Daily Devotionals

An Opportunity To Complain About Falling Educational Standards?

This week, there was a lot of talk about the 2024 UTME exams in Nigeria. A staggering 76% of those who took the exam scored less than 200. The figure 200 is significant because it represents half of the total possible score. This has given people an opportunity to complain about falling educational standards. And it has given some reason to complain about how social media and technology are making young people less intelligent. But these simple explanations miss the bigger picture. There are deeper issues at play that need to be addressed.

A significant problem is the lack of action taken to address this issue. Many prophecies and visions remain unfulfilled because people aren’t responding as they should. Merely having dreams and plans isn’t enough if no practical steps are taken to achieve them. Despite many Nigerians being passionate about improving education, little progress is being made. Countless others receive prophecies and revelations but fail to act upon them. Real change requires deliberate, massive action. Merely complaining about falling academic standards won’t bring about the necessary change. It’s time for concrete steps to improve education for young people.

It’s time for action. Each of us has a role to play in improving educational standards in our communities. Whether it’s mentoring a single student to excel in their exams, organizing study groups, or volunteering with organizations focused on academic excellence, every effort counts. Move beyond online complaints and take tangible steps to make a difference. You can inspire and empower the people around you to succeed. It’s not enough to talk about the problem; you must commit yourself to be part of the solution. Let’s commit to action and work towards a brighter future for our youth.

Channel Your Energy Into Business

The spiritual life empowers us for exploits. As the Bible says, “those that know the Lord their God will be strong, and they will do exploits.” The spiritual life opens up so much power, grace, and possibilities for us. The big question is: “What will you do with this energy?” It is important to be business-minded and to direct your energy towards productive endeavours. After all, God-given energy should be focused on God-given missions. Do not emulate those who are spiritual solely for the purpose of being spiritual. They’re unproductive. They lack understanding and are not business-oriented.

The goal of the spiritual life is not to sit in isolation and count the angels. The goal is to be fruitful. And fruitfulness is bible-speak for productivity. Many today are not interested in producing results. They just want to sing and dance in the spirit, and maybe chant for many hours. They are enticed by a hazy cloud of glory that is not grounded in reality. Understanding people’s mindsets is extremely important. Without the right mindset and drive to produce results, spiritual energy is wasted or misappropriated. Do not frustrate the grace of God upon your life.

Becoming a business-minded Christian is not about making lots and lots of money. It is about understanding that the work of the father is important. It is a commitment to getting transformative results regardless of situation or circumstances. It is about a commitment to identify any relevant KPIs and improve those numbers over time. A business-minded Christian will take a look around their world and find some business they could build inorder to make a positive impact. If you are not channeling your energy into a business right now, how is the grace of God upon you benefiting others?

We Start By Echoing Those Who Taught Us

A young preacher, anxious after being told he sounded just like his mentor. Seeking clarity, he turned to his older, wiser counterpart. The seasoned preacher chuckled at the notion and reassured him. “We all start by echoing those who taught us,” he explained. “Your voice will naturally evolve as you grow and learn. Your task now is to immerse yourself in study, prayer, and practice. Your originality will emerge in due time, just as it did for every preacher before you.” It is completely normal to feel pressured to be unique and original from the start. However, this is unnecessary pressure. Everyone starts by copying and imitating someone else.

The most important thing you need to do is define your mission. What exactly are you hoping to accomplish here? What specific problem would you like to solve? Over time, seven mountains of influence have been identified and documented; which one would you like to climb? Are you interested in business, arts/entertainment, media, government, family, education, or religion? Simply choose the one that resonates most with your soul and get started. As you pray, study, think, and meditate, your mission becomes more clear. Embrace the journey of growth and development, knowing that your authenticity will naturally emerge as you continue to watch your world as best you can.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 reminds us that there is nothing new under the Sun. Everything you’re doing now, and everything you’ll ever do, has been tried before, with varying degrees of success. If you want to succeed in life, start by looking for the most successful ideas that align with your mission and copying them. If your mission is related to education, you do not need to pray or fast before deciding to work in a school. Stop wasting valuable time and research the most successful people and organizations that align with your mission. Then copy.

How To Advance With Your Groundbreaking Mission

So you’re on this big and bold mission. A divine mission that is greater than you. Your first thought may be to reflect on how special you are for this mission to have chosen you. And now you may be unsure of how to best implement this. So you spend your days daydreaming. Thinking about how to approach your extremely important mission, which no one has ever attempted before. But here’s the truth: Countless others have walked similar paths before you, each with their own stories of triumph and struggle. What if you could tap into their wisdom?

Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun”. There is nothing on your mind right now, no grand mission that no one else has taken on before. Nothing is new. What we have are people having experiences and ideas new to them. Embarking on a significant mission can be intimidating, but here’s a reassuring fact: you’re not alone. If you want to advance your mission faster, look for and study those who have gone before you.

Imagine the insights you could gain, the pitfalls you could avoid, and the strategies you could implement. By humbly acknowledging that you are part of a legacy of courageous souls, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and guidance that will help you move forward on your divine mission with confidence and clarity. So, do yourself a favor and conduct some research. Look for biblical figures with missions similar to yours. Then look for historical and contemporary role models as well. While you may believe your mission is novel and innovative, the truth is that someone else has been doing it for more than 30 years.

Fastest Way To Channel Creativity And Spiritual Gifts Productively

Creativity opens up many doors, opportunities, and possibilities. However, many of those “opportunities” and “possibilities” may not be the best move at the time. Many of the ideas in your mind right now have already been proven not to work. It is documented that it does not work, and the reasons why have already been stated. If you continue to try everything that comes to mind, success may remain elusive. You must be honest with yourself and consider the results of your creative endeavours. How effective have your original ideas been? And what’s the best way forward?

If you want to get results in your life, career, business or whatever you spend your time on. You must start by studying what is already proven to work, and then you model it. Your first creative task is to copy what is already known to work, and then get it working in your own life. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun”.

Without the discipline and experiential knowledge that comes from working on something known to work, you will struggle with your original ideas. Hands-on knowledge helps us to streamline and channel our creativity in a productive way. If you want to accelerate your creativity, humble yourself and copy the best ideas out there. Deep down you already know that some of your ideas are not good. Interestingly enough, you do not even know which of your ideas won’t work. Stop thinking of yourself more highly than you should (Romans 12:3). Prioritizing real world results over dreamy ideas is important for a fulfilling career.

Big Boys Cry When They Have To

Tears are a common expression of deep anguish in times of despair. When the church building collapsed after years of effort, some people mocked the pastor’s tears. However, crying has a place in the Bible. David, a man after God’s own heart, wept bitterly in the face of tragedy, seeking solace and guidance from the Lord (1 Samuel 30:3-6). Jesus shed tears at Lazarus’ death, demonstrating His humanity and compassion (John 11:35). It serves as a reminder that crying is a normal response to pain and loss, allowing us to process our emotions and seek comfort.

While spirituality is vital, we mustn’t neglect our humanity. We often associate strength with bottling up emotions. But suppressing tears can hinder healing. Crying allows us to process pain, release stress, and connect with our vulnerability. Just as a thunderstorm clears the air, tears can cleanse our hearts and create space for God’s comfort. Crying serves as a release, allowing pent-up emotions to be expressed and acknowledged. It doesn’t necessarily solve the problem at hand, but it offers a cathartic release, bringing a sense of relief and clarity. You are spirit, soul and body. Do not ignore the need to cry due to perceived spiritual might.

So do not be ashamed of your tears. If tears fall, don’t hold them back. Allow them to flow freely, knowing that it is acceptable to grieve and seek comfort. If your life moves quickly and you have little time to reflect and process what you’re going through, please be intentional about it. If you do not take the time to acknowledge and process your emotions, you may be preparing yourself for a more serious breakdown in the future. David cried. Jesus cried. It’s okay to cry. Let us not circumvent our emotions, but rather embrace them as part of our journey towards wholeness and resilience.

Avoiding The Sins Of The Rich Fool

Do not take the parable of the rich fool (Luke 12:16 – 21) as additional evidence that God does not want his children to be wealthy. That’s a bad takeaway lesson. What’s more likely is that the rich fool is so because he doesn’t understand stewardship. The idea is that we are all servants, endowed with spiritual gifts, creativity, graces, and more. And we must apply those resources, including our financial resources, to achieve a greater good in our communities. Anybody that does not understand this, will not have a rich relationship with God. Such a person can rightfully be described as a fool.

The Bible consistently emphasizes the importance of wise financial stewardship. Proverbs 21:20 highlights the value of saving and investing wisely. The sin of the rich fool was not that he was constructing a barn. His sin was a failure to recognise a higher purpose beyond amassing material wealth. It is important for you to understand proper financial management. It ensures you’re prepared for future needs and opportunities. It’s not about hoarding wealth but managing it responsibly, understanding that our resources are ultimately a gift from God, entrusted to us to make a positive impact.

