is better for a person to hear the rebuke of the wise than to hear the song of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:5). Here’s something you must do. Look for two to three people that know you in destiny. People with sound judgment and the ability to evaluate your situation objectively. Ask them if there is anything they would love to tell you but believe you aren’t ready to hear. Allow them to express themselves freely and without interruption. You will learn a lot.

Your False Beliefs Are Holding You Back

The life you’re living right now is a direct result of the beliefs you hold right now. Jesus said, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” (Mark 9:23). This reveals to you that your potential is limited only by your belief. You cannot believe God in areas where you haven’t heard the word because it is written that “faith comes by hearing.” Despite the fact that we all worship the same God. It is obvious that our understanding of God is not the same. This implies that some people lack the knowledge they need to believe in God for certain things.

We all have different levels of faith in God. For instance, some Christians think that depending on medical care is sinful. As a result, they would never go to a doctor if they became ill. They will only rely on prayer. Then they either recover naturally or make peace with their death. Some people believe that Satan has complete control over the world. And that without selling their soul to the devil, no one can have any meaningful impact on the world. These are false beliefs that are not supported by the Holy Bible.

You must imitate the belief systems of people who achieve the results you do not. For example, if you want to be a scientist. Avoid the Christian who believes that science contradicts God’s will. Avoid those who believe that all scientists must be atheists. Seek out individuals who are both scientists and religious. Look for excellent examples to imitate as a Christian (1 Corinthians 11:1). If no one in your Christian community is producing the desired results, look into other Christian communities. You do not have to settle for mediocrity.

Find Your Place Amongst The Stars

You can find your place amongst the stars or settle down into the dust. In either case, you are a child of God. Abraham, the father of our faith, was promised as many descendants as the stars in the sky. Another time, the promise was that the descendants would be as numerous as the sands on the beach. In Galatians 3, it is established that the blessing of Abraham is the gift of the Holy Spirit. If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise (Galatians 3:29). You get to choose which class of heirs you want to be a part of.

From Psalm 113:7‭-‬8 (ESV), “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes, with the princes of his people.” We see here that God can make a prince out of anybody. The Bible contains numerous examples of this. From Joseph in Egypt to Gideon in Israel and the Apostles in the New Testament, there is a story for everyone. There is a long list of Christians today who are manifesting the life of God within them as if they were a star in the sky.

Look up at the sky and consider your place among the stars. Don’t just look down and worry about your position in the dirt. You have the ability to operate at a higher level. This is not about seeking a social status or office that appears to be important. It is about having the passion and making the commitment necessary to operate at a higher level of productivity. How much effort would you put in to find your place among the stars? Have you already made your home in the dirt? Today is an excellent day to reconsider your position.

The Business You Build

Russell Brunson says, “The life you want, the marriage you want, the family you want are all going to be fuelled by the business you build.” This is in agreement with Proverbs 24:27 (ESV), “Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house.” The Living Bible renders it this way, “Develop your business first before building your house.” Daydreaming about the big things you would like to do in life is easy. But eventually you must answer the question, “How are you going to finance your vision?” You must build a business that will fuel the life you desire.

Your vision will require funding. And expecting to fund your vision with someone else’s money is not a very smart strategy. You must earn your own money. Build a business in order to fund your vision. Sam Altman forsaw that as technology advanced, artificial general intelligence (AGI) would become a reality. He knew the tool could do enormous good but could also be a destructive weapon. Sam co-founded OpenAI with the goal of responsibly bringing AGI to the world. Initially, he established OpenAI as a non-profit organization. When he couldn’t raise enough funds as a nonprofit, he restructured the initiative to become more business-like. OpenAI then went on to create ChatGPT.

You can imagine any kind of life you want. As long as you are prepared to fuel it with a sustainable business. It is irresponsible to expect others to pay for your lifestyle. You are free to imagine whatever impact you would like to have on the world. As long as you can create a viable business to support such a grandiose vision. To have an impact on your world, you must have economic power. Build a business that matches the vision you have. Throw out the idea of being generous with other people’s money.

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