Furthermore, generosity is a key aspect of Christian stewardship. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 encourages us, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Giving is not just about meeting needs but reflecting God’s love and provision to others. Manage your finances with wisdom and generosity, with an understanding of stewardship. You will align yourself with God’s heart and purpose for your life.

This Business Does Not Primarily Make Money

If you are in the business of changing hearts and minds, you can not judge yourself based on commercial outcomes. Commercial operations thrive by sidestepping anything the target market might frown at, misunderstand or outrightly reject. The marketer succeeds by telling the people what they want to hear, and is rewarded by their gold. The preacher is trained to tell the truth at all times as they know it. A good preacher must go about their duties without fear or favour. If your job is to change the hearts and minds of the people in your world by “preaching” to them, do not judge your mission by financial gain.

Apostle Paul changed the hearts and minds of the known world in his days. We do not think about him in terms of how much money he had or didn’t have. We rather remember him in terms of the impact he had on the world. Hebrews 13:5 offers some word of wisdom, “‭keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have.” People who change the world forever are those who operate a level that is higher than money. You cannot love money and model the truth for others at the same time.

At some point, you have to decide if you are running a commercial outfit or if you are in the “change the world” business. A commercial outfit has to compromise on truth, and avoid ruffling anybody’s feathers. The goal is to enrich your pockets by selling them what they already want. On the other hand, as an agent of God operating in the world, your topmost goal is not to make money. There should be nothing more important to you than your mission. Your mission will likely conflict with typical commercial interests and you must pick a side.

Growing Gradually Into Your Mega Business And Breakthroughs

In our modern world, there’s an ever-present push for rapid growth and instant success. The allure of immediate results tempts us to bypass the journey, aiming for shortcuts and quick wins. Why settle for slow and steady when we can aim for the big, large, spectacular and swift? But this mindset often leads to burnout and disappointment. Despite chasing these rapid achievements for years, many find themselves with little to show. It makes you dabble into several things without sticking around enough to achieve anything. It’s time to pause and reflect: is your relentless pursuit of speed hindering your long-term success and fulfillment?

Haste is waste. You have heard it said a million times that slow and steady wins the race. Rushing rarely leads to lasting achievements. Remember, even the mightiest trees grow from tiny seeds. Jesus encourages us to embrace the process in Mark 4:26-29, where He describes the Kingdom of God as growing gradually, from seed to plant to harvest. Hebrews 12:1 also advises us to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us”. Instead of seeking immediate results, embrace the journey, trusting that steady progress will lead to true success.

So, till your field with patience and avoid seeking instant gratification. Any breakthrough that occurs without true roots and a strong system in place is more likely to destroy you. Pour yourself into your business and take it one day at a time. Consider winning your first client and then seeking out five more. From there, launch a campaign to acquire a dozen new customers. With a solid understanding, you can quickly build a successful business. This is a measured and practical approach to life and business. Grow into your divine destiny.

Managing Your Expectations From The People

In our journey through life and purpose, managing our expectations from people is very important. People’s opinions and reactions can be unpredictable, and it’s essential not to let them deter you from your mission. Our Lord Jesus faced disbelief from his hometown in Mark 6:1-6. Despite their skepticism and the lack of faith, he remained steadfast and continued to spread his message. This teaches us that external doubts and criticisms shouldn’t sway our inner conviction or our commitment to our purpose. Do not change your mind about your God-given mission based on the opinion of the people.

Apostle Paul’s experience on the Island of Malta highlights this. After surviving a shipwreck but then getting attacked by a serpent, the locals thought that Paul was an evil man. They were expecting him to die. However, witnessing his resilience and survival, their perception quickly shifted. They went from expecting his demise to declaring him a god (Acts 28:4-6). This rapid change in public opinion serves as a reminder of the impermanence of people’s judgments. It underscores the importance of staying true to your mission and values, regardless of the shifting sands of public opinion.

Your worth and purpose are not defined by fleeting opinions or the shifting perspectives of others. You must learn to seek counsel from reliable sources as God directs you to them over time. You require insights and heavenly wisdom from divine sources, not the faceless mob. Staying true to our mission, regardless of external voices, ensures consistency and strength on our journey. It is not about proving others wrong, but about remaining true to our purpose and values. Failure to do so could lead to distractions and, ultimately, failure. Remember, they will first ignore you, then mock and fight you before joining you. Manage your expectations.

